Category Archives: Eco Schools

Luing Trip to the Falkirk wheel

The first and second level pupils from Luing Primary School had a fabulous trip to the Falkirk Wheel. They experienced going on the Wheel, learned how canals were built and had lots of fun in the play park and water park. My favourite part was on the wheel. We went on a huge canal boat that went extremely slowly. Once we were on the wheel it only took four minutes to go from the Forth and Clyde Canal to the Union Canal. It was so amazing and it was so quiet for its size. On the Union Canal we went through a massive tunnel called the Roughcastle Tunnel. Continue reading Luing Trip to the Falkirk wheel

Luss Presentation

P6&7 pupils from Luss Primary gave a presentation to the National Conference of the Rotary Club in Crieff Hydro Hotel on Saturday. The children were invited to speak to the Rotarians about their environmental work, saving the powan fish in Loch Lomond.
Powan are found only in Loch Lomond and Loch Eck.While their numbers are fine in Loch Eck, they have become almost extinct in Loch Lomond. This is because of a small fish,the Ruff, which was accidentally introduced into Loch Lomond in the 1980s and eats Powan eggs. Continue reading Luss Presentation

Tobermory P6/7, Renewable energies on Mull

Mr Finch from Mull and Iona Community Trust came to our class on 17th September to talk to us renewable energies on Mull and show us the Nissan Leaf.

Firstly Mr Finch judged our ‘car of the future’ competition. We had lots of ideas like solar powered, wind powered, hydro powered and biothermal cars. The winner was Finn’s Cow Pat Car. Mr Finch liked the idea of using the methane in cow pats to power a car and thought it would put cow pats to good use.

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Felting at Benmore Gardens

On Thursday 5th September P5 and P7 spent an amazing day at Benmore Botanical Gardens with their teachers and support staff. On Friday 6th September P6/5 and P7/6 also enjoyed a fabulous day at Benmore. Cath and Katie from the Education Service in Edinburgh’s Botanical Gardens were the superb instructors during the visits. Each class got the fantastic opportunity to make felt, incorporating an image of a plant or greenery. These had been freshly picked from the gardens to provide inspiration for the felting project.

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Lochdonhead Winners

Lochdonhead Primary School has been very successful recently in two national competitions.
In June we were told that we were the winners of the Total Green School Award run by the Young People’s Trust. In our entry we recorded and reported all the work we have done over the year to improve our school grounds. The results were reported as ‘excellent and the judges were all extremely impressed’. Almost 44,500 children took part in the Award for 2013 which emphasises the scale of our achievement. We were given a certificate and a cheque for £500. Continue reading Lochdonhead Winners

Total Green School Awards 2013

The pupils and staff at Lochdonhead Primary School are delighted to hear that they are the winners of the Totally Active category for Scotland in the Total Green School Awards 2013. Our entry was about all the work we have done in our school grounds over the last year. We had to decide what we wanted to do with our grounds, work out how to achieve it, and we have ended up with a ‘story glen’ based on an old Gaelic tale ‘Iolaire Loch Treig’.

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Craignish Primary launches new Enterprise Project!

Craignish Primary launches new Enterprise Project: Craignish Primary Plants.

After the successful building of our new poly tunnel (thanks to the help of parents and community members) we have now launched our new Business Craignish Primary Plants. The whole school have been involved in planting our crop for after the holidays.

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Forest School Sausage Sizzle @ Kilmartin

The children in P.5-7 at Kilmartin Primary School finished off their Forest School activities for the year with a sausage sizzle in the woods around the campfire. The children also made damper bread on sticks and cooked them over the fire before dipping their tasty treat into cinnamon and sugar. The older children have had a wonderful environmental experience this session, learning about the native plants and trees throughout the seasons, building a den and making wooden toys as well as developing teamwork skills.

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Snapberry Project

Lochgilphead High School have had two exciting developments for their Snapberry project in recent weeks.

