Young Tobermory Authors

Seeing a gap in the market, Primary 3 & 4, along with their teacher Mrs Carmichael, from Tobermory High School decided to embark on an enterprising interdisciplinary project and write their very own Mull & Iona Activity Book. This was designed for locals as well as visiting children to buy when they come to the Island. The full colour book is very informative and contains lots of fun activities for children to enjoy. It tells the reader many facts about the island they are visiting, including the history and wildlife of Mull as well as key events going on throughout the year. On the 10th May, the pupils took the first batch of books down to the local book shop, Tackle and Books, who had placed a very large order of 50 books. The owner, Mr Swinbanks, commented that he thought the books were excellent and he felt they would sell very well in his shop. He particularly liked the fact that all the children in the class had contributed to the book. The books are available from Tackle and Books, An Tobar, Tobermory Surgery and the Tobermory High School Office priced just £1 and all profits go to school funds.

2 thoughts on “Young Tobermory Authors

  1. I like your idea very much. I have often thought about making up a class booklet – “There’s so much to do in Rosneath!” for new children coming into our school. I will definitely do this now in the new session and maybe take it one step further and incorporate some of your ideas. Thank you very much! I hope you raise lots of money for school funds.

  2. Thank you very much for your kind comments. We had lots of fun researching and writing the book and we are delighted at the response. So far over 200 books have been sold which is a huge boost for school funds. We wish you well with your book.

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