We are learning all about division in maths. We have been learning to divide numbers by sharing and grouping and are starting to find out about remainders.
We have been using maths storyboards to help us. We draw a picture to illustate the maths story and use this to work out the answer to our division problem. We are also starting to think about how we can simplify our pictures into a diagram to help too.
Click on the links to play some games to help you practise your division.
Dear P3S Superstars,
We just started learning division yesterday. We are learning long division. I wonder if story division is easier? We never knew there was such a thing as story division.
Your pals,
Brooklynn and Makayla
Techie Kids
Hi Lewis DIXON here. I’m liking it in my new school.
Hi Lewis. It is great to hear from you. We were talking about you just the other day and were wondering how you were. Keep in touch and let us know how you are. If you send us a letter we will write back!! Hope to hear from you again soon, Mrs Stewart