Backpacks for Mary’s Meals

Mrs Harden and Mrs Livingstone organised the donations that families had made over the autumn term to the backpack appeal so that the bags could be sent off to the needy children in Africa.

A total of ??? bags were sent and we received this certificate to acknowledge the generosity of the Taynuilt Primary School community.

Ben Lora Walk for Lochgoilhead Fundraiser

Well done to the kids and parents that took part in the walk up Beinn Lora on Saturday. Everyone said it was a brilliant day and parents all commented that the kids had a fantastic team spirit, encouraging and cheering each other to the summit.
The BBQ at the school after was lovely and it was great to see families from nursery to P7 come along, FOTS have been asked to do this again as it was enjoyed so much!

Ben Lora Fundraiser and Barbecue
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Lochgoilhead Info Evening

There was a good turnout of parents and children from Dalmally and Taynuilt Primaries for the information evening about our Outdoor Residential trip that is scheduled for the second week back in August.

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