Category Archives: environment

St. Mun’s Primary Scoop Prestigious Eden Award!

St. Mun’s Primary School were awarded the prestigious Rolls-Royce Science Prize Eden Award, at the 10 year Anniversary Award Ceremony, held on 10th November at London’s Science Museum. The Rolls-Royce Science Prize is an annual awards programme that helps teachers implement science teaching ideas in their schools and colleges. The Prize recognises and rewards excellence in Science teaching across the full spectrum of teaching, from special education needs to high ability pupils. It also promotes innovative and sustainable strategies for teaching science which addresses a specific need in the schools or colleges and at the same time contributes to teachers’ continuing professional development. Continue reading St. Mun’s Primary Scoop Prestigious Eden Award!

Barcaldine Pupils help fell the Oban Christmas Tree

Last week pupils from Barcaldine Primary School were in Sutherland’s Grove setting up their Sgoil na Coilltean (School in the Woods). While they were surveying the woodland with Rory MacLean (Forestry Commission Scotland) for trees that could be felled, they were invited to assist with the Health and Safety operations for the felling of the Oban Christmas tree with Rory and Argyll and Bute Council.

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Third Green Flag for Dalintober PS

There was great news for Dalintober Primary School last week when an Eco-School Scotland assessor visited and, following thorough inspection, awarded the school our third Green Flag. Obtaining the flag would not have been possible without the commitment and enthusiasm of all our pupils, staff, parents and the many partner community organisations who all take great pride in our school and its locality. We are so pleased that this has been recognised by Eco-School Scotland and their efforts rewarded.


Former SPL Star Visits DGS
It’s not every day that DGS pupils can boast of being part of a football training session with a national cup winning manager – but that is exactly what happened last week, when Dylan Kerr visited the school.
Dylan enjoyed a very long and distinguished playing career, including successful spells with Leeds United and Kilmarnock.



Here at Rosneath we are determined to apply for our first Green Flag in the New Year.
Recently, we had an amazing Eco Week – so much going on! From model making using recycled materials to Beach Cleaning to welcoming our “visitors” from Zoolab to sprucing up our school grounds to Teamwork(out) Day to whole school village walk to planting………………..the list is endless!

Continue reading FIRST GREEN FLAG, HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!

Rothesay Primary WW1 talk

Pupils from Primaries 5-7 had a fascinating interactive talk from Stephen Grant, a Children’s Worker from Hope Hall Church, Bridge of Weir this morning. The talk was based on a WW1 stretcher bearer – Willam Coltman, whose grandson is a friend of Stephens. He talked to the children about William Coltman’s upbringing and how his strong Christian beliefs and faith helped him choose to join in with the war effort in 1914 as a medic to help his fellow man.

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Really Small Scientists Win Prizes

Following the Nano-Science workshop in September, Primary 3 and 4 pupils from Dunoon Primary School produced posters about Nano-Jelly. During the workshop, run by the Really Small Science Group from Strathclyde University, the pupils became ‘Really Small Scientists’ for the day and learned about the world of Nano-Science. They discovered how everyday items such as jelly and even their own bodies are made up of tiny nano-sized molecules.
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What a load of rubbish!

As a conclusion to their IDL (Inter disciplinary Learning) of Eco, the children of Clachan and Skipness Primary Schools put on a show stopping performance. As part of their learning the children had completed either a beach clean or a litter walk around their village.

Continue reading What a load of rubbish!

Dunoon Primary School Gardening Club – Harvest Update

In September, children in Dunoon Primary School’s Gardening Club harvested their first crop of potatoes. After throwing away the bad ones and cleaning the soil from the rest, the children piled the potatoes into the barrow and delivered them across the road to the local health food store, Eco Grain, to be sold. (They also kept a few behind for tasting and all agreed that they were very tasty!) Local shoppers had to be quick off the mark as already we’ve heard that the potatoes have sold out! We’ll need to start working on a bumper crop for next year …

Continue reading Dunoon Primary School Gardening Club – Harvest Update

Porridge Day in the Woods @ Kilmartin

Friday 10th October is National Porridge Day and to celebrate this, the children cooked and ate their own porridge in the woods during Forest School.

They kept a close look-out for that rascal Goldilocks so she couldn’t creep up and eat all of their porridge while they weren’t looking so to help, the children all brought their favourite bears to act as lookouts!

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One Planet Picnic at Strath of Appin Primary School.

The One Planet Picnic initiative is part of the Keep Scotland Beautiful Eco-Schools programme and Clean and Green Legacy 2014. It is designed to raise awareness of where food comes from, and how it is produced.

Strath of Appin Primary School’s picnic took the form of a Harvest lunch where all the children and staff in the school were invited to enjoy fabulous foods that had been freshly prepared in the school kitchen.

Continue reading One Planet Picnic at Strath of Appin Primary School.

News from Castlehill Primary School

Primary 5 Garden Project
Last week, Primary 5 wrote letters to staff at Springbank and Mr MacArthur at the Garden Shop asking if they could kindly help out with their garden project. Very quickly, we got barrels from Springbank Distillery and plants and flowers from the Garden shop.

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“Mapping” at Minard

As part of their mapping topic this term the children of Minard Primary School had a very enjoyable and informative morning with Mr Andy Craven learning all about compass points and mapping. The weather was kind to them and they had super fun recognising and matching map symbols, locating compass directions and reading orienteering maps. A huge thank you goes to Andy and the children look forward to working with him again soon.

Dalmally Restaurant Opens for Business

Yesterday the boys and girls of Primary one and two were very busy in the preparation of a feast of organic delights. Come along to our restaurant and you could sample a moss stew, some mud muffins or a sandy pancake with a drizzle of grass syrup. The outdoor kitchen has proved so popular that there is now a playtime rota for every class!
Staff have found that taking a back seat brings up lots of interesting observations- already we know that the children need writing materials for menus, they need plates and cups to serve up their delights and possibly a set of scales to measure with!
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Success at Barcaldine

Barcaldine Primary School have won a total of 11 firsts, 11 seconds and 9 third prizes at two local horticultural shows at Benderloch and Connel, over the past weekends. They put on fine displays of vegetables, flowers, baking, arts and crafts. The pupils are delighted to be the first primary school to win the Duncan MacPherson Trophy for a selection of mixed vegetables. Many thanks to Marion Fisher for all her hard work gardening with us.

Tuesday Afternoon Skills Clubs at Strone Primary

This week was the start of our weekly skills clubs and pupils could choose between Golf, Cookery, Outdoors and the Mystery Minibus Club. The pupils who chose the Mystery Minibus club were transported to a magical mystery tour of Pucks Glen! The clubs enable pupils to take the curriculum outdoors whilst experiencing different activities which develop new skills in community settings.

Achaleven investigates life on a fish farm.

As part of their topic on the sea Achaleven Primary asked Scottish Sea Farms if they could visit. The staff were fantastic organising all the health & safety involved (including buying in special child lifejackets) and arranged for a trip out to one of their farms at Shuna.
They were taken to the workboat, ‘Endeavour’ and headed out to the farm. It amazed them that amount of technology there is in the middle of the sea – all the computers and cameras!

Continue reading Achaleven investigates life on a fish farm.

Would you like mud with that sir?

Achaleven Primary have taken mud to a whole new level with a new addition to their outdoor learning space.

To co-incide with International Mud Day at the end of June, the school had a grand opening of our mud kitchen which Mrs MacPherson designed and Mr MacPherson very kindly built for us. The toddler group came along and shared in the mud-themed ceremony (which also included some very delicious edible goodies). Continue reading Would you like mud with that sir?