More planting

Careful measuring required!

Some of us visited the allotment on Tuesday with Mrs Finlayson and Mrs Stewart to plant some onions. You can see our new raised beds in the photographs.

We took our rulers and had to check that we were planting them 10cms apart.

I wonder what we will plant next?

6 thoughts on “More planting”

  1. Dear P3 Superstars,

    Hi my name is Fareena. It is great to see you planting and it’s making the earth a wonderful place.I hope those onions turn out well for you guys to eat.I wonder what your going to make with those onions?Talk to you later and I’m sure that we gave you our blog address because Ms Goodey our teacher gave it to you.

    From Fareena and 3/4G

  2. Dear P3 Supertstars

    Hi my name is Molly. I just looked at some of the pictures on your blog. I think that it is a great way for kids to learn more about vegetables.

    With all the things that you plant what will you make.

    From Molly, 3/4G
    Melbourne, Australia

  3. Dear P3 Superstars

    Hi my name is Fareena. I saw you guys planting onions. I hope they turn out well for you to eat. I wonder what you will make with those onions? Talk to you later and please try to visit our blog.

    From Fareena and 3/4G

  4. Hello Fareena
    It is great to hear from you. I believe that you have written us a postcard. We are really looking forward to receiving it.

    We are not sure what we will be making yet. Do you have any suggestions>

    The Superstars

  5. Hello Molly
    We are working hard on our planting. What do you like to eat? Thank you for visiting our blog.
    The Superstars

  6. Hi Fareena and Molly Thanks for visiting my daughters blog . Heather is having great fun going to the plot she was planting potatoes with her group. Her favourite fruit is strawberries what are your favoutites?

    Takecare from Mrs June Whyte

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