Category Archives: Eco Schools

Achaleven Goes Green for the 5th Time

Achaleven Primary School pupils and staff were very proud to receive their 5th Green Flag from Eco-Schools Scotland last week. This follows an assessment at the end of January where Eco-Schools assessor Paula Love commended them on their collaborative approach by working with local environmental organisations including The Grab Trust and AliEnergy, and for the work done in the community by involvement in recycling, village litter picks, charity fundraising and promotion of Fairtrade.

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We know how good our school meals are and how much effort the catering staff put into making tasty food which appeals to pupils but also promotes sustainability and healthy eating. It was no surprise therefore that a visit to the kitchen by the Soil Association assessor was instrumental in securing the Bronze Food for Life Catering Mark for the council.


Project Wild Thing!

Stramash Social Enterprise and Oban Phoenix Cinema have joined forces to present a showing of the feature length documentary Project Wild Thing. The award winning film is currently touring the UK. It brings the complex issue of the ways in which our children do (or don’t) interact with the natural world to our attention. The project has gathered significant support throughout the United Kingdom from the RSPB, the National Trust, schools, nurseries and other educational organisations.

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Furnace celebrate their 3rd Green Flag..with FROGS!!!

To mark the achievement of getting their 3rd Green Flag, the children decided on a ‘frog’ themed party to celebrate, as the school mascot is Frankie Frog. On Thursday 30th they played leapfrog, sang ‘frog’ songs, played games and made frogs from fondant icing to sit on chocolate logs. At 3p.m. we were joined by parents and friends for the raising of the flag in the school garden. Ms Rhona McKenzie, the school cook, was asked to raise the flag, alongside our P1 and our P7, as she had been a wonderful help to the children in the garden. After the flag raising everyone came back into school for teas, cake and the frogs on logs!

Fruitshare at Sandbank

After the Christmas holidays, Sandbank Primary Pupils got back to work and planted their fruit trees which arrived in January. The eco-committee had applied for the trees through the fruitshare scheme which was advertised on a cookery programme on TV. We were very fortunate in being one of the first schools to apply and we were successful in receiving 4 well-grown fruit trees for free.

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Dalintober PS Allotment wins ACHA ‘Garden In Boom 2013’ Competition

Dalintober Primary School pupils and staff were delighted to hear that they had been awarded first prize in Argyll Community Housing Association’s ‘Garden In Bloom 2013’ competition. Members of the Mid Argyll & Kintyre Area Committee scored allotments independently and Dalintober’s allotment was judged the best. Members of the Eco-Group, staff and parent and partners have all helped to maintain the allotment, growing a wide range of fruit and vegetables which has been used in school meals and for ‘Green Days’.

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5th Green Flag for Strachur Primary School

The children of Strachur Primary School are very pleased and proud to tell everyone that they have been awarded their 5th green flag. They were able to demonstrate their continuing commitment to eco issues through topics in school and working with the community in the local environment.

Sandbank Primary’s Eco-Committee

Sandbank Primary’s Eco-Committee requested a visit to their local waste handling facilities and were kindly given a tour of both facilities by Shanks Waste Disposal Company. They began by looking at the recycling facilities at Bogleha, where they saw the containers for electrical goods, metal, wood, paint, batteries, plastic bottles, soil and many more items. They heard that many items, such as electrical goods, go to Perth where they are broken down and precious metals from circuit boards are taken out.

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Dunoon Primary Eco Schools Anti dog mess and cigarettesstub Campaign

Dear Readers,
Dunoon Primary’s Eco School’s Commitee 2012/2013 were delighted to receive their second Green Flag Award in the summer of 2013. Our Eco School’s assessor, Paul Love was delighted with all the Eco School improvements our school had made for e.g. further improvements to our Fairy Garden and was delighted to witness a real life mum and dad Coal Tit fly out of the newly designed bird house made by one of our P6 pupils and their grandfather last year. Continue reading Dunoon Primary Eco Schools Anti dog mess and cigarettesstub Campaign

School Grounds Day at St Joseph’s

Friday 22 November 2013 was a fantastic day at St. Joseph’s in Helensburgh as parents, pupils and staff joined forces to clean up and plant new life in the school grounds. Everyone from Pre-5 children to adults was involved in various activities throughout the morning. The Pre-5 and infant children were involved in sweeping leaves, picking up litter, weeding and planting flowers and trees whilst the eldest of these children (P3) cleaned up the outdoor classroom and got involved in raking and creating hanging baskets.

