Art Exhibition

We are delighted to announce that, on Wednesday 17th May, there will be art exhibition in the school hall from 0900-1200 then 1.30-3.00. You can pop in at any time, during these hours, to admire the work and perhaps make a purchase.

On display will be art from each class and the nursery, and the art is for sale! All proceeds will go to school funds and pupils will be involved in deciding what will be purchased as a result.

The framed examples of quality artwork will cost £5.

We look forward to seeing  you there!


Superhero Coffee Morning

Pupils and parents at Westfield Primary enjoyed a successful Superhero Coffee Morning where monies were raised for Forth Ones Cash for Kids. Pupils from P6/7 helped Mrs Grant and members of the Parent Council to supervise the stalls available. The Tombola and tattoo transfer stalls proved very popular and the cakes were not be missed either.

There were lots of Superheros in attendance  so we felt we we in safe hands all morning!!!!

Great fun was had by all and we will be sending just over £200 to the Cash for Kids Appeal!!!!

Sharing learning in P6/7 for this week.

This week has been relatively short  with a Monday holiday and staff Inservice on Thursday.  Four  P6 pupils, Kai, Jowita, Chloe and Katie went to represent the school in the Cluster KNEX challenge on Friday morning at Linlithgow Primary and achieved joint 3rd place – Well Done!

Here is a snapshot of some of our other learning this week.

Wiktoria – P6/7 helped out at the Superhero coffee morning where they practice their enterprise selling and money handling skills.

Abby – We completed our Tesco Art Competition entries where we had to be creative with the theme “Transportation” I chose to create a piece of art which showed Unicorn Island which you had to travel  to on a carrot.

Ryan – In Rugby P5 joined us as we practiced our passing skills and played sharks and fishes with Kyle and Andrew, coaches from Linlithgow Rugby Club.

Kai – I went to the KNEX challenge with our team. We had to create a wheelbarrow which would carry a brick and  then push the wheelbarrow over a course. The ladder of death was really tricky! We were proud of our efforts coming in joint third place with Torphichen.

Donnie  & Bobby – We were taking pictures for the nursery during their Assembly about Healthy Eating.  We felt that the nursery presented their assembly very well and were very focused and clear when speaking to a large audience. Well Done!

Jowita – We have been extending our writing skills through the use of similes and exploring ambitious openers.



This week was a short week at school but we still managed to get a lot done.

Jack – I am learning how to join my handwriting and it is pretty easy. When I am writing 2 letters it is neat but words can be messy. I will work on this.

Cyrus – We had rugby on Tuesday with a coach, learning to pass the ball properly. I enjoyed it.

Toby – In maths we were adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with all our tables. I found the multiplying more challenging

Meah – In our China topic we watched a video and wrote down facts about China.I wrote 22 facts.

Angus – In maths we were dividing fractions and I found it really hard.

Melissa – In Spanish we were experimenting with fruit and which would float and not float. We had to do this in Spanish.

Sophie Lee – In French we made smoothies on paper and were learning the vocabulary for fruit

Ffion/Helen – In maths we are looking at money, giving change up to a pound. I have been able to do it easily.

Lewis – We have been learning to interpret information from different kinds of graphs in Maths.

Alexander – In maths we took a survey in the school using tally marks and displayed our results on a bar graph using Create a Graph on the laptop.

Kelsey – I had fun creating a poster all about China.

Rebecca – We wrote our names in Chinese and painted them in black.

Kieran – In French we had to match the names of fruit to the right picture.

Tia – In maths we were dividing fractions which started out easy but got harder