Numeracy & maps with Rothesay P2

We were pleased to receive Task 2 – ‘where is my head?’ from Easter Island.
We had lots of ideas of what we could do to fulfil the task. We decided that we would like to create a 3D map of Easter Island.
We had great fun creating the island using paper and glue to make volcanoes, mountains and rocks. We made sure that there was enough room left so that we could stand some of our clay models on them and we all agree that it looks really effective.
Continue reading Numeracy & maps with Rothesay P2

Kintyre Schools Junior Band: National Champions

On Saturday 31 March, 25 young musicians from Kintyre represented Scotland in the finals of the National Concert Band Festival, held at the Royal Academy of Music in London. After a 13 hour bus journey on the Friday, and a good night’s sleep, the youngsters and their conductor Katy Welch, took to the stage on Saturday morning and wowed the judges with their controlled ensemble playing and fine soloists.

Continue reading Kintyre Schools Junior Band: National Champions

Argyll National Galleries Competition Finalist

Liam Campbell in Primary 6 Port Ellen Primary reached the final of the National Galleries ‘Inspired? Get Writing’ competition and was awarded a special merit in Category A. He chose an abstract painting by Jackson Pollock and wrote a poem which personified an abstract idea of chaos. He went to Edinburgh to hear his poem read aloud in the National Gallery of Scotland.

Well done Liam!
Continue reading Argyll National Galleries Competition Finalist


P1&2 have been finding out about dinosaurs and investigating different ways we can discover about the past, including books, the internet and museums. On Thursday Primary 1&2 went for a visit to Port Charlotte where we were met by Mr Reavey who took us to both the Islay Wildlife Centre and the Islay Museum so we could learn all about museums. We saw lots of exciting things like bones, pottery and very old stones and Mr Reavey told us lots of interesting facts. Continue reading Port Ellen Visit: WILDLIFE CENTRE AND MUSEUM

Woodland Walks for Southend Pre-5 Unit

The first of our planned Woodland Walks took place this morning in a lovely wood near the school covered in bluebells. The 6 children from Southend Pre-5 Unit with their teachers enjoyed collecting things, playing games, singing songs and using their imaginations in the lovely surroundings. More visits are planned throughout the term. See below for photos……….. Continue reading Woodland Walks for Southend Pre-5 Unit

Catherine McCaig’s Trust: Gaelic Writing Competition

The Catherine McCaig Trust’s annual writing competition awards for endeavour in Gaelic writing combined with creativity in the use of ICT, Art and Music and aims to encourage our young people to develop their skills in Gaelic, relevant to 21st Century Gaelic education. The competition seeks entries from pupils in Gaelic Medium and Gaelic Learners Education. In its third year, entries continue to increase and improve in quality and the judges, from the Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow, continue to be impressed with the standard received from Argyll and Bute schools. Continue reading Catherine McCaig’s Trust: Gaelic Writing Competition

Rothesay P2 starts Easter Island challenges

Our head is looking good out in the garden.
He has settled into the Pre-5 garden area which has an Island theme, so he is standing tall keeping guard on the coastline!
He is being admired by all the pupils and we are able to keep an eye on him from the classroom.
For our first task we received a letter from Easter Island asking us to create faces showing different emotions. Task 1 letter Continue reading Rothesay P2 starts Easter Island challenges

Great Outdoors – Innellan Primary School

Outdoor Learning has got off to a fantastic start this spring at Innellan Primary School. Our now well established After School Gardening Club organised by Miss Eleanor Stevenson, retired teacher, Mrs Vicki Walkingshaw, Parent Council Chairperson and Mrs Susan Stephenson, class teacher, are seeing the great benefits of all their hard work done during the winter months. Their raised beds of vegetables and spring flowers are providing an attractive display of vibrant colours around the playground. Continue reading Great Outdoors – Innellan Primary School

Dalintober Primary School – Rotary Cup Quiz Winners!

Dalintober Primary School won this year’s Rotary Cup Quiz Competition for South Kintyre Schools. The winning team of Lucy, Rachel, Kathryn and Leah competed against seven other teams for the cup and title and scored an excellent 84 points in total.
The girls will now progress to the national competition to be held in Pollockshaws, Glasgow on 21st May. Caroline Armour, Head Teacher, said, “We are all very proud of our winning team and wish them the very best of luck in the next stage of the competition.”

