Strone Primary School pupils enjoy a Technology Workshop

P5-7 pupils at Strone Primary School were offered an after school technology workshop last week led by Mr Steven Simpson, a Modern Apprentice with Learning Technologies at Argyll House.
Two P6 pupils Adam Lawton and Adam Smith gave the following feedback –
‘We learnt how to programme a Spark Plus. It is like a little plastic orb that you can control from your iPad using the ‘Lightning Lab’ App. We learnt how to programme it to go in a square’

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Junior Chef training at the Isle of Coll Hotel

Arinagour Primary Schools P4, P6 and P7 pupils enjoyed four trips to the Coll Hotel to participate in Junior Chef training sessions.

With the guidance of owner and chef Julie Oliphant, chef Graham Griffiths and hotel manager Laura Oliphant the pupils developed skills in food preparation. They identified ingredients, units of measure and equipment used in the cooking process.

They also learned about cleanliness, hygiene and safety

P1 and P2 pupils joined the senior pupils as guests to sample the meals that had been prepared.

rockfield-maths-festival-2017-004Rockfield Rocks the Oban High School Maths Festival 2017
Recently Rockfield had an extremely successful visit to Oban High School to compete in the annual Maths Festival. Rockfield pupils won both sections, one on practical problem solving and one on written problem solving. Well done and congratulations to all those who took part in this competition. Thanks also go to Oban High School Maths Department for organising this and to Margaret MacLeod for taking the Rockfield teams to the venue.

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FilmG awards in Glasgow

film-4g-awards-in-glasgowSeo dealbh de Ruaraidh MacAlasdair agus a charaid Anna a bhuannaich an duais airson an Dealbh-beò is fheàrr aig Duaisean FilmG ann an Glaschu air Dihaoine 17mh den Ghearran. ‘S e Comhairle Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid a chuir taic ri Duais Dealbh-beò na bliadhna-sa. Cuideachd, anns an dealbh, tha an Comhairliche Robin MacMhuirich à Ìle, Ceannard Poileasaidh na Gàidhlig air Comhairle Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid.

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Sharing memories with the local community at Minard

minard-sharing-memories-1On Tuesday 7th February 2017 some of our local community neighbours from Minard village came along to school to share some memories from their childhood. Mrs Hay and her friends brought with them things which reminded them of their childhood and our pupils brought in some things from their earlier childhood. Over teas and biscuits we all shared our ‘memories’ using our memory objects to tell stories. Our neighbours brought old coins, school photos and toys from long ago.

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Yammering welcome!


Yammer has come to Numeracy!  The yammer page for Numeracy and Mathematics in Argyll and Bute has now been set up and is available to all teaching staff.  It is a super way of sharing resources and chatting with colleagues across Argyll and Bute council, all through your Glow accounts.  Some super resources have already been added so feel free to come in and look around!  We look forward to yammering with you …

Good2Go programme

3128164-bluish-gymnastics-icon1-150x1501“Good2Go is a comprehensive health and wellbeing programme for all primary pupils. We have created 6 core lessons plans for early, first a second level, which cover topics outlined by the Scottish Government in their Child Healthy Weight Strategy. Completion of the full programme will allow you to meet all “Food and Health” HWB outcomes for early, first and second level.”

A folder with all resources needed, is on SALI for all teachers to access, under the Health and Wellbeing tab

St Andrew’s Primary Eco Schools Green Flag Award

st-andrews-ps-green-flag-award-feb-2017This week, St Andrew’s Primary School’s pupils and staff were delighted to be awarded their fourth Eco Schools Green Flag. Eco-Schools is the largest sustainable schools programme in the world and is designed to encourage whole-school action on sustainable development education issues. The Green Flag Award is an internationally-recognised symbol of excellence in sustainable development education.

