Category Archives: PSE

World Aids Day

Pupils at Lochgilphead High School were exceptionally fortunate to welcome Katrina Mitchell from Waverley Care into school to provide HIV awareness sessions on December 1st, World Aids Day.
Katrina is a very experienced trainer and facilitator who has been involved in developing materials relating to Sexual Health and Awareness that are used across Argyll and Bute. Her presentations and workshops are tailored to suit individual schools. This work is fully funded and supported by NHS Highland. Continue reading World Aids Day


Following a competitive selection process, S6 Rothesay Academy School Captain, Marjorie Hogarth has gained a place on the prestigious Euroscola visit to Strasbourg and the European Parliament in March 2015. Marjorie will spend a week in Strasbourg and will have the opportunity to attend multilingual presentations in the parliament building alongside students from other European countries. In addition to attending debates, the students will have the opportunity to vote on European issues and gain a deeper insight into topical issues. For Marjorie who has been offered a place at university to study French this is a wonderful opportunity to develop her language skills and prepare for her future studies.

Achahoish Primary visits Bank of Scotland

Pupils from Achahoish P.S. had a wonderful visit to the Bank of Scotland in Lochgilphead, on 6th November. They were given a well-planned and very informative tour round the Bank by Lynn and Claire. Both the adults and the children enjoyed the visit and we all learned about the role a Bank plays in keeping money safe.

The most popular area of the Bank was the Safe! Lynn and Claire were very patient and answered all the children’s questions!

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DGS No-Smoking Film Claims Two National Awards

In June 2013, a number of pupils from Dunoon Grammar School joined together to create a short film to raise awareness of the dangers of smoking. The film was called ‘The Last Cigarette’ and was made by passionate drama students along with the help of David Hayman’s film company, Shooters and NHS Highland. The film originally came about because the NHS had asked the Charity Spirit Aid, also operated by David Hayman, to come up with ideas for an anti-smoking video that would be aimed at young people and would encourage them to not only stop smoking but not to start in the first place. Continue reading DGS No-Smoking Film Claims Two National Awards

Remembrance day

All of the pupils in St Columba’s Primary School and Rockfield Primary School were invited to create or design a flower in memory of someone or something special to them. Some of the designs that came in were very creative and they were used to create a Garden of Remembrance within the Assembly Hall. Both schools also came together for a Remembrance Day service which was led by Rev Dugald Cameron.


Former SPL Star Visits DGS
It’s not every day that DGS pupils can boast of being part of a football training session with a national cup winning manager – but that is exactly what happened last week, when Dylan Kerr visited the school.
Dylan enjoyed a very long and distinguished playing career, including successful spells with Leeds United and Kilmarnock.



Primary 7 of Dalintober Primary School have had a very busy start to session 2014-2015.
During September and October they have been involved in a “Smoke Free Me” presentation by Raenbow Productions, organised a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support which raised £286.73 and visited a First World War Exhibition in Campbeltown’s Heritage Centre.

Victorian’s trip

Primary Six pupils at Rhu Primary School journeyed back in time to find out what life was like for Victorian children.
The class visited New Lanark Heritage Centre, which was well-worth the slightly longer travel time. New Lanark is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and proved a perfect venue to stimulate interest in this 18th Century topic.
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Trip to Tesco

The children went on a trip to Tesco this week and this is some information about it.

The children of Clachan and Skipness Primary Schools have started their latest IDL of food and religion. They began with a WOW day which took them away from school. Tesco had invited them to spend the day in their Campbeltown shop. The children were very excited to discover that there was more the Tesco than they see when they go on their shopping trips with their parents.

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Achahoish Art Exhibition

This term our art project has been about Our Identity and what we have in Common. During this learning we took lots of photographs of our favourite things at school – in the class room and the playground – and at home. We took photos of our families, our toys, our pets and our bedrooms.

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Skipness and Clachan Schools News

Wee Cup of Tea – Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

The children of Skipness Primary School had a wonderful time on Thursday 25th September. They spent the morning preparing delicious cupcakes with green icing which were to be sold in the afternoon to their many visitors. The school also received many delicious delights from the parents and residents of Skipness. Even though it was a drizzly day, this did not prevent people from joining the children for their “wee cup of tea”.

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Primary 1 and 2’s Health Day

In our class we work hard at keeping healthy. So we were delighted to take part in the primary Health Day.

We prepared a selection of fruit and then chose pieces to create our very own Fruit Kebab. Everyone enjoyed the Bhangra dancing in the hall and we had great fun trying new moves.

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Food to Fork Adventure for Rothesay Primary

Rothesay Primary Eco Committee visited Tesco in Greenock this week to learn more about where their food comes from. Ruth Sharkey set us our first task – to find a rainbow of fruit and veg, name them and find their country of origin. Robin was amazed to find his bananas came all the way from the Cameroons! Next we ventured into the deep freeze! At -12 degrees we had to dress up very warmly. Ruth told us that it is important to keep the food very cold and that the freezers usually run at minus 20 brrrrrr!

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P7 organise P1-3 “Fitness and Fun” Club at Dunoon Primary

As part of the whole school Commonwealth celebrations, Miss Johnston and P7 have been planning, organising and running a sports club for P1-3 pupils. Each week the younger children have had the opportunity to try out a different sport featuring at this year’s games, e.g. hockey, football, badminton, etc. Almost all P7 pupils have volunteered to help run the club showing themselves to be responsible and effective members of the school. They have also developed their coaching and mentoring skills.

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Flushed With Success at Rothesay Joint Campus

Rothesay Joint Campus Eco Committee was invited to Edinburgh last week to discuss the findings of their enquiry into school toilets. The enquiry, ‘Flushed With Success’ was initiated by Tam Baillie, Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People and sounded just the sort of thing we would like to get our teeth into (in a manner of speaking!).
Over the last session we have conducted surveys about the Rights of the Child, questionnaires, created power points, had a poster campaign and uncovered the good, the bad and the ugly about school toilets!
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