DGS Time Travellers Captivate the Clans Pupils re-enact Dunoon’s turbulent past

On Cowal Games Friday, 13 pupils from DGS put on a marvellous performance in front of members of the Lamont and Campbell Clans in Dunoon’s Queens Hall – re-enacting the siege of Toward Castle and the Dunoon Massacre of 1646.

The pupil’s had been given an initial story line from the Clan Lamont Society on the lead up to the performance – but then had to develop the story into a creative re-enactment.

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Would you like mud with that sir?

Achaleven Primary have taken mud to a whole new level with a new addition to their outdoor learning space.

To co-incide with International Mud Day at the end of June, the school had a grand opening of our mud kitchen which Mrs MacPherson designed and Mr MacPherson very kindly built for us. The toddler group came along and shared in the mud-themed ceremony (which also included some very delicious edible goodies). Continue reading Would you like mud with that sir?

Campbeltown Grammar School golfers get up close to the Ryder Cup

Campbeltown Grammar School golfers get up close to the Ryder Cup Pupils from Campbeltown Grammar School welcomed the Ryder Cup to Machrihanish Dunes Golf Club in Kintyre on a tour of Scotland before the Gleneagles event tees off on 26th September. On that date Europe’s top golfers will take on those of the USA for the 2014 Ryder Cup  – from 26th to 28th September. Richard Hills, Europe’s Ryder Cup director, says: ‘This is about sharing the magic of the Ryder Cup. It also highlights just how wide-reaching the legacy effects of the event will be.’ Continue reading Campbeltown Grammar School golfers get up close to the Ryder Cup

Dunoon Primary Pupils do Really Small Science

Pupils from Dunoon Primary School discovered the world of nano-science with researchers from the University of Strathclyde. The ReallySmallScience group, led by Joy Leckie from the Chemical Engineering Department at Strathclyde, demonstrated nano-science to P3 and 4 classes using hands-on experiments. Each class learned how tiny nano-sized things are and that everyday items such as wobbly jelly naturally contain lots of nano-things. Continue reading Dunoon Primary Pupils do Really Small Science

Kodu computer games design – getting started help

Kodu is a free application developed by Microsoft to introduce young people to computer games design.  This visual programming language allows students to design and build three dimensional games.  Kodu can help young people to learn the core concepts of computer science within the context of a project which includes narrative writing, design and maths.

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Cycling Proficiency Success at Rothesay Primary

After many weeks of studying cycling and road safety theory and practical sessions in the playground and on the road, Primary 6 were finally ready to sit their cycling proficiency in June. We were all very proud of everyone who took part and passed with flying colours.
Rothesay Primary would like to thank the parents and staff who worked with the pupils enabling them to achieve success. The smiles in the photo say it all!

Rothesay Primary Young Green Fingers!

After months of sowing, weeding, transplanting, weeding, watering and weeding (!) Rothesay Primary were delighted to have some fine produce for the Rothesay Horticultural Society Show. We carefully choose our best fruit and veg and got them ready for the show bench. We entered two varieties of tomato, black grapes, peppers, yellow courgette, runner beans, peas, curly kale, pears, rhubarb, onions, carrots and a whopping marrow!

Continue reading Rothesay Primary Young Green Fingers!

CAST CPD menu 2014/15

Please see below for the CAST CPD menu for 2014/15. Local funded twilights covering a variety of arts related topics, please read! To book a place on any of our courses please email: fiona.blakey@ea.argyll-bute.sch.uk
Courses will run from approx 4pm till 6pm latest EXCEPT BIG RHYTHM SESSIONS which are programmed from 1pm till 5pm. Tea and coffee will be available. There are no charges for these courses. All venues TBC. Hope you can come along! Continue reading CAST CPD menu 2014/15

Minard Primary School

The children of Minard Primary School conducted surveys last term to discover how much litter there was in school and around the village. They realised that there was quite a bit of dog mess in the village but nowhere to dispose of it. After writing letters to The Environment Officer in Lochgilphead they were very pleased when David came to meet them and to discuss what they wanted. They decided to install a special bin and display notices round the village to encourage people to pick up after their pets. The bin was installed during the summer break much to the delight of the children.mi

Dervaig Primary School Know Their Onions

Dervaig Primary pupils successfully grew onions and peas in their raised beds area this year and were delighted to win a 1st for the peas and a 3rd for the onions at the Tobermory Horticultural Show on Saturday 23 August 2014. The pupils are now looking forward to making a large pot of soup with the rest of their produce. They also won a 1st and 2nd in the photographic category, and a 3rd for a commonwealth painting.

