Tobermory High School wins Siobhan Dowd Trust ‘Joy of Reading’ Competition.

Tobermory High School is one of 10 schools across the UK to win a £1000 prize in the Siobhan Dowd Trust’s “Spread the Joy of Reading” Campaign ( Schools were invited to share initiatives which have encouraged reading and a love of books. 

Continue reading Tobermory High School wins Siobhan Dowd Trust ‘Joy of Reading’ Competition.

The Great Escape!

When we were mending our Willow Dome last week, we found and collected nine caterpillars and put them into an old Butterfly Net house. We left school on Friday and thought they were safe in their enclosure or so we thought.  When we came in to school today (Monday) we stood in amazement at an empty enclosure – they were all over the classroom! The first three were easy to find then we found one more and then another until only one caterpillar was missing.  

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Tobermory High – Digging up the Past at the Baliscate Chapel Excavation

Like other schools on Mull, P3-S2 pupils from Tobermory High recently visited the Baliscate archaeological site for an opportunity to talk to the archaeologists, ask questions and see this fascinating find right on our doorstep.

Secondary pupils took part in a simulated dig in class, before they went to understand how an archaeologist works.  The visit links in with the work secondary pupils complete in Social Subjects and RME on Christianity and Columba.

Continue reading Tobermory High – Digging up the Past at the Baliscate Chapel Excavation

Shining Bright at Night

Road safety officers June Graham and Kay McGhee visited Southend Primary today to talk to the pupils about some new cycling resources which are under development.   The senior pupils hope to use the new resources when they do their cycle training next year.   June and Kay handed out some reflective items for the children to wear and asked them to start thinking about keeping safe on the roads in the darker evenings.

Mince and Tatties

From plot to plate at Southend Primary.  The children were busy digging the tatties they had planted earlier in the year and pulling some enormous carrots which went straight to our cook for the mince that day. 

Later in the month any produce we have not used will be sold at our MacMillan Coffee Afternoon at the produce stall.

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‘Story-lab’ at Tarbert Academy

Primary pupils in Tarbert Academy took part in the Story-lab reading challenge over the summer holidays.  Through Tarbert Library, pupils had to read six books and take part in puzzles, quizzes and activities relating to their reading.  On successfully completing the challenge, pupils were rewarded with a medal, a certificate and a voucher.  The voucher, for two free visits to the swimming pool, was kindly donated by the Mid Argyll Community Swimming Pool.

Our photograph shows the pupils who completed the challenge with their prizes and representatives of Tarbert Library and the swimming pool.

Salen Primary Pupils Baliscate Visit

On Monday 3rd September Salen Primary pupils went to the Baliscate site in Tobermory which is being excavated by Argyll Archaeology and Mull Museum (sponsored by the Nati­­­­­­­­­­­­­onal Lottery and others).   At the site we met Olive and Hylda. Once we were there we saw archaeologists digging for evidence of an old chapel (7th C).   Luckily enough we were able to see the artefacts found in the chapel such as: teeth, the Bullen stone and the Leacht that the cross would stand on, and lots more fascinating and interesting things!   

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Pupil Council Evening Glenbranter Visit

Last night, 5th of September, as part of their Eco School biodiversity mini project, Dunoon Primary’s new 2012/2013 Pupil Council had the wonderful opportunity to participate in an evening Bat Watch.

Ten pupils from P3-P7 had great fun learning about lots of different species of bats from all over the world at the Forestry Commission Glenbranter, Out Station

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Rosneath primary visits The Brooch of Lorn

A class from Rosneath Primary went to see the replica of the Brooch of Lorn in Helensburgh Library – absolutely magical. They were allowed to photograph it so the children were delighted to have their photo taken with a replica of ‘a little bit of history’. They are going to be looking at some Scottish battles in the future so this was very useful.

If you want to visit the Brooch of Lorn in your area, see the SAL article here Continue reading Rosneath primary visits The Brooch of Lorn

Na Seudan Tarbert Academy

Na Seudan, the fantastic folk group made up of pupils from Tarbert Academy, recently performed as part of The Edinburgh Fringe. From the Ross Bandstand, in Princes St. Gardens and in the shadow of the castle, they gave a stunning 1 hour concert to festival visitors.

The group perform mainly Gaelic songs in unique arrangements as well as including many traditional folk tunes.

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Promethean Storeroom Glow Group and ActivInspire

There is now a Promethean Storeroom on Glow.   This has been set up to help Scottish teachers find resources on Promethean Planet relevant to Scotland and A Curriculum for Excellence. 

 It can be found here: or by doing a search for Promethean Storeroom on the National Glow pages.

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Archaeological dig

Pupils from P5,6,7 Bunessan Primary took part in an archaeological dig on Iona with archaeologist Bob Will.  The dig is taking place all this week on land owned by the Iona Housing trust who are currently developing proposals for 5 new affordable houses on the Glebe Field site for the community of Iona.  The children enjoyed learning new skills and eagerly quizzed Bob about what had been found and what they might hope to find.

Continue reading Archaeological dig

Rhunahaorine Garden Gang

Rhunahaorine School and Pre 5 Unit had a busy day on Thursday 30th of August.
Parents, friends, children and staff at the school and pre 5 unit all mucked in to help tidy up the playground after the summer holidays. Baskets and tubs were weeded and planted, the compost was turned and our goalposts were painted. Volunteers even trimmed the jaggy bushes at the front entrance to the school!

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