Category Archives: Global Citizenship

Primary Four Harvest Festival Assembly

JLB Harvest 1This term, Primary Four reached out into their local community as part of their learning. They wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the importance that local organisations play in providing the needs of their local community. By investigating the traditions behind Harvest, the children decided to contact Helensburgh and Lomond Foodbank to see how they could help the individuals and families in their community who are not able to fully enjoy the Harvest Festival.

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Global Citizenship Alive and Well at St. Joseph’s!

St Josephs Missio 2The children of St. Joseph’s Primary in Helensburgh were delighted to welcome Sr. Stacey of the order of ‘The Sisters of St. Peter Claver’ at assembly this week. Sr. Stacey gave a superb presentation on the work of ‘Missio Scotland’, a charity close to the heart of all the children at school. At specific times in the academic session, in a bid to support the missions, the children collect money for this charity.

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Success lands at John Logie Baird Primary School and Pre 5 Unit once again.

JLB Green photoFollowing a recent intense assessment from Paula Love, an Eco Schools assessor John Logie Baird successfully secured our Green Flag. Our amazing Mrs McArthur, Primary 6 class teacher and our Eco group worked tirelessly to showcase all that John Logie Baird was doing to recycle, reuse, manage waste and pick up litter. Paula commented on what a warm welcome she received and paid tribute to our whole school’s inclusive approach…. And what’s more, our nine newly erected raised beds will help us to gain our next green flag in the near future.

Pencil Cases for Nepal

Taynuilt nepal pencil casesJenna (P3), Aaron (P1) and Owen (Nursery)’s Uncle Matt was in Nepal during the recent Earthquake. He has been back in the UK speaking and fundraising to help the people of Nepal rebuild their country and he asked Taynuilt Primary to help the children of a school similar size to ours. Many schools were destroyed by the quake and everything was lost. They are trying to restart the schools but have no equipment at all.

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Park Primary 7s Scoop Enterprise Award

Park PS Enterprise Award 1Last term, as part of a whole-school enterprise overarching theme, Primary 7s at Park decided to enter the Blythswood Challenge, for the second year running. This enterprise challenge gives a £20 starter fund and 4 weeks to make it grow. The class decided to organise fundraising activities and settled on a Cutest Pet Competition, a Parent/Child Netball Tournament, Lunchtime Challenges, a Sponsored ‘Stay Awake’ and they also sold items on eBay. In total, these activities raised a staggering £1067.15!
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Bowmore is ‘Greentastic’!

Bowmore 4th Green FlagBowmore Primary have done it again! By hard work and dedication, we have earned our fourth Green Flag as an eco-school! Not only do we maintain our eco way of life by litter-picking, saving energy, composting peelings and running a healthy tuck, we have made time to improve our school grounds. Our raised beds and rockery are now well established and used to their full potential.

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Easter benefit for SCIAF at St. Joseph’s!

St Joes Easter 1The generous pupils at St. Joseph’s managed to raise £330 for their nominated Lenten charity SCIAF this week. Staff bought prizes for a children’s raffle with all proceeds intended for a charity close to the hearts of the whole school family: The Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund. With the government’s pledge to double any donations to SCIAF before May 2015, these funds are now guaranteed to mean a £660 donation for the charity.

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St. Mun’s Explore The Rainforest…. In Cornwall

St Muns Eden 3After scooping the coveted Eden Award, at the Rolls Royce Science Awards, held at the Science Centre in London, last November, with their Biodiversity project entitled ‘If You Go Down In The Woods Today’, the children of Primary 7, along with their teacher, set about planning the 1,100 mile round trip visit to The Eden Project, St. Austell in Cornwall.

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Arctic Activities for Strone Primary School

strone PS  Polar DayThis term pupils at Strone Primary are studying Polar Regions as their Interdisciplinary Topic. As part of the experience they celebrated International Polar Bear Day! To help raise awareness of the effects of Global Warming and make a small difference to saving energy, the heating was turned down and children came to school dressed for a Polar Day, in fleeces and polar onesies.

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St. Joseph’s Helps Local Community Foodbank

St Joseph's Foodbank 1The SVDP (St. Vincent de Paul) representatives of St. Joseph’s Parish made a visit to St. Joseph’s School last term to ask if we could help advertise the new local Independent Voluntary Foodbank which had opened recently at the Red Cross Hall, 116 East Princes Street, Helensburgh. They informed us that no referral was necessary for anyone to benefit from this new initiative in the town and could we please let parents know of its existence via our next school newsletter.

