Croft visit

As part of their crofting topic P5,6,7 pupils from Bunessan Primary enjoyed a very informative visit to two local crofts.  On the croft they learned about cutting peat and how to look after different kinds of animals. 

They especially enjoyed comparing crofting methods from the past with the present eg the horse with the quad and the scythe with the binder.

Continue reading Croft visit

Harvest at Port Charlotte

We had an amazing day in Port Charlotte Primary School recently when we held a Harvest Lunch for our parents, friends and family.  We had been busy all summer in the garden; growing vegetables like potatoes, turnips, carrots and leeks and had gathered them all in this term. 

As part of our Crofting Connections project we also had a go at growing barley, oats, rye and wheat.  It took us ages to mill the wheat and oats to make flour!
We used the flour to bake bread and we also made soup from our vegetables and cheese scones and shortbread. 
Continue reading Harvest at Port Charlotte

Ulva Potato Harvest

Last May we had planted potatoes in big yellow tubs in our school garden.  We watched the plants grow … and then die down.  After the summer holidays we decided to wait a few weeks and then harvest our potatoes on a sunny day. 

We had to tip the tubs up to empty out the soil and then hunt for the potatoes.  We collected lots of potatoes.  We counted them, ordered them according to their size and weighed them.  We had collected nearly 2 kilograms of lovely potatoes.
Next week we will make some lunch dishes with our potatoes.  We hope they taste good!!
Continue reading Ulva Potato Harvest

P5 visit to the beautiful Castle Gardens

On Wednesday 26th September, Dunoon Primary P5 pupils (as part of their Interdisciplinary Topic ‘Our Local Area’) visited the Castle Gardens. 

The sun was shining brightly and each group, clipboards in hand investigated the various areas of the gardens to find out as much as they could about the history surrounding this central area of Dunoon.  They took rubbings of plaques,sketched any monuments found in the garden and completed worksheets. A superb time was had by all and lots of interesting information was collected to make a collage of the facts they found. Continue reading P5 visit to the beautiful Castle Gardens

Fairy Bridge

Strath of Appin Pre 5s and two of our Gaidhlig pupils went on an outing to Fasnacloich in Glen Creran.  They went to visit the ‘Fairy Bridge’ …. with a twist.

As the pre 5s interest was learning about dinosaurs, the children had to imagine the bridge looked like something else. Many guessed that it looked like a stegosaurus’ back, and our parent helpers were also impressed with the similarity.  We also discovered what ‘fasnacloich’ meant – ‘the tree in the rock’ – as one helper had local historical knowledge, and a bit of Gaelic, and we went to visit the ‘tree in the rock’, (spot the photo!!).  The weather wasn’t great, but it didn’t stop us, and we look forward to more outdoor sessions throughout the year. Continue reading Fairy Bridge

New resource from CETS

The Co-operative Games: Succeeding Together is a free school resource which links into Curriculum for Excellence, developing all 4 key characteristics, and supporting cross-curricular teaching.

It looks at the wider meaning of “common wealth”, how that links to co-operative values and principles and how the Scottish co-operative heritage has supported community and economic development in Commonwealth countries.
 The resource is available to use online and as a PDF

A&B at the Scottish Learning Festival.

Argyll & Bute Council ran a stand within the ‘Local Authority Village’ at the Scottish Learning Festival last week. The SECC was the venue for the festival which attracts delegates and speakers from the UK and further afield. We met delegates from Estonia, Iceland, France and Holland as well as many many Scottish teaching professionals. On our stand we offered visitors the chance to make an animation using an ipad and full set inc. lighting all borrowed from Kilninver Primary. We also encouraged comments on the theme of the Festival this year which was ‘Creative Learning….Creative Thinking’. Visitors were asked to write on a blue cloud which was then pinned up to decorate the stand. Continue reading A&B at the Scottish Learning Festival.

Mushroom Hunt

Barcaldine and Ardchattan Primary school children went along to Sutherlands Grove on Monday afternoon for a Mushroom Hunt.

Robert MacPherson kindly took us through the woods to find a variety of different mushrooms.  We found Amethyst Deceiver, Angel Wings, Jelly babies, Chanterelle, Sickener and the Common Yellow mushroom were just a few of the types we found.

We were all over Sutherlands Grove and found the mushrooms under trees, in the grass, below logs plus we found a few mushroom sticks.

Eilidh & Rianna P7

Toothbrushing Skills

Nursery and Primary 1 children at Lochnell were visited by Yvonne Sloss, the dental nurse, who reminded us how to stay healthy by eating and drinking the right things at meal times.  She also showed us how to brush our teeth properly so that we won’t get any holes in them … we all agreed that we didn’t want toothache.

All of the children were given new toothbrushes to use at home as well as the brushes they have in school.  Yvonne had a giant sized toothbrush that we got to brush huge teeth with.  Thanks Yvonne!


