Category Archives: PSE

P7 Young Leaders at Dalintober PS

Dalintober PS P7 Young Leaders  Football Lunch ClubP7 pupils at Dalintober have taken on the roles of Young Leaders to develop and lead a wide range of Lunchtime Clubs for all other classes in the school. The clubs are Football Skills, Dance, Space Activities, Chess, Cartoon Drawings and an Art Club. All the younger pupils are really enjoying taking part and would like to say a big thank you to the senior pupils for volunteering their time. Continue reading P7 Young Leaders at Dalintober PS

The Sunshine Room Nurture Group Farm Visit

Parklands Farm 1The Sunshine Room Nurture Group from Parklands School have been reading the novel Charlotte’s Web, to find out more about life on a farm they visited Mid Auchencarroch Farm in Jamestown. They met John the farmer who told them what life was like living and working on a farm, they got to meet a calf that was born only the day before and they learned about how to care for lambs. Continue reading The Sunshine Room Nurture Group Farm Visit

Vocal workshop at DPS

DPS Vocal Workshops 1P3, P4 and our Pre 5 pupils were delighted to take part in a Vocal Workshop, organised and led by Miss McChesney, music teacher from Dunoon Grammar School and some of her fantastic pupils! The children learned some new songs, harmonised in groups with actions and dance moves. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience. What a wonderful way to improve and add to their performance skills. An excellent opportunity to work in co-operation with enthusiastic and supportive secondary school pupils. Continue reading Vocal workshop at DPS

News Reporters Appointed at Kirn Primary

Kirn News ReportersCongratulations to Oscar, Bronte and Nathan on their success in being appointed as News Reporters in Kirn Primary.

All three P6 children (as well as many other applicants from P6) completed their application forms, then attended an interview before receiving a letter to say they had been successful. All three were very happy to accept!

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Kirn’s P6 have “the BEST time EVER” at Ardentinny

Kirn Ardentiny 1Kirn Primary’s P6 children had an amazing time at Ardentinny Outdoor Centre and in just under four days managed to rock-hop, safari on the seashore, abseil, waterfall climb, forest walk, orienteer, eat great food, disco and have the Best Time EVER! Everyone had a fantastic time and lots of happy memories to bring home.

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Respectme at Kilcreggan Primary School!

Kilcreggan gym 1Children at Kilcreggan Primary School have been working hard to respect each other. The Eco-committee presented a respectful assembly to encourage everyone to treat others as they like to be treated. They reminded us to say and do polite things and tell someone about our worries! They read ‘The Big Bag of Worries’, reminded everyone about the ‘Buddy Stop’ and encouraged everyone to try and earn a ‘Respectme’ badge.

Continue reading Respectme at Kilcreggan Primary School!

St. Joseph’s Scoop the Double…….Again!

St Joes Young Writers 1St. Joseph’s recently had a visit from Adam Muggoch and Jack Rudram of Helensburgh Rotary Club who came along to school to present prizes in the local Young Writer’s Competition. Lucy and Nelle had taken first and second place respectively in their category by writing a piece on the topic ‘ Light up the Community’. Nelle wrote a piece around family inspiring you and Lucy’s piece described how the Helensburgh foodbank brought light into the life of the community.

Continue reading St. Joseph’s Scoop the Double…….Again!

St. Mun’s Explore The Rainforest…. In Cornwall

St Muns Eden 3After scooping the coveted Eden Award, at the Rolls Royce Science Awards, held at the Science Centre in London, last November, with their Biodiversity project entitled ‘If You Go Down In The Woods Today’, the children of Primary 7, along with their teacher, set about planning the 1,100 mile round trip visit to The Eden Project, St. Austell in Cornwall.

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St. Joseph’s a Winner at Showing Racism the Red Card!

St Josephs RED CARD 1Nicholas, a P6 pupil at St. Joseph’s Primary School in Helensburgh recently attended Hampden Park with his mum and teacher, Miss Trainer for the winner’s day out following the ‘Show Racism Red Card Competition’. Show Racism the Red Card (Scotland) is a charity that promotes anti-racism through education. The aim of their campaign is to combat racism through education and the use of footballers as role models.

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Oban High’s XL Group

OHS XL Club 1Pupils from Oban High’s XL Group have been working in the Community Garden at Glencruitten run by H2O. They have been building planters to help disabled people access planting and benches for people to sit and admire the gardens. They have been working towards their Community Project for XL and their Dynamic Youth Awards for helping others in the community.

