Rothesay P2 starts Easter Island challenges

Our head is looking good out in the garden.
He has settled into the Pre-5 garden area which has an Island theme, so he is standing tall keeping guard on the coastline!
He is being admired by all the pupils and we are able to keep an eye on him from the classroom.
For our first task we received a letter from Easter Island asking us to create faces showing different emotions. Task 1 letter

To help us on what emotions to show, we took a sheet showing various emotions, and in our cooperative groups we collaborated and decided what each one was showing.
We then reported back to the class what our decisions were and discussed when or why these emotions may be shown. As a class we then decided on how we wanted to show these emotions, and we all decided that we wanted to make our own Moai heads showing an emotion of our choice.

Can you tell what emotion they are showing?
Looking forward to our next challenge………

Primary 2
Rothesay Primary School

One thought on “Rothesay P2 starts Easter Island challenges

  1. I LOVE the clay heads P2! Hope you enjoyed the challenge from your ‘head’ and thanks for sharing!

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