Kilmartin House Museum has asked to display and sell a selection of the students’ images from the last five years. The photos are on display at the Museum and monies raised will help the students support the work of Lochgilphead’s ARMS centre. Continue reading Snapberry Project

Campus Eco Schools Success

The Lochgilphead Joint Campus Eco Schools Committee have joined the Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) Campaign for School Gardening and are reaping the benefits by reaching Level 3 of the organisations Benchmarking Scheme. This was achieved by providing evidence of pupil’s class work, putting a holiday maintenance scheme in place for the campus garden, growing a range of plants (see table by clicking HERE)  adopting sustainable gardening practices, using appropriate signs and labels for seedlings & plants in the campus garden and finally showing the pupils in action using all of their gardening skills. Continue reading Campus Eco Schools Success

Cardross Primary Green Day

The Cardross Primary Green Day took place last week. The event was planned by our Eco teacher Mrs Girling to incorporate the whole school focus this term on the Rainforest. The pupils were taking part in rainforest and eco themed activities all day. Some of the highlights were; Amazon Micro-Parks, Rainforest Story Sticks and Smelly Cocktails.

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Dalmally Primary Goes Green!

On Friday 3rd June all the children at Dalmally School came to school wearing green in order to take part in some Eco-schools activities.
Each class took part in three different activities. Some helped design and make an Eco-House, some made outdoor ladybird dominoes, and some made an Eco-mascot outdoors from materials they found.
Take a look at our photos!

Continue reading Dalmally Primary Goes Green!

Achahoish Beach Clean

We spent two afternoons cleaning rubbish off the beaches along our coast with the help of our mums and dads. We were joined by Lochgilphead P6&7 on Thursday afternoon. We had our packed lunches on the beach and it was so hot we got to paddle. We gathered 19 bags of rubbish together and we all got along fantastically. We would love you to come back again soon. It was a great day thanks to the sunshine and good company.
Arasi – P4

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Bee Day at Dunoon Primary School

Primary 5 arranged a School “Bee Day” to raise awareness of the need to support the bee population and to raise funds to plant bee friendly flowers and provide some seeds for each pupil in the school to plant in their garden. It was a great day with everyone dressing in yellow and black, a bee outfit or bright flower colours. Pupils sold homemade baking, badges, bookmarks and enjoyed singing bee songs and presenting powerpoints to the classes throughout the day. Continue reading Bee Day at Dunoon Primary School

GARELOCHHEAD PRIMARY SCHOOL – Awesome Ardroy Adventures!!

Last week pupils from Garelochhead Primary went to Ardroy Outdoor Education centre, Lochgoilhhead for a residential trip.

Working towards their ‘John Muir’ award, they focussed on the adventurous discovery and exploration of wild places, and actively conserved areas of woodland.
Other outdoor activities included gorge walking, abseiling, night orienteering and negotiating their way through a labyrinth.
It was a super weekend, thank you Ardroy Outdoor Education Centre! Continue reading GARELOCHHEAD PRIMARY SCHOOL – Awesome Ardroy Adventures!!

Edmodo Joint Project with Cardross and Rosneath

Cardross and Rosneath Primary have formed a joint Edmodo group this term. The pupils in P5 & P6 and their teachers, Miss Boyd and Miss Travers, have been moderating writing, setting each other photo challenges and completing various eco and work projects. We have had great fun and look forward to inviting other schools onboard in the future.

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‘Message in a Bottle’

Primary 4 at Dunoon Primary could not believe their eyes when Jake a member of their class came into school carrying a bottle with a message inside, because they had been discussing messages in bottles in class. At first they thought Jake was playing a joke. The bottle had to be cut open to get the message out and to everyones surprise it really was a message in a bottle! It had come from a P4/5 class in Gourock and even more surprisingly they had been studying weather just as Primary 4 had! Continue reading ‘Message in a Bottle’

St. Joseph’s Help Clean up the Local Community!

The children of St. Joseph’s Eco Committee were out in force last week assisting the community by helping to make the streets a little more clean. They donned the relevant protective clothing and litter pickers and went off in search of their target….LITTER! The area of Kirkmichael benefited greatly with the children returning with happy smiles and reporting they’d cleaned up the area! En route the children and staff were met with some very happy residents who came out of their houses to say thanks!….That made the children smile even more!
Continue reading St. Joseph’s Help Clean up the Local Community!