A whole school orienteering event took place at Sandbank Primary School on the last Thursday of the June term 2014. The pupils of Gaelic medium P6/7 had walked up to the Heritage trail the previous week, chosen a safe but challenging area for a star-orienteering exercise, drew the maps and planned the course. Back at school they prepared the materials (bilingually (Gaelic & English) and laminated the maps ready for the big day. Miss Wombwell split the rest of the school into mixed ability teams.
We were lucky to have a dry, warm and midgie-free afternoon when we all walked up the Heritage Trail. The pupils who had planned the course were all on duty as boundary guards, first aid kit carriers and helpers for those who were lost (as well as having tied all the clues in the correct places earlier that morning). Mr MacDonald and Miss MacPhail checked the answers as each group came back from finding each clue and identified the winning groups of pupils who had successfully found each clue in the fastest time. At the end of the afternoon we all enjoyed a selection of fresh fruit as a welcome snack before heading back to school for hometime. We intend to make orienteering an annual event each Easter and Summer holiday.