Islay and Jura Primary Schools Trip to Stirling

All the P6/7 children of Islay and Jura got together for a fantastic trip to Stirling last week! New friendships were made and old ones were resurrected as the children spent four days together learning about the history of Stirling Castle, the Wallace Monument as well as enjoying the engineering wonder of the Falkirk Wheel! The views over Stirling were magnificent.

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“I hope there are many more Learning Festivals!”

“I hope there are many more Learning Festivals!”, “ It’s a great way to discover what your child is learning and being able to join in!”, “ The school was buzzing with excitement!” These were just a few of the comments from parents and friends of Bowmore Primary School. Inspired by the SECC Learning Festival, Bowmore Primary decided to hold their very own Learning Festival on May 3rd for parents to attend. This was a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to share many aspects of their learning with friends and family.

Continue reading “I hope there are many more Learning Festivals!”

Dunoon Primary School Super Samba

Dunoon Primary were treated to the super sound of Samba Drumming at assembly on Wednesday morning. The hall was filled with lots of excited children from the Pre Fives up to Primary 7s and they enjoyed a marvellous display. The performance was by a group of enthusiastic musicians who have been attending an after-school Samba club where they have been not only developing their Samba skills but also having a lot of fun!

Continue reading Dunoon Primary School Super Samba

St Joseph’s Holy Communion

Saturday 11th May was a day of massive celebration for the P4 children of St. Joseph’s Primary School and their families as the children received the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time. Rain did not dampen the spirits of the excited youngsters as they turned out in their finery for this very special day at St. Joseph’s Church. The children were ably supported by many family members and the church was full to bursting.

Continue reading St Joseph’s Holy Communion

Fuselab – creativity, science, art and engineering for 16-20 year olds

HUMANS ARE ABOUT TO POPULATE ANOTHER PLANET AND YOU COULD BE A PART OF IT. The application process for Fuselab has been extended until this Friday 17th May 2013. Anyone aged 16-20 is eligible to apply and successful applicants will be offered a travel bursary and provided with their accommodation and meals. We’re looking for 80 innovative and creative minds – scientists, artists and engineers – to help us develop a sustainable way of life, free from the constraints of the systems and structures we live by here on Earth. Challenge your thinking through Continue reading Fuselab – creativity, science, art and engineering for 16-20 year olds

New Band on the Block

A brand new after school Wind Band ”Ceol Na Cloinne”(Music of the Children) for Primary 3 & 4 children has been formed on the Isle of Islay; they meet every Friday at 4.00 pm at Islay High School and they are already making some great sounds. The young musicians come from every Primary School on the island and they really enjoy making music together.


Primary 5 pupils at St. Andrew’s Primary school have been discovering the art of Samba drumming and learning about the music and culture of Brazil. Led by their enthusiastic instructor, Stephen McNally, they showed off their new found musical skills to family and friends in an open-air concert, on Thursday 9th May.

Continue reading SAMBA!

Achahoish Jog Scotland

Well done Ben for taking part in the Inveraray Jail Break race on Sunday 12th May. He was the winner in the 6-9 Years Boy Category. We are very proud of him and thanks to Mrs Bosomworth for all the Jog Scotland training. Ben was very proud of his trophy this morning and can’t wait to spend his £5.00 voucher!

Mrs Bosomworth who works at the school and runs jog Scotland also came in 1st!

St. Andrew’s Primary School had some very unusual visitors on Friday 10th May.

As part of our Eco School programme, we invited the Zoolab team to our school. Alannah from Zoolab introduced us to Justin the snake, Mercedes and Nibbler the rats, Fluffy the tarantula and many more interesting creatures. We enjoyed getting to know the animals and found out lots about mini-beasts, classifying animals, life-cycles and food webs.

Continue reading St. Andrew’s Primary School had some very unusual visitors on Friday 10th May.

Window Boxes at Achahoish

We were given the task to create a window box each to decorate our school as part of our Playground project. We have to problem solve and use the correct measurements of the ledges. After a few hours of sawing, screwing and sweating we made sturdy boxes. We wanted to paint them to make them more attractive. Planting flowers in them was fun but we are hoping for a bit of sun now so we can water them – so far the rain clouds are doing it for us!

Tayvallich’s Medieval Mayhem!

Tayvallich Primary School and Kilmartin House Museum hosted a medieval day of fun, for their Northern Irish friends from Mill Strand Integrated Primary. We did a round robin of activities, which included medieval cooking outside (which tasted fantastic!), a tour of Dun Mhuirich (where we showed everyone the medieval house which had been discovered), made a graveslab each for a medieval soldier with clay and we learnt some Scottish Country Dancing with Mary and John Gillies (which came in useful later!). Continue reading Tayvallich’s Medieval Mayhem!

Dalintober PS Pupil Council School Menu Focus Group

Pupils from Dalintober PS recently met with Christine Boyle, Food and Nutrition Officer, to give their feedback on school menus. The pupils really enjoyed their visit from Christine, who took time to explain the need for balance across the dishes. They discussed most and least popular meals and gave some possible new ideas for inclusion in future menus.

Rhu P5 Tudor Banquet

P5 Pupils at Rhu recently celebrated the end of their Tudor topic with a Tudor banquet. There was Tudor food, music and costumes to help create a fantastic atmosphere. The children also chose their favourite part of the topic and each prepared a short presentation for their class mates. Thankfully there were no executions and the peasants and royalty got on just fine! Well done to the children for their efforts and a big thanks to the parents who helped prepare food and costumes.

Parent planning meeting at Rhu

P1 and 2 at Rhu, had a very eggciting start to the term when they discovered a giant egg in the playground. After the mysterious creature hatched, the children decided to make a study of dinosaurs. As is our practice, we talked to the children about what they knew about dinosaurs and what they might like to learn. In order to involve the parents, we sent out a letter inviting them to a planning meeting. To accommodate working parents we provided a reply box and an opportunity to email suggestions.

Continue reading Parent planning meeting at Rhu

Loghilphead Joint Campus – Fundraiser for Rainbow Valley

ON the 4th May a group of senior students and one of their teachers from Lochgilphead High School, bravely shaved their heads for charity.

The event which took place in front of the public at the Argyll Inn on Sunday was in aid of the local cancer charity, Rainbow Valley. The group of fundraisers included fifth year student Lee MacLean, fourth years Coll MacCallum and Patrick Feeney, as well as English teacher Ronnie Cameron. Continue reading Loghilphead Joint Campus – Fundraiser for Rainbow Valley

Highlands and Islands Music and Dance Festival

Kilninver Primary had great fun preparing for and taking part in the Highlands and Islands Music Festival. The Whole School including some of the staff took part in the Instrumental Ensemble, they sang and played Daydream believer .

Pre 5 and P1-3 took part in the Action Song. They dressed up as Little Peter Rabbit and had the audience in stitches with their actions to the chorus……. Powderpuff and curly whiskers. Continue reading Highlands and Islands Music and Dance Festival

Oban Schools Orienteering Competition

Grace and Hugo who are both in P4 @ Kilninver Primary were delighted to win 2nd and 3rd place at the Oban Schools Orienteering Competition. “It was so windy I went round at double speed and that is why I won 3rd.” said Hugo.

We would like to thank everyone who helped to organises this day for us – we had a great time.


On Thursday the 2nd May, John Shearer of Badminton Scotland came to the Joint Campus to present the High School with the ‘School of the Month’ award for April 2013. Jillian Gibson, Active Schools Co-ordinator, nominated the High School largely due to the success of the after school club which ‘is the most popular club currently running at the school, with over 30 pupils attending each week.’