Category Archives: Primary schools

Dalmally gets creative in the snow

Staff and pupils at Dalmally Primary School changed the recent bad weather into a learning opportunity. We challenged the children to create a “snow sculpture” (no snowmen allowed) using their ideas and imagination. They had to work well as a team, consulting and listening to each other whilst using snow and natural materials. In the end we had a snow angel, a castle, a volcano and an alien. The teachers took part too, although following a stewards inquiry were later disqualified, as you will note from the photo they did not entirely stick to the design brief!
Continue reading Dalmally gets creative in the snow

NEW! Primary Art Pack launched in our schools.

CAST is delighted to announce the launch of our new primary Art Pack. The pack contains 18 projects, details on planning and CfE relevance and assessment. The projects cover a wide variety of themes and skills and include both expressive and design areas. Click HERE to download the ART PACK, HERE to download a JIGSAW PLANNING TOOL to be used in conjunction with the pack contents and HERE to download a ‘PROJECT PLANNER’ interactive PDF template (Search SAL for details of our CPD events planned in your area in January/February and get in touch with Fiona Blakey to book a place.)

Save the Children & Dunoon Food Bank fundraising from Toward Primary and Innellan Primary Schools

To really set off the last few days of term pupils from both Toward & Innellan Primary Schools went along to sing some carols on Friday 12th December to the residents of Dalriada Grove, Innellan (Retirement/Sheltered housing). They were well received and as always were a credit to their schools. They wore Christmas jumpers that day and made £44 for “Save the Children – Christmas Jumper Day Appeal”.

Continue reading Save the Children & Dunoon Food Bank fundraising from Toward Primary and Innellan Primary Schools

Beach Schools

Clachan and Skipness Primary School have recently taken part in a six week block of Beach Schools with the Grab Trust. They carried out a beach clean and had a treasure hunt. The children made mobiles using different types of shells which they learned to identify. They also listened to a brilliant story-teller and made pictures on the beach. They really enjoyed building shelters, making fires, having hot chocolate made in a kelly kettle and toasting marshmallows!

Rhunahaorine Christmas Concert

Rhunahaorine primary and pre-5 Unit performed ” A Midwife Crisis” in Tayinloan Hall on the 18th December.
Thank you to all who came along to support us and to the parent council for all their help and lovely baking!
We raised £200 for school fund.

Continue reading Rhunahaorine Christmas Concert

Road Safety Calendar Competition

We are extremely pleased that 2 of our 4 pupils got recognition for the entries into the annual Road Safety Calendar Competition.

Connor Coombes won 1st place in his P4 category and Abi MacCorquodale received a Highly Commended in her P5 year group. June Graham, A&B Road Safety Officer popped in to hand over their pictures with certificates and a £25 voucher for Connor to spend at Amazon. Well done to both of you

A Night at the Oscars!

John Logie Baird Goes Where No Other School Has Gone Before!

Exclusive and prestigious awards were presented to the children of John Logie Baird Primary School for their innovative and very professional films. A sell out event, and being the first school to utilise Helensburgh’s wonderful Digital Arts Centre ‘The Tower’, the children showcased their films to an enthralled audience of over 600 – the largest the Tower has hosted to date.

Continue reading A Night at the Oscars!

Barcaldine Nativity

The cool angels from Barcaldine Primary School did God’s list of jobs at their nativity performance on Tuesday evening. A church full of family and friends joined in singing carols and taking part in a Christmas quiz and enjoyed a very entertaining evening. They especially enjoyed the creative use of giant cut out shepherds and kings on wheels to complete the scene. Our silver collection raised £74.80 for Text Santa.

The Apprentice

The Nursery and P1, P2 and P3 of Dunoon Primary School performed their Christmas Nativity called ‘The Apprentice’ to family and friends in the last week of term. Both afternoon and evening preformances were very successful as the children performed to a packed hall. Well done to all the children and staff for their hard work!

Continue reading The Apprentice

Clachan and Skipness Christmas Show

Clachan and Skipness pupils entertained audiences in both schools with their wonderful performance of Snowwhite. The children had written an alternative Christmas ending and Santa Claus even made an appearance. The show also featured instrumental pieces and Christmas carols. Thank you to everyone who came along!

Stars are Shining at Kirn!

Shine Star Shine!! That was the message for our plucky little star who was trying so hard to shine to light the way to Bethlehem. The Assembly Hall at Kirn Primary was packed with parents and family members who had come along to see all the children from Primary 1, 2 and 3 perform this heartwarming version of the Nativity story.

All our children shone like stars!

Continue reading Stars are Shining at Kirn!

Winner Road Safety Competition

We were all very excited to hear that Annie in Primary 7 at Port Ellen was the overall winner of the Argyll and Bute Road Safety Calendar Competition for her entry ‘The Lollipop Makes Cars Stop!’. This was some achievement as there were over 1400 entries. Her picture and slogan will now be made into calendars that will go out to all the schools in Argyll and Bute. Other winners included Braeden in P2 who came second in his age group, and Abbie, Sophie, Harmony and Charlet Rose who were highly commended. Well done all for doing so well!

Carol Singing and Maths in Morrisons!

Strone Primary P5-7 pupils were invited by Morrisons to go carol singing in the Dunoon store and entertained their customers over lunchtime with some traditional Christmas tunes. The pupils were raising money towards transport costs for their outdoor residential next April. Pupils from Strone Primary School also went shopping at Morrisons for their Christmas Party food, and used their Maths skills to work out the best deals for their budget. Continue reading Carol Singing and Maths in Morrisons!

Festive news from Dalmally

The children at Dalmally Primary have been busy preparing for Christmas. At the beginning of Christmas the children organised and sold a number of homemade Christmas craft items and raised an amazing £500 for school funds. This week the children took part in a hilarious musical production called “A Midwife Crisis” to a packed hall. Our youngest nursery children not to be outdone entertained their parents with a selection of Christmas songs. Continue reading Festive news from Dalmally

Dalintober PS ‘Winter Wonderland’ School Shows Success

Dalintober pupils and staff entertained three sell-out crowds with their ‘Winter Wonderland’ themed school show performances. The show featured dance, instrumental pieces and class performances of some well-known winter classics. Between the show entry fees and a raffle held by the school’s very supportive PTA, a grand total of £2152 was raised for school funds – Dalintober would like to thank all who attended and supported the events and wish you all a Merry Christmas! Continue reading Dalintober PS ‘Winter Wonderland’ School Shows Success