Developing the Young Workforce conference
We are very interested in construction
P4/3 phases of the moon
We worked together to build a beehive
We built a huge hive in 3D from blocks
Science week day 5
The last day of science week 😞
Today was all about the chemistry of carbon dioxide – we thought about how to create a reaction using just fizzy drinks and mento sweets. The children were challenged to think about what they wanted to test (flavour of drink, diet versus normal or number of mentos) and to come up with an experiment that was a fair test to test their predictions. We thought about what happened, and why it happened.
A huge, huge thank you to the p7/6 pupils who have grown so much over the week, running sessions, developing their questioning skills and beginning their journey as STEM leaders (more to come on this so stay tuned!).
We hope everyone has had a brilliant scientific week.
STEM ambassador visit
P7/6 are currently looking at engineering, energy and electricity for their topic this term. Today they had a fantastic visit from STEM ambassador Fiona and Steven from the Northern lighthouse board. They learned how technologies in lighthouses have changed over time and how they work, as well as looking at lights and solar panels that Fiona and Steven brought in (and getting dressed in helicopter gear!).
P5 STEM day at SAMS
P5 enjoyed a brilliant day out at SAMS thanks to Iain Fulton and the STEM team from Argyll & Bute and to Helen McNeil from SAMS for facilitating the event in a real scientific setting.
Activities included designing a ‘grab machine’ to find treasure buried under the sea and in the sea bed (super large containers); creating a short action scene in front of a green screen to make a video ‘swimming under the sea’; building Lego with moving parts and programming the devices to move to your commands; enjoying a video and discussion with a real scientist who had visited the Arctic and trying on her stuff; finally we made boats out of various random materials and the boat that held the most pennies won a visit from Mr Fulton, it was quite a tense count as you will see from the photos but Taynuilt won and we are negotiating a date for his visit to develop our STEM learning.
It was also nice to be assisted by some pupils from Oban High School including two of our former pupils Mitchell and Hayden.