Category Archives: Topics

St. Mun’s Children Boost Local Food Bank

St Muns Foodbank 1While it is only natural for children to look forward to Christmas and to receiving presents from Santa, the children of St. Mun’s took time out this Advent Season to remember people less fortunate than themselves. The children were asked to donate one item of food, which could be put into a food parcel and delivered in time for Christmas to people who needed a little help this holiday season.

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St Mun’s Nativity

St Mubns singers 3Pupils and staff from St. Mun’s Primary School had a very busy time rehearsing for this year’s Christmas performance.
Each class took responsibility to learn and showcase a Christmas Carol after it became apparent that many of the old favourites were not familiar to younger pupils.

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Bowmore Primary P4/5 Christmas Choir

Bowmore christmas choir photo 1This term our class practised singing Christmas songs and made a Christmas Choir. We sang lots of different songs. The songs were All Around the World, Away in a Manger, The Animals in the Stable, Jingle Bells, Christmas Dinner and Merry Christmas Everyone. We went down to the brilliant Co-op to sing our songs to the happy shoppers.

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Strone Primary visit to Morrisons

Strone  Visit to Morrisons Dec 2015The P5-7 class enjoyed a look behind the scenes at Morrisons store in Dunoon, as part of their Food For Thought project. Pupils were given a tour of the food preparation areas, and found out about local produce and food journeys. They were also given a front of house experience on the check-out! Afterwards the pupils managed to fit in some carol singing to raise funds towards their residential next summer.

Christmas Party Time at Rothesay Primary

RPS Party 1Christmas Party Time at Rothesay Primary Last week was party season at Rothesay Primary and what fun we had! Primary 7 from across the island, came together in the Joint Campus to share their party; they danced the night away at this, their first transition event, as they look forward to starting S1.

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Strachur Primary Nativity & Christmas Lunch

Strachur Nativity 2Strachur Primary 1, 2 and Pre5 performed ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’ at Strachur Church yesterday morning to a packed audience! Everyone did (roughly!) what they were supposed to do and our visitors very much enjoyed it! Pupils from P3-4-5 and P6-7 entertained the audience with a few Christmas carols to finish off the morning’s festivities. Well done everyone!

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Prickly Hay at Rhunahaorine!

Rhunahaorine Prickly Hay 1Children from Rhunahaorine primary and pre 5 unit presented a performance of Prickly Hay to friends, family and the wider community last Monday. Everyone was delighted by their enthusiastic singing and energetic dancing!

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St. Mun’s Children Boost Local Food Bank

St Muns Christmas 1While it is only natural for children to look forward
to Christmas and to receiving presents from Santa,
the children of St. Mun’s took time out this Advent
Season to remember people less fortunate than

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Bowmore’s Snowflake Sensation!

Bowmore Panto 2015Bowmore Primary School put on its annual glitzy pantomime last Thursday – it was superb! The children performed a new pantomime – The Snowflake Factory! It was the usual mixture of goodies and baddies, fighting over control of the fairy snowdust. We had the cutest P1/2 snowflakes and snowmen, we had P3 wicked witches, wizards and animals, we had P4/5 sparkly fairies and busy bakers. The P6/7 class took over the rest of the supporting cast and the main roles.

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Celtic Connections at Castlehill

Castlehill Celtic ConnectionsPrimary 4 had a fantastic time at Campbeltown Museum recently. In order to conclude their topic on The Celts they visited the museum to look at the exhibition on Celts. They were shown round the museum by the curator and Primary 4 were also lucky enough to meet an archaeologist who told them about archaeology in Kintyre. Thank you to the staff at Campbeltown Museum.

Rockfield Early Level Department Nativity

RPS and GMU NovDec Nativity 2015 1The pupils in the ELCC and Primary 1 have been working very hard over the last couple of weeks and put on a fantastic performance of ‘A Little Nativity’ to a massive audience last week! All 110 children had their chance to shine on the stage and the audience were treated to fantastic singing, acting and percussion playing. The boys and girls or Sgoil Araich and P1 Gaelic joined together to sing a beautiful Gaelic lullaby. Tea and Shortbread were served afterwards and everyone left feeling very festive!
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Cooking up a Storm!

Strone PS Cooking up a stormOn December 8th the P4-7 class at Strone Primary School went to West College in Greenock to practise their cooking skills in preparation for their Community Restaurant Evening at The Pier Hotel in Kilmun.

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Christmas Spirit at St. Joseph’s

St Josephs Fooodbank 1The children and parents of St. Joseph’s were recently asked to donate luxury food items to school during the season of advent to assist those in need in the community. As a tradition St Joseph’s has always made food bags and given them to the senior citizens in the area. However, this year we decided to spread the Christmas cheer even further. We were overwhelmed by the generosity of parents and pupils and were not only able to give food bags to the senior citizens but also made healthy donations of food to the Food bank in Helensburgh. Continue reading Christmas Spirit at St. Joseph’s

Dunoon Primary Pop-up Shop Success

DPS Pop up shop 1On Thursday, 3rd December, P6/5 and P7/6 opened their 60s themed pop-up shop in the Function Suite at “The Braes”. The shop was very busy all day and by lunchtime the children had to start taking orders for vinyl clocks as they had run out of stock! One pupil had a great idea to have a raffle with the prize being a hamper filled with 60s goodies, including a Beatles album. The children made a fantastic profit of over £700 which will be put towards resources for the classes and hopefully a trip to “Scotland Street Museum” in the New Year for a lesson in a 60s classroom.
Continue reading Dunoon Primary Pop-up Shop Success

The Button Box

Kilcreggan Concert 2Pupils at Kilcreggan Primary recently entertained Parents and friends with a production of “The Button Box”. This fun musical is based around a story about two children staying with their grandparents who become bored on a rainy day. They knock Grandma’s button box over spilling an array of buttons onto the floor. They ask Grandma to tell them where all the buttons came from and the story behind each button is revealed in a song.

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Interdisciplinary Learning at Rockfield Primary School

Rockfield PS pirates 1Over the last term the children of Rockfield Primary have been learning a great deal through their interdisciplinary topics based on our overarching theme of “Adventure, Exploration and Innovation” Children in the early level have been learning about Pirates,

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