Essay Success – What does ‘sustainable living’ mean to you?

Each year the Trust for Sustainable Living organises a global essay competition, which this year invited schoolchildren to outline their ideas for sustainable living and the steps needed for societies to achieve them. This year 73 countries participated and essays were received from 1,094 children. We had several finalists from Port Ellen and in July Asher travelled down to Oxford to attend the international schools debate, which was attended by children from 23 countries.

Continue reading Essay Success – What does ‘sustainable living’ mean to you?

Annual Primary Writing Competition

Welcome to our Annual Writing Competition which is now in its fourth year and supported by Scottish Book Trust. This year, we are doing things slightly differently!! Please see PDF below for information or go to http://argyllcollection.com/competition/
The competition is open to all primary schools within Argyll & Bute and entries are invited from second level pupils. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners will receive books and the winner’s school will receive £250 worth of various early, first and second level books. Click HERE for the information PDF.

Auchindrain / Achadh an Droigheann

On the last week of term, June 2014, the pupils of Sandbank Gaelic Medium Unit visited Auchindrain as part of their local history project and Crofting Connections work. They had brainstormed a set of questions that they wanted to ask the curator, Mr Bob Clarke, which would help us to understand the forces of change in the lives of local people through the last couple of centuries. Mr Clarke took us on a tour of the houses, telling us about some of the inhabitants and their way of life. We learned so much that we would not be able to write it all down in one report!
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Whole School Orienteering at Sandbank Primary!

A whole school orienteering event took place at Sandbank Primary School on the last Thursday of the June term 2014. The pupils of Gaelic medium P6/7 had walked up to the Heritage trail the previous week, chosen a safe but challenging area for a star-orienteering exercise, drew the maps and planned the course. Back at school they prepared the materials (bilingually (Gaelic & English) and laminated the maps ready for the big day. Miss Wombwell split the rest of the school into mixed ability teams.
Continue reading Whole School Orienteering at Sandbank Primary!

GUARD at Tigh Caol

Sandbank Gaelic Medium P6/7 class were fortunate enough to be invited to participate in an archaeological dig at Tigh Caol near Glendaruel along with many other schools in the area. The dig was performed by GUARD (Glasgow University Archaeological Research Division) with support from the local community (Forestry Enterprise and Strachur and District Local History Society). Kilmodan and Sandbank both attended on the same day and the pupils were given the opportunity to metal detect, trowel and bag finds, draw the plans of the site and sieve the spoil heap.
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Allt na Blàthaich

During May – June 2014 the pupils of Sandbank Gaelic Medium Unit P6/7 began to explore and record some old ruins amongst the trees at Ard na Blàthaich on the side of Loch Eck. First of all we mapped the area, photographed the ruins, and measured the walls using tape measures and measuring wheel. We also used a compass to give us the direction that the walls were running in and used some GPS machines that we’d borrowed from Clyde Muirshiel Countryside Ranger service. These gave us a grid reference number that we can now plot on a map.

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St. Mun’s ‘Buddies’ Welcome Our New Primary Ones – Flying High Together

Going back to school after the summer holidays can be difficult for everyone but just put yourself in the shoes of a 4 or 5 year old Primary One pupil. All those big children and ‘hard’ sums, not to mention the long day, would be enough to put even the most confident of us into a spin.

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Game On – A Lasting Legacy

As part of the Scottish Government’s Legacy Gift initiative, Education Scotland was allocated 1000 Games tickets to distribute to children and young people who had engaged with the Game On Scotland programme, as part of the Commonwealth Games.
Schools were invited to apply for tickets by completing a survey about activities held in conjunction with the Game On website and Commonwealth Games, to be put in the ballot for a chance to win 10 tickets for sporting Games tickets.
Continue reading Game On – A Lasting Legacy