A very welcome visitor to Rosneath Primary School – Becky from “Ultimate Arts” – took each class for a Jazz ‘n’ Jive session. The joint was jumpin’ all day and parents and friends came along to be entertained at 2.30pm.
Becky commented on the childrens’ enthusiasm and teamwork. She said ALL classes were absolutely fantastic and most importantly HAD FUN, FUN, FUN!


The Bard Brings Success to Lochnell

Lochnell pupils enjoyed a lovely day at the recent Burns Competition held at the Argyllshire Gathering Halls, which two of their P7 pupils along with pupils from Rockfield and Kilninver had helped to organise. The pupils of Lochnell enjoyed success on the day and later put on a concert in Lochnell for all of the school to showcase their poetry recital, singing and musical skills.


The SAL Team would just like to say a huge ‘THANK YOU’ to all the pupils and staff who have contributed comments and posts during SAL’s first year. The first post was made on the 8th March 2012 and since then you have contributed 586 posts and we have approved 615 comments! We are all absolutely thrilled at the way everyone has embraced the concept of sharing your activities and ideas. So far 96% of schools have contributed plus nurseries and other teams within Education. Matthew Boyle, Fiona Blakey, Mary Hughes, Gary Clark and Sarah Mills have enjoyed bringing you this platform and we are looking forward to looking after SAL in the future. Remember to get in touch if you have any development ideas and KEEP POSTING!

Come dine with us – Sandbank Primary

Monday 25th February saw GMU 1/2 of Sandbank Primary produce their own version of “Come dine with us”
During the previous five weeks the boys and girls had chosen a menu to serve to a group of adults. The starter was roast butternut squash and chicken salad. This was followed by individual meatloaves served with mashed potatoes, broccoli and a courgette bake. To finish off they chose an apple and blackberry tart, served with cream or custard.
Continue reading Come dine with us – Sandbank Primary

Sensational Samba at Lochnell

Lochnell’s P7,6, 5 enjoyed six weeks of Samba drumming tuition with Stephen McNally leading the band. This culminated in a colourful and skilled performance to an appreciative audience of their families and the rest of the school community. The pupils researched traditional Samba headwear and created their own designs for the performance.

P1 Toy Testing at Cardross with Grasshopper Toys

Primary 1 pupils at Cardross Primary enjoyed an afternoon of toy testing as part of their toys topic this term. Wendy Hamilton of Grasshopper Toys devised the afternoon, allowing the pupils to experiment and and test a range of scientific and traditional toys. Some of the P1 favourites were the space rocket, eco house and the spy pens.

Continue reading P1 Toy Testing at Cardross with Grasshopper Toys

Luing Pupils challenge shoppers on Human Rights and Fairtrade

As part of our Human Rights work with Amnesty Ireland and BEMIS, the children of Luing produced the Fairtrade newsletter for Oban, Lorn and the Isles. They also volunteered to distribute information and promote Fairtrade products and Human Rights at a stall in TESCO Oban.

Continue reading Luing Pupils challenge shoppers on Human Rights and Fairtrade

Lochnell Snow Leopard

Three conservation aware P7 pupils from Lochnell were delighted to receive their Snow Leopard adoption pack from WWF on behalf of Lochnell School. While reading a copy of the National Geographic kids magazine the trio were shocked to discover that Snow Leopards are listed as endangered and a threatened species. After sharing the facts about the Snow Leopard with their class the pupils decided to help the Conservation Programme by raising money to adopt a Snow Leopard.

Continue reading Lochnell Snow Leopard

Luing Primary School, Project on Castles

Continuing our project on castles, all of the pupils were asked to research a castle for homework. They could record their findings in any way they wished, written work, pictures, photos, models or a combination of any of these.

There was much excitement on Monday when the children brought their work to school; fantastically created models small and large appeared, with one small model being edible! Everybody was impressed by the thought and work put into these models. Continue reading Luing Primary School, Project on Castles

Lochgilphead High School: S2 Outward Bound Trip

Outward Bound 2013

Eighteen S2 pupils along with two S4 mentor pupils attended The Outward Bound Trust Loch Eil Centre which is just outside Fort William from Monday 25 February until Friday 1 March 2013. Their first task was to jog from the centre to the nearby Loch Eil and then take a dip in the dark cold water. Every student and one of the accompanying staff as well as their instructors all met the challenge. Continue reading Lochgilphead High School: S2 Outward Bound Trip

£71.00 raised at Strath of Appin Fairtrade coffee afternoon

Primary one, two and three with the help of Cameron from P7 helped organise and run a successful Fairtrade coffee afternoon in the school. The children baked in the morning using recipes from their Fairtrade recipe book. In the afternoon they helped set the tables and made sure that those who attended were well looked after.

Continue reading £71.00 raised at Strath of Appin Fairtrade coffee afternoon

Egg-citment at Toward School

There has been great egg-citment at Toward Primary over the past few weeks. As part of our Crofting Connections project the school bought an incubator and were given some hen eggs. The pupils carefully watched over the eggs, turning them each day and ensuring they were kept at the correct temperature. After a week in the incubator the eggs were eggs-amined to see which ones were fertile. They had 4 fertile eggs and eggs-actly 3 weeks after placing the eggs in the incubator they began to hatch.

Continue reading Egg-citment at Toward School

Tobermory RME – Creation Stories

In the latest of this year’s RME conferences S1/2 looked at how people have tried to answer a question that humans have been trying to answer for thousands of years, “how was Earth created?”. The day’s theme was Creation Stories and the day began by looking at the art of storytelling and the differences between fairy tales, myths and legends. In groups students tried to re-tell some familiar fairy stories and noticed that each group told the story in a slightly different way, after working out the morals of the stories, they went on to look at myths and legends using Richard 3rd to try and find the truth between fact and fiction. Continue reading Tobermory RME – Creation Stories

1st Green Flag raised at Minard

On Sunday the 3rd of March, Minard Primary organised a Soup and Sandwich lunch fundraiser. This was a community event prior to the raising of the schools first Green Flag. The flag was awarded before Christmas but we waited for a day when all could join in the celebration. The children thanked Mrs Beattie our SEN assistant and volunteer helper Sheila Campbell for all the hard work they had put in to helping them achieve the flag.
Unfortunately some of the children could not be there on the day and so are not included in the photograph.

Achaleven Primary Fanatical for Fairtrade!

Thanks to all those who came along to our Fairtrade Tea Party at the school on Friday. There was lovely tea and coffee and some great banana loaf, curtesy of Anne MacKenzie, along with a few other fairtrade nibbles. We are very proud to say that £45.53 was raised on the day which has been passed to the Oban and Lorn Fairtrade Steering Group.

Continue reading Achaleven Primary Fanatical for Fairtrade!

‘Clyde’ the official Glasgow Commonwealth Games Mascot visits Furnace and Minard Primaries

On Friday the 1st of March we had a visit from Clyde to Furnace Primary. The children from Minard joined in the fun. We learned about how the mascot was ‘created’ and about the different sports which will be part of the Commonwealth games. Clyde then played a game of rounders with the children and there were lots of ‘high fives’ with him! He even raced the teachers, which was fun for all those watching!

Continue reading ‘Clyde’ the official Glasgow Commonwealth Games Mascot visits Furnace and Minard Primaries

‘Dinosaur Museum’

“P1/2 children at Taynuilt Primary have been learning all about dinosaurs. They decided to ask their parents and friends to come and see all their work so they opened up their classroom as a Dinosaur Museum. The children showed the visitors lots of models they had made, information and research gathered.

Continue reading ‘Dinosaur Museum’