Science centre visit

OnĀ  Thursday the 27th April our whole school visited the Glasgow Science Centre. Click on the Sway below to see photos from the day.

In the design Lab we created self powered vehicles.

The MacCabbra Operahouse performance

The children in P3-4-5-6&7 worked alongside the professional singers from Scottish Opera to and entertained a packed hall of mums, dads, grannies and friends with their performance. The children from Appin Primary joined us for the event and it was a good way for our P7s to make friends with children that they will be going to high school with in August.


ELC Learning to climb – P6/5 learning how to support and encourage

We are all learning lots of different skills when working together.

The young children in the ELc are learning how to use the climbing frames to climb, swing and slide. The are just getting used to these new skills and over the weeks their confidence in using the equipment has grown. To begin with some of them were not sure about being so high off the ground but with the help and encouragement of the older children they are starting to have a go.

Cheerio for now to Mrs Ralston

P6/5 Gave Mrs Ralston some lovely gifts to say thank you for being their class teacher. We all wish her well as she moves to Lochnell Primary to be the acting Headteacher there for the summer term and look forward to welcoming her back to work with us again in the autumn. .

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