Achaleven investigates life on a fish farm.

As part of their topic on the sea Achaleven Primary asked Scottish Sea Farms if they could visit. The staff were fantastic organising all the health & safety involved (including buying in special child lifejackets) and arranged for a trip out to one of their farms at Shuna.
They were taken to the workboat, ‘Endeavour’ and headed out to the farm. It amazed them that amount of technology there is in the middle of the sea – all the computers and cameras!

They got to feed some fish and hold them when John put some to ‘sleep’ with his ‘magic’ powder. They were then put back into the water and were happy jumping about again.
After a trip to their barge to see the mechanisms for feeding the fish and “fishcam” they end the visit back at the “shed’ at Linnhe Marina with a drink and a biscuit and were absolutely delighted when a magnificent eagle put in an appearance. What an end to the term!!

One thought on “Achaleven investigates life on a fish farm.

  1. Hi, looks like an amazing trip! Can you help……..Rhu P4 are investigating oceans, seas and environmental issues around Scotland’s coastline and would love to find out more about fish farming. Do you have a contact we could email or phone?

    Michael Dickie, Class Teacher Rhu P4.

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