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Park Primary is awarded 6th Green Flag

Park PS earth hour forPark Primary, Oban has recently gained a 6th Green Flag award for it’s work over the last two years on the topics of litter, health and wellbeing and waste minimisation. The school was commended for integrating the Eco Schools programme thoroughly into the curriculum and calendar through events such as One Planet Picnic, Earth Hour and our Apple Days and Green Days. Regular beach cleans and promotion of Fairtrade were also mentioned as was our support of charities such as WWF, MCS and Send my Friend to School. The pupils were described as “truly responsible, global citizens” and we are very proud of this.

A Safari round Africa -in Taynuilt!

Taynuilt Africa night 109A cold night in January became quite a bit warmer when Taynuilt Primary School invited family and friends to go on Safari around Africa!

This was the culmination of two weeks’ work learning about the countries, culture and problems of the African continent. Each class chose an aspect of Africa that they would like to learn about and, every morning they worked in groups and with their class teacher to research answers to their questions.
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Holocaust Memorial Day at Tobermory High School

Tobemrory Holocaust Memorial Day 2Holocaust Memorial Day took place on Tuesday 27 January. This world-wide event remembers not only the victims of the Holocaust but commemorates those killed in the genocides in Bosnia, Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur.

S3 worked in RME to plan a memorial in Tobermory High School. The gym was transformed by displays, lights, music and candles to become a temporary Holocaust Memorial. Display boards gave information on the genocides and Holocaust. Continue reading Holocaust Memorial Day at Tobermory High School

Cash for Clothes Appeal

Rhu cash for clothesPrimary Two at Rhu Primary have recently been learning about Africa in Social Studies. They recently organised a Cash for Clothes Appeal to raise money for the charity Wateraid. Thanks to all the generous donations, they successfully raised £90 to help provide clean water and sanitation for those in need. What responsible citizens – well done!

Rich World, Poor World at Tobermory High School.

S1/2 spent the day considering the topic of”Rich World, Poor World” in their latest RME conference. Over the morning they looked at some of the issues facing those in the world today. They started by dividing the world’s wealth between them (some had a lot more than others) and considered some of the factors which determine whether or not you have enough to eat. The group explored human rights and made a quilt to illustrate them . Paper chains were created to show what barriers there are for some and how these could be broken.
Continue reading Rich World, Poor World at Tobermory High School.

USA Week report

At the end of November, Lismore Primary School held a USA themed week. The children had suggested this following the success of China Week at the end of January. The week was chosen so that the children could celebrate Thanksgiving in true style on Thursday 27th November. The children were challenged to make another film about their week and discussed ways to improve their camera and presentation skills before beginning to present their findings.
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A recent visit to Rosneath Primary School by Chief Chebe from African Arts in Glasgow had the “joint jumpin'”. What a wonderful learning experience.

The day began with a whole school Assembly related to Black History Month as part of our school’s Global Citizenship journey. The children were amazed at just how far some children have to walk in African countries to collect clean drinking water.



Here at Rosneath we are determined to apply for our first Green Flag in the New Year.
Recently, we had an amazing Eco Week – so much going on! From model making using recycled materials to Beach Cleaning to welcoming our “visitors” from Zoolab to sprucing up our school grounds to Teamwork(out) Day to whole school village walk to planting………………..the list is endless!

Continue reading FIRST GREEN FLAG, HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!

Porridge Day in the Woods @ Kilmartin

Friday 10th October is National Porridge Day and to celebrate this, the children cooked and ate their own porridge in the woods during Forest School.

They kept a close look-out for that rascal Goldilocks so she couldn’t creep up and eat all of their porridge while they weren’t looking so to help, the children all brought their favourite bears to act as lookouts!

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Charity Work at St. Joseph’s

Last week St. Joseph’s staff and children were delighted to welcome along to assembly Stacey Cameron of Mission Matters Scotland (Missio). The school has a long standing association with Missio as it is one of the foremost charities we support in any academic year. Stacey gave a very informative and colourful presentation to the children about how Missio’s money is spent to assist children throughout the world.

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