P5/4 Athletics investigation and training

Together with our friends in Barcaldine we are getting ready to participate in the Local Area Athletics event.

To start off with we are working out what Athletics is and are sharing the facts that we discover to our classmates. Look out here for our presentations.

Do you know the difference between Athlete, Athletics and Athletic?

ELC Week Beginning 18.05.23

All being well we plan to hole our Sports day on Friday of this week.

The ELC children will remain in school for the morning session and will walk down to the sports field after their lunch. The traditional races and shinnanigans will take place in the afternoon. All families and the village community are welcome to attend- and can arrive anytime between 1 and 3 pm. Children will be collected from the sports field as we are not returning to school at the end of the day. Children should bring a sun hat and sunscreen as they will be outside for a long time. Cool water and ice lollies will be available for all. 

ELC Learning to climb – P6/5 learning how to support and encourage

We are all learning lots of different skills when working together.

The young children in the ELc are learning how to use the climbing frames to climb, swing and slide. The are just getting used to these new skills and over the weeks their confidence in using the equipment has grown. To begin with some of them were not sure about being so high off the ground but with the help and encouragement of the older children they are starting to have a go.

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