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Rothesay Primary enjoy visit to Mount Stuart

P2/3 and P3 of Rothesay Primary visited Mount Stuart to find out more about Autumn. They enjoyed a beauitiful frosty, bright day. They made pictures using the natural resources found around the grounds. Thanks to Mount Stuart Staff for help and hospitality.

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Last Thursday Kilcreggan Primary and Pre-5 pupils took part in an Eco Day. Parents and friends were also invited along to help. Activities included; weaving where pupils cut strips from old carrier bags and weaved them through the School fence, kite making, a treasure hunt in the School garden where pupils had to find leaves, insects, plants that matched a colour chart, decorating bird nesting boxes, amking bird feeders and listening to the sounds around us. As you can see from the pictures we all had a great day, despite the weather!



Children, parents, friends, relatives all worked together to improve the grounds of Rosneath Primary School. Many projects were undertaken (including giving our willow dome a “haircut”, building a hedgehog motel, insect hotel and beetle B & B, planting up some wellies and generally giving the grounds a “facelift”! and everybody pitched in – the “before” and “after” showed just how much hard work went in to the day.

Terrific Totem poles

The pupils at Strath of Appin Primary have been putting the finishes touches to their Clan Totem Poles – which now look fantastic! The Clans have demonstrated great examples of team-work and co-operation in our Clan Challenge afternoons. So far the clans have designed a clan banner, clan shield and now a clan totem pole. It’s been messy but fun as the children have pulled together their ideas to create a totem pole representing their clan, incorporating the interests of the pupils and the area/environment they live in.

Eco Week at Luss Primary

The pupils at Luss Primary have recently had their Eco Week. During the week the children took part in many activities which all the pupils thoroughly enjoyed. The activities ranged from finding out about beavers, making dams, taking cuttings from plants, having an eco picnic and going into the local woods. One of the activities they did in the woods was to use materials around them such as moss, leaves, grass, etc. to build a home for a mouse that would keep as much heat in as possible.

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Beautiful Butterflies

Primary four pupils at Colgrain Primary school have had the opportunity to care for and release Painted Lady Butterflies. On the 12th September the tiny caterpillars arrived through the post in a tub full of food. After 2 weeks the caterpillars had formed their chrysalides and were then ready to be transferred into a butterfly garden. On the 30th September an amazing thing happened – the butterflies began to emerge from their chrysalides! Primary four pupils were extremely lucky to see this super transformation. After a few days of admiring the beautiful butterflies and feeding them with homemade nectar and fruits, primary four pupils were very proud to set them free in the school Eco Garden. What an amazing experience and a great addition to our Living Things topic.

The British Ecological Society Centenary Awards : Success for Kirn School

Three former pupils of Kirn Primary School travelled down to Birmingham with their former teacher, and some friends and family members to attend the Centenary Awards Ceremony of The British Ecological Society at The Think Tank Science Museum on Thursday, 26th September.

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There was “a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on!” at Rosneath Primary School on WEDNESDAY 25TH SEPTEMBER. P6/7 took all classes for a 30 minute Dance/Exercise session using all sorts of music from the past and the present. They had prepared routines, games, experimented with choreography and devised all important warm-ups and cool downs. Teamwork, cooperation were vital and they had the extra job of making sure everyone in the whole school was included and, most importantly, HAVING FUN. The whole school dressed in bright colours to emphasise this.


On Tuesday 24th September 2013 at Ashfield Primary we had a picnic called The One Planet Picnic. The One planet Picnic is an event that people all over Scotland have been taking part in to show that we could (and should) survive on food that has been grown/caught/harvested in Scotland. There was lots of delicious food to eat that was either homemade or from Scotland. We also celebrated our second eco-schools Green Flag. Continue reading ASHFIELD SCHOOL ENJOYS PICNIC