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LC and Nurture Group Nativity

This year Dunoon Primary Learning Centre and Nurture Group performed “The Nativity” to parents, friends and the other pupils and staff in the school. All of the children took part, trying very hard to learn their lines and the words and signs for lots of songs. A special mention must go to P6 pupil, Kenzie, whose narrating was outstanding during all performances. Parents particularly enjoyed solos performed by Aaron, Christopher, Alexander, Ciaran, Malakai, Ty, Evie and Bonnie. The final performance was so good that Santa flew in to deliver some special presents! Afterwards, parents and children enjoyed some tea and cake before the children went home to get ready for Santa arriving at their own houses.

Clan Day at Dunoon Primary School!!

dps-clan-day-fed-2017On the 7th of February Dunoon Primary held a whole school Clan day. Pupils gathered in their Clans; Clan MacCallum, Clan Hunter, Clan Campbell and Clan MacQueen. The atmosphere was one of excitement as the Clans discussed Wants & Needs, children’s Rights & Responsibilities and Anti-bullying. Head Boy and Head Girl, Callum Crofts & Ceana Walker, are now writing to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to tell her what Rights and Responsibilities the Clans think the people of Scotland should have.

Continue reading Clan Day at Dunoon Primary School!!

Dunoon PS Primary 5 joint first winners of Le concours de la francophonie 2017!

dps-french-winners-feb-2017Dunoon PS Primary 5 joint first winners of Le concours de la francophonie 2017!

Dunoon Primary School are delighted to announce that P5 Mrs Wakefield’s class have just discovered that they have achieved joint first place in the P5-P7 Category of Le Concours de la francophonie 2017!!

Continue reading Dunoon PS Primary 5 joint first winners of Le concours de la francophonie 2017!

STEM Ambassadors

rsz_1rsz_stem_ambassadors_rgb_hi-resSTEM Ambassadors use their enthusiasm and commitment to encourage young people to enjoy STEM subjects. They open the doors to a world of opportunities and possibilities which come from pursuing STEM subjects and careers.

STEM Ambassadors not only inspire young people, they also support teachers in the classroom by explaining current applications of STEM in industry or research.

STEM Ambassadors contribute to their local community and at the same time boost their own professional skills, experience and confidence.

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Mission to Mars iPad Event

misson-to-marsAn amazing opportunity to extend learning with iPads using drones, Sphero and Science Sensors. A day of workshop challenges, join us to plan our mission to the stars through an incredible journey of learning.

Mission to Mars is an inspiring, one-day, iPad event for schools and school leaders to provide excellent CPD and practical ways to take teaching and learning forward with iPads. The event will showcase the latest and most exciting tools for schools.

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3128164-bluish-gymnastics-icon[1]PE Development Day
Saturday 4th March 2017
Inveraray Primary School
Time – 9.30am refreshments for 10.00am start – 3.15pm
Refreshments and lunch provided
Some assistance with travelling expenses may be available.


Success for Mid Argyll at a prestigious brass band championships.

ljc-junior-ensemble-winners-4-jan-2017Congratulations to four Lochgilphead Joint Campus pupils that have been crowned the Besson Scottish Junior Ensemble Champions. Myrtle Turnbull (S1, Cornet), Niah Martin (P6, Trumpet), Emily Carter (P6, Horn) and Leila Ritchie (P6, Trombone) competed at the competition last Saturday in Livingston after qualifying to represent the West of Scotland last October.

Continue reading Success for Mid Argyll at a prestigious brass band championships.

Celebrating Rabbie’s Birthday at Furnace

furnace-burns-1-jan-2017Written by P.J Cogan P7 Minard Primary

“A highly enjoyable Burns supper was held at Furnace Primary on 25th January 2017 with all the Minard and Furnace pupils and staff. Lots of parents and members of the community came along too. All the pupils were involved in one way or another. Myself and Marie from Furnace were the MCs for the afternoon.

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Check out the changes!

Lots of work has gone into uploading new materials onto the Numeracy section on our Argyll and Bute blog – SALi.  There is a host of information, particularly for teachers, on Mental Agility and for developing your skills in using Number Talks – the new resource provided for all schools in Argyll and Bute.  There is lots of material to use for your own Continuouse Lifelong Professional Learning, along with links to interesting resources.  New materials are constantly being uploaded and if you have anything that you would like to share, please contact the Acting PT for Numeracy – Maria McArthur.