Flat Stanley is staying with Elidh this weekend but he telephoned me last night (I think he sneaked to the telephone while she was asleep) to tell me he thought he should have his own blog! He would like to put all his pictures and adventures in his own pages. I thought this was a really good idea so here is the link for Stanley’s blog:
We will move Stanley’s adventures over to his blog and keep our blog free for the other things that we will be doing in class.
What a good idea Flat Stanley had to have his own blog. I can’t believe he sneaked down the stairs and used the phone
at our house. It is a fantastic idea as it lets the children and the parents know what he is up to with all the other children. KEEP UP THE FANTASTIC WORK MRS STEWART AND P3S
I hope you didn’t mind him using your phone, Mrs Cargill. Archie has made him his own mobile phone now so hopefully it won’t happen again!
Flat Stanley coming to visit our house on wednesday we cant wait lauren already wants to make some swimming trunks for him so he can go swimming with her
Flat Stanley is looking forward to his visit already!!