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Wonderful Oscar’s Evening at Furnace!

Furnace oscar's evening 1Furnace village hall was visited by some glittering film stars in the evening of Friday the 27th of March.

They arrived in style too, by Limousine!! This was a huge surprise to the children as the local youth club had arranged it and thankfully the parents had kept it a secret.

Continue reading Wonderful Oscar’s Evening at Furnace!

Chicks Hatched and Re-homed at St. Joseph’s!

St Joes LIVING EGGS  2‘One of the best projects our school has ever done!’….quote from one of the admiring parents as she viewed the newly hatched chicks recently at St. Joseph’s Primary School in Helensburgh. 11 fertilised eggs had been purchased by the school in the middle of March to bring alive the learning in P3 and P6 as they studied ‘The Owl Who was Afraid of The Dark’ and ‘Animals around the World’ respectively.

Continue reading Chicks Hatched and Re-homed at St. Joseph’s!

FUNdraising at St Andrew’s Primary

St Andrews Fundraising 1Our pupils have been busy using their enterprising skills to raise money for good causes:

Our Pupil Council organised a ‘Bedtime Story Day’ to mark World Book Day. We wore our pyjamas and brought in books to have a book sale. We raised £88.50 to buy new books for our school.

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A Safari round Africa -in Taynuilt!

Taynuilt Africa night 109A cold night in January became quite a bit warmer when Taynuilt Primary School invited family and friends to go on Safari around Africa!

This was the culmination of two weeks’ work learning about the countries, culture and problems of the African continent. Each class chose an aspect of Africa that they would like to learn about and, every morning they worked in groups and with their class teacher to research answers to their questions.
Continue reading A Safari round Africa -in Taynuilt!

Happy Memories in P4 at Kirn

Kirn PS memories 3Recently we read a story called Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox. The story told how a young boy (Wilfred), helped an elderly lady find the memories she thought she had lost by finding objects which help her remember her own childhood so long ago.

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Tobermory on Trial!

Tobermory Trial 2As part of their learning on Crime and Punishment, S3 Social Subjects pupils from Tobermory, recently took part in a mock trial. The canteen was set up like an authentic court room and everyone in the class had a role to play; from prosecution and defence lawyers, to the usher and court clerk. We even had our own court artists and a representative from the press. In the end, and after some convincing arguments, the defendant was found “not guilty” by the jury.

Continue reading Tobermory on Trial!

Winter Woolly Wackiness at Achaleven

The pupils and staff at Achaleven Primary had a wonderful time raising awareness and money for Save the Children on Christmas Jumper Day on 12th December.

Everyone brought in a jumper or t-shirt that could be decorated and after taking some time to perfect our designs, we glued, tinselled, glittered, painted and baubled, whilst singing songs and feeling very festive.

Continue reading Winter Woolly Wackiness at Achaleven

Dalintober P5 Oxfam ‘Bring and Buy’ Sale

P5 pupils at Dalintober PS held their annual Oxfam ‘Bring and Buy’ Sale last week and raised over £300. The class sold goods and acted as personal shoppers for the younger children. One of the highlights was the nail bar that parent helpers and Campbeltown Grammar School pupils helped with.

> Continue reading Dalintober P5 Oxfam ‘Bring and Buy’ Sale

An Early Christmas Present

Our p7 pupil, Colin, was delighted when a parcel arrived for him at school.
As part of his personal challenge work Colin has been researching ferries in the UK.
He recently wrote a letter to Caledonian Macbrayne asking for information on how to become a ferry skipper. He was very surprised to receive a package of goodies and a very detailed letter explaining the career path and even sharing some trade secrets!
We would all like to say a very big thank you to Cal Mac for this lovely early Christmas present.

‘Lots’ of News from St Andrew’s!

St Andrew’s Primary School’s Third Green Flag!
St Andrew’s Eco Committee met with Paula Love, the Eco Schools Assessor, and informed her of all the hard work put in by the pupils, staff, parents and community members to maintain the Eco School status. After an initial meeting to discuss what has been happening in our school, from weekly litter picking duties to organised days like UNICEF’s Day of Change, the Eco Committee sang our Eco Code; complete with the newly choreographed actions.
Continue reading ‘Lots’ of News from St Andrew’s!