Visiting the Lifeboats

Today our class took Flat Stanley to visit the RNLI in Arbroath.  We learned about the important work that the  dedicated volunteers of the RNLI do to save lives along our coasts.  Stanley was very excited because Allan, the lifeboat mechanic, had made him a special suit for his visit.

You can see the video of our trip over on Flat Stanley’s Blog.  The link is on the left of the page.

Ready for an emergency!

Getting arty!

We finished off our landscape pictures complete with sheep this week.   In our lesson, we learned that the line where the land meets the sky is called the horizon and we also talked about perspective.

 We hope that the parents who came along on Wednesday evening enjoyed looking at them. 

Painting the background.


All finished!

A busy afternoon.

This afternoon Mr Tollerton visited our class. Mr Tollerton was the Headteacher at Warddykes before Miss Deans. He now works with the education department at Arbroath Abbey.

He reminded us that not everyone could read and write in the past. We had already learned that Monks were amongst those who did learn to read and write – and that they spent a lot of time practising – just like we do at school!

He showed us how to make a seal like the ones that were used to fasten letters long ago. They would be made of wax and embossed with a picture. We made ours from plasticene! We had a really enjoyable afternoon and Stanley was interested in learning something more about life in the past in Arbroath.

Mr Tollerton shows us how to make the picture to emboss our seal.


Flat Stanley has his own blog!

Flat Stanley is staying with Elidh this weekend but he telephoned me last night (I think he sneaked to the telephone while she was asleep) to tell me he thought he should have his own blog!  He would like to put all his pictures and adventures in his own pages.  I thought this was a really good idea so here is the link for Stanley’s blog:

We will move Stanley’s adventures over to his blog and keep our blog free for the other things that we will be doing in class.