Category Archives: Literacy

Holocaust Memorial Day

Monday 27th January marked Holocaust Memorial Day where communities across the world are asked to come together to remember those affected by genocide. The theme for 2014 is ‘Journeys’ and S3 students at Lochgilphead High School decided to use the Kindertransport, where Jewish children were removed from their families and sent to safety in Britain, as the focus for their presentation to P7 and S2 students in the campus.

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Burns celebrations at Minard Primary

Minard Primary School celebrated Burns Day in style by inviting guests to their Burns Supper(Lunch!) on Friday 24th of January.
After much peeling, boiling and mashing they served up a delicious feast of haggis, neeps and tatties followed by scotch trifle and clootie dumpling.

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Luing’s Burns Lunch

The children of Luing Primary School held a Burns Lunch and invited parents and friends to join them.

Mr Robertson played the haggis in and the older children gave the Address to the Haggis. After the Selkirk Grace, everyone was served a wonderful lunch cooked by Liz and Linda.

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The Education Minister Outdoors

Stramash was delighted to welcome Michael Russell MSP , to view the projects and work of the organisation. He began the day by visiting the children at the outdoor nursery site to explore the site and discover more about the learning taking place within the early years setting outdoors. The children were very inquisitive to meet their special visitor!

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Janis Mackay, Scottish Children’s Book Awards author, visits Kirn Primary

Kirn Primary School were so lucky to welcome Janis Mackay, one of the authors whose book “The Accidental Time Traveller” is currently shortlisted for the Scottish Children’s Book Awards.

Janis came in to speak to our P6 and P7 pupils, who are reading the book as part of their ‘Milestones in Scottish History’ topic.

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St. Mun’s On Their Bikes

A group of Primary 7 children at St. Mun’s were recently presented with their well-earned i-cycle certificates at a whole school assembly.
The children who had undergone their training in Term 1, had to demonstrate their ability to ride safely on the road (displaying knowledge of the Highway Code), cycle maintenance and road user awareness, as well as passing a written multiple choice test. Well done everyone.

Scrooge – Achahoish style!

We managed to write our own script based ‘loosely’ around ‘A Christmas Story’ by Charles Dickens. It was tricky to take what we watched in our DVD study of the film to create our own up-to-date version of it. We based our setting in the local estate of Ormsary where we performed our Pantomime to the community. Scrooge was a local ‘Dell Boy’ working on the Estate. He had had a string of unfortunate Christmas Eves and hated them.

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Our St Kilda Museum at Achahoish Primary

We transformed one of our classrooms into a Black house and opened a museum up for 3 days to our local community all about St Kilda. We found out just how hard life was for the St Kildans and how extreme the conditions were to survive on the Island which was evacuated in 1930. We had to take what we learned and present it in a way that would make our visitors to feel like they were actually on the Island and for it to be interactive.

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Nativity Hoe Down at St. Mun’s

Wednesday and Thursday of last week saw the children of St. Mun’s Primary School perform their annual Christmas whole school show to two full houses and their new Acting Head Teacher Mrs. L. Fisher.

The School’s choir took to the stage first with a carol concert, which included festive readings and monologues as well as soloists and festive favourites, which had the audiences joining in.
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St. Mun’s Choir Entertain Residents At Ardenlee

It’s always good to give back to the community and when the children of St. Mun’s Choir were asked to entertain the residents at Ardenlee Care Home in Dunoon, they jumped at the chance to do just that.
Resplendent in their uniform and festive Santa hats the children sang a selection of their favourite carols for residents, staff and visitors who clapped along and joined in with their own personal favourites.
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‘Icons’ and ‘Idols’ at Dalintober PS

Parents and family members flocked in their hundreds for three sell-out performances of this year’s school show at Dalintober PS. As well as traditional Christmas items, from our instrumentalists and choir, the crowds were entertained by each class paying tribute to some icons and idols – a wide range from Elvis Presley to Katy Perry! The PTA held very successful raffles and between these and the show a massive £2400 was raised for school funds. Thank you to all – and a Happy Christmas and New Year from all at Dalintober PS!


After having sat their exam in May, the Higher French class of 2012-13 benefited from the ability to keep up their speaking and language skills, through travelling to Geneva in Switzerland the following term. Although none of the pupils carried the subject on to Advanced Higher level, they were all keen to not lose the attribute of knowing a foreign language.


Dunoon Grammar School – Learning Support Festive Fun Raises Funds for Children and Communities all Over the World

Every year in Dunoon Grammar School, The Learning Support Department hosts a Christmas Fayre to raise money for their chosen charity, ‘World Vision.’ ‘World Vision’ is a charity that helps children and their community to achieve success in far less privileged parts of the world than ours. This year’s event was similar to previous years but unlike previous years, when teachers have organised everything, this year S6 pupil Rebecca Westwood played the coordinating role.
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A Little Bird Told Rhunahaorine…..

A Little Bird Told Rhunahaorine…..

Thank you very much to everyone who supported our Christmas Concert, “A Little Bird Told Me “on Tuesday 17th December.

The children really rose to the occasion and sang like little birds! We raised £177 for School Fund.

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The Drovers

Mrs. Watson’s P5/4 and Mrs.Kersel’s P5/6/7Gaelic classes have been learning about the Drovers in the 1700s. Using a new storyline being piloted for Storyline Scotland and the Royal Scottish Geographical Society the classes have followed the journey of two young teenage boys, Rob and Angus, on their first Drove. Engagement with the characters has brought the story to life for the pupils as they learned about sheiling life, hardships on the drove and the joys of the Tryst.
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Porridge! At Port Charlotte

When a crime wave hit the Nursery Rhinns, there was a caseload of mysteries to be solved! Who stole Ma Hubbard’s recipe book? Who kidnapped Marigold the cow? Who nicked a peck of pickled peppers? And what dirty secret was Papa Bear hiding behind his Porridge empire? It was down to Private Detective Jack Spratt to uncover the terrifying truth in this tale of mystery, mayhem and breakfast cereal!

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“Oh no it isn’t!”, “Oh yes it is!” Panto Fun at Small Isles Primary

There were loud shouts of “Oh no it isn’t!” and “Oh yes it is!” on Thursday 12th December when Small Isles Pre-Five and Primary children performed Snow White in the village hall. Audiences in the afternoon and evening were enthralled with tales of evil queens, crazy boffins and poor Snow White, who did, eventually get her prince!

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Christmas Performances at Dalmally

Dalmally Primary school P1-3 put on a performance of “Cock-a doodle doo Christmas” to a full house. This was followed by a selection of “Christmas Hits” in the style of “Top of the Pops” by P4-7.
The next day the nursery children performed Christmas songs in front of parents, grandparents and friends. They then showed off their learning folders to their visitors who enjoyed finding out about their learning.

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