The children were wide-eyed when a visitor bearing an Olympic Torch appeared in their classroom on Wednesday morning!  Lindsay Moss, who carried the torch in Inverness, very kindly offered to visit the children and allow them to be photographed carrying her Olympic Torch.  The children were absolutely thrilled.  Lindsay then took the time to answer the many questions that the children were desperate to ask.

An “otterly” brilliant day at the Sea Life Centre

As part of their topic about the sea, Lismore Primary School children spent a very enjoyable day at the Oban Sea Life Centre last week.  The two Pre Five children also joined them for the day. The children began their visit with a tour through the various aquaria with aquarist, Innes. They saw all sorts of water animals which live around the local shores including sea urchins, starfish, lobsters and jellyfish.

A large pool contained many different species of flat fish which were well camouflaged on the sandy bottom. There were also cod and coley in the pool and the children were able to get up very close to them!  A rather large conger eel caused great excitement as did a number of different sharks and a very active octopus.

Continue reading An “otterly” brilliant day at the Sea Life Centre

Keith Brumpton Visits Bowmore Primary School

Eventually, after much anticipation, Keith Brumpton, the amazing, famous author, appeared in our school on Friday 7th September 2012!  Although he came to our school, he originally came over for The Islay Book Festival.  For some odd reason Keith Brumpton came early but Joan Lennon and Linda Strachan (two other fantastic authors) were stranded on the mainland due to the unpredictable mist!

 Firstly he told us that he writes scripts for brilliant television shows like 64 Zoo Lane, Balamory and MIHigh but after that he drew scenes from his interesting books.  The pictures were amazing (I especially liked the picture of Dino FC). Then he told us his new ideas for books such as Space Bunnies and Meet the Robotsons (I definitely want to buy them!)

Continue reading Keith Brumpton Visits Bowmore Primary School

Campbeltown’s All Weather Pitch Official Opening

A great morning of sporting events started the proceedings at today’s Official Opening of the Aqualibrium All Weather Pitch in Campbeltown.

 100 primary school children from all over South Kintyre, Young Sports Leaders, Youth Sports Ambassadors and representatives from Argyll & Bute Council, local sports clubs and organisations, all joined together at the Opening Ceremony.  They were led in a parade by the Kintyre Schools Pipe Band. The children were in T-Shirts coloured to represent the 5 colours of the Olympic rings.  They then release coloured balloons (biodegradable of course!) to mark the opening.  It was a wonderful day and all the children really felt part of it.

Continue reading Campbeltown’s All Weather Pitch Official Opening

Kirn Primary 3 visit Julia Donaldson at Dunoon Library

Primary Three from Kirn Primary were excited to meet world famous Children’s Laureate Julia Donaldson at Dunoon Library. 

We sang our version of “The Loon on the Moon” by Chae Strathie for Julia.  We chose this because we remembered it from when Chae came to our school.  We joined in with her play of “Room on the Broom”.  We also sang along with her songs, asked some questions and had our own books signed!  A great morning!


Primary 4 children from Lochnell were invited to attend an event at Atlantis Leisure where they could try out a variety of racket sports – table tennis, badminton, squash and tennis.

They all enjoyed the opportunity to try a new game and improve on skills they had acquired in more familiar games. It was also great to mix with other children from Park Primary in Oban.  Since their return to school they’ve been creating pictures to show others some of the sports they took part in.

Continue reading Racketathon

Ahoy there me Hearties! Welcome to Pirate School!

Pupils at Carradale Primary had lots of fun taking part in ‘Talk like a pirate day’ …….

We took part in International talk like a pirate day because we are learning about pirates and the sea. We dressed up as pirates and came to pirate school for the day. For our topic we made a pirate ship.  Inside the pirate ship you can make a pirate hat.  You have to measure the persons head.  You can make a pattern with the necklace beads or write a letter to Captain Jack Sparrow.  Last week we went to the beach.  Cameron P2

Continue reading Ahoy there me Hearties! Welcome to Pirate School!

Skills Ahoy!

Shipmates at Furnace Pirate, sorry, primary school celebrated International Talk Like a Pirate Day on Wednesday by learning a whole host of skills with a piratey flavour. 

Through a day of cooperative learning activities, children from Primary 2-7 practised a whole host of skills and developed their school values.  Pirate games at the swimming pool were followed by art and craft activities where the children made floatable model ships and an edible treasure island with ‘Boson Bones’ (Miss Miller).  First Mate Mrs Baird helped shipmates ‘mash up’ a shanty with a rap (“When I say Yo, You say Ho!”) and Master-at-arms Mr Young challenged crews to show of their knowledge of angles and direction along with problem solving skills in a treasure hunt. 

Continue reading Skills Ahoy!