Rothesay Primary welcomes Easter Island Head.

Primary 2 succeeded in getting an Easter Island Head just before Easter.
We received a letter from someone on Easter Island telling us that they were glad we had our head – moai.

We were all very excited and were all keen to find out what was in store for us when we came back from our holidays.
When we returned to school we received another letter……… Continue reading Rothesay Primary welcomes Easter Island Head.

Pirates in the Park – Garelochead Primary

Pirates came to Bendarroch Park in Garelochhead recently. Pupils took their learning outdoors when P3/2 class teacher Jane Allan worked in partnership with parent Katherine Price to bring learning to life!  Pupils had worked in co-operative groups in class to use a variety of skills including map reading, problem solving and literacy.  To round off their term’s work, they completed their Pirate topic with a Treasure Hunt.  This was organised by Dr. Price, our school Parent Council Chair who has a very keen interest in the local environment. Continue reading Pirates in the Park – Garelochead Primary

Rothesay Joint Campus students to open the Bute Jazz festival

“Academy Swing”, the swing band of Rothesay Joint Campus have been performing at the Bute Jazz Festival since 2004 and this year will be opening the festival on 4th May 8 -9pm in the Pavilion. The band has made quite a reputation for itself in the past few years and performs regularly in the local community and further a field at venues such as the Loch Fyne food fair. It has also toured regularly throughout Argyll, giving community concerts and schools demonstration performances on Islay, Mull, Oban and Mid Kintyre. Continue reading Rothesay Joint Campus students to open the Bute Jazz festival

DUNOON GRAMMAR SCHOOL short listed for prestigious national award.

Pupils at Dunoon Grammar School have been celebrating news that a short film telling the story of a former pupil has been selected as finalist for Poppy Scotland’s Moving Stories competition.

The pupils now need your vote!

The film tells the tragic story of former Dunoon Grammar pupil Walter Sinclair Smith, who was killed during the iconic Christmas Day Truce of 1914 and is one of four films now subject to a public vote to decide the overall winner of the competition which is being run to mark the 90th anniversary of Poppy Scotland. Continue reading DUNOON GRAMMAR SCHOOL short listed for prestigious national award.

Careers Fair at Port Charlotte

This term in P5/6/7 we have been using our investigation time to research different careers.  We grouped up and chose a career to investigate; these included actress, dancer, helicopter pilot, firefighter, paleontologist, nurse and vet to name a few.  We found information from the internet, from various books in our school library and some of us even interviewed people who have that job. All this was to hold a Careers Fair for the whole school; this was when we set up stalls around the hall and presented our information in the form of posters and leaflets, and handed out a few stickers and badges as well.  Continue reading Careers Fair at Port Charlotte

The Unsinkable Ship – Interdisciplinary Project

Captain’s Ball – Celebration of Learning

Over the last 8 weeks Carradale Primary School has received secret missions to do with the Unsinkable Ship, The Titanic. As a celebration of their learning, the pupils held a Captain’s Ball on Thursday 29th March for
parents and community members. The pupils performed ‘My favourite Things’ from the Sound of Music, ‘Breaking Free’ from High School Musical, ‘Castle on a Cloud’ from Les Mesirable with solos from P2 girls and our Pr4 sang ‘Where is Love?’ from Oliver. P4-7 played ‘Pavane’ on the recorders and finally P3-7 played ‘My Heart will Go on’ on the bells. Parents and community members then had the opportunity to look round all the work the pupils had completed to do with the Unsinkable ship, before enjoying the buffet. Continue reading The Unsinkable Ship – Interdisciplinary Project

Growing season underway at Southend

The growing season is underway at Southend Primary and when the weather was a bit warmer last week we took the opportunity to prepare the soil and get planting.  Our wormery was emptied and the lovely worms added to our veg patches. We had collected peas from last year’s crop so they were picked over and the best ones kept for sowing in a few weeks. Potatoes were planted in our deep troughs, carrots and lettuce were sown and we divided strawberry plants from last year and repotted them to produce lots of new healthy plants.

Continue reading Growing season underway at Southend