Rosneath Primary School visited the Titan Crane recently. We would highly recommend going. As you can see some of us did not look that keen to be going way up there but we did it! Can you imagine the size of some of those vessels that were lifted? The weather was against us that day – wet, freezing cold and windy – but we soldiered on. The guides were great and we had an interactive World War 2 workshop using the Smart board. This was linked to our Interdisciplinary Study of the Second World War with a particular focus on the Clydebank Blitz. Continue reading UP THE TITAN CRANE, CLYDEBANK


Rosneath Primary School were very excited to be taking part in this annual Tournament at the Lomond Sports Hall in Helensburgh. We played against teams from other Helensburgh and Peninsula schools. We were DELIGHTED that our little school won a Bronze medal. We played our hearts out and everyone is SO proud of us. Our joint Team Captains look so happy and the main point of the evening was that everyone had great fun meeting up together and cheering each other on. Continue reading CHRISTIAN AID NETBALL TOURNAMENT

Young Tobermory Authors

Seeing a gap in the market, Primary 3 & 4, along with their teacher Mrs Carmichael, from Tobermory High School decided to embark on an enterprising interdisciplinary project and write their very own Mull & Iona Activity Book. This was designed for locals as well as visiting children to buy when they come to the Island. The full colour book is very informative and contains lots of fun activities for children to enjoy. It tells the reader many facts about the island they are visiting, including the history and wildlife of Mull as well as key events going on throughout the year. Continue reading Young Tobermory Authors

Kilcreggan Primary Fun Day

On Saturday 12th May our Parents’ Association held a Fun Day in the School grounds. We had games, stalls and a visit from the Royal Navy Bomb Disposal Unit from Faslane together with our local Fire Brigade. There were teas & cakes in the School Hall and a great afternoon of fun was had by all.

We would like to thank all those parents and staff who helped on the day and all those parents and children who took part and helped to raise £400 for our School Fund. Continue reading Kilcreggan Primary Fun Day


Primary 5 at Dalintober have recently completed an Interdisciplinary topic about Scotland ‘s landscape. The subject was introduced through Chocolate Geography which used various bars of chocolate to show how the world is made up out of 3 types of rock. The idea we used was supplied by The National Parks, Loch Lomond. We investigated the three main areas in Scotland by using websites, games and videos. We used Google Maps to find places in Scotland and marked them on a large map along with some pictures. This formed a quiz for other pupils. We used photographs of the local area taken from a microlight. Continue reading SCOTTISH EXTRAVAGANZA AT DALINTOBER

Easter Island Challenges continue at Rothesay Primary

Primary 2 received another letter today from Easter Island.
Task 3 Letter from Easter Island

There are lots of things we can do from this task letter, we have decided to do 3 different parts to this task.
Poem, Short story, Inside my Head song. Continue reading Easter Island Challenges continue at Rothesay Primary

Port Ellen Beach Clean

On Friday afternoon the whole school took part in a beach clean of our adopt a beach Leodamus Bay in Port Ellen. It was a lovely if windy afternoon, and the tide was very far out so we were able to access parts of the beach we do not normally manage, and gather a large quantity of rubbish. Apart from the usual suspects such as tyres and plastic string, we also cleared an old umbrella, boat rudder and half a canoe. Polly Mather, the Islay and Jura beach ranger, was there to help and provide the bags. In total we collected half a tonne of rubbish, earning the school a donation of £110 from REJIG. Well done everyone who took part! Continue reading Port Ellen Beach Clean

Joint Sports Activities Day.

Children from Kilninver, Easdale and Luing primary schools came together for a sports activity day.
Following a day of activity the children won the tug of war hands down, pulling the teachers clean off their feet
We are sure they wouldn’t have managed it if there hadn’t been 80 of them.
Continue reading Joint Sports Activities Day.

Coming up! Kodamba CPD: Creative Active Music Making

Kodamba is a music programme created for Argyll and Bute schools offering free CPD sessions.
LEVEL 1 CPD (P2-5)
15 May Lochgilphead Primary School
17 May Kirn primary school, Dunoon
22 May Park primary, Oban
24 May Dalintober primary, Campbeltown
30 May Rhu primary, Helensburgh
All sessions run from 4-5.45pm Continue reading Coming up! Kodamba CPD: Creative Active Music Making

NEW! National Creativity NewsCAST.

Please have a look through these latest news items for interesting opportunities/announcements.

National Poetry Day 2012 theme is… STARS
Visit the Scottish Poetry Library website for information about National Poetry Day on Thursday 4 October 2012.
http://www.scottishpoetrylibrary.org.uk/learn/librarians/professional-news-resources Continue reading NEW! National Creativity NewsCAST.


Hello, we are Primary 7  at Rosneath Primary School and we love learning in the great outdoors.  We call ourselves Rosneath Ramblers and every Wednesday we go out walking/hiking in different locations.
We would like to share our experiences with you.  We have already hiked from Rosneath to Kilcreggan and back.  We have been to the local woods – Clachan Glen and yesterday we hiked to The Trig Point in Kilcreggan.  When we are out and about we do various activities, enjoying in particular building shelters. Continue reading ROSNEATH RAMBLERS


Every Thursday after school volunteer pupils meet together and walk down to our local shore line.  Mr Campbell, our P5/4 class teacher and Miss Stevenson, our P1 class teacher take the pupils to the shore and spend about 45 minutes cleaning the beach.  So far we have been lucky with the weather and have collected quite a lot of flotsam and jetsam, some of which we have been able to send for recycling and the remainder has been disposed of.

Southend Mini Olympics Training

Active Schools Co-ordinator, Robbie Kupris has started a 4 week after school block with parents to help the P4-7 children with their techniques in a variety of sports which they haven’t tried before. Today in glorious weather they had a go at javelin throwing. With a few pointers from Mr Kupris, the overall improvement was impressive. The children will use their new found skills at a Mini Olympics event in June.

Port Ellen Animation…update

Primary 3&4 have been very busy this term learning all about polar lands for their topic.  They found out about the different creatures that live there, what the climate is like and how the weather affects the animals and people who live there.

As their end of topic assessment the children decided to make a stop motion animation of a child called Joe’s trip to the poles on the back of an eagle.  Please feel free to watch his adventures.  Well done P3&4 on all your hard work! Continue reading Port Ellen Animation…update

Kilchrenan Cleans Up!

Pupils from Kilchrenan Primary joined forces with an environmental team from The Blackwell Group, to give a Spring Clean to the village.

The building of a major windfarm on hills near the school has meant an increase of heavy traffic on the local single track roads. So when the headteacher, Mr Graham Dickie, approached the engineering company, Blackwells, to warn them about the children’s litter-pick, they offered to lend a hand. Continue reading Kilchrenan Cleans Up!