Today’s challenge – write a new ending for one of your favourite films! You can write the events or create a storyboard to show what happens!
Tag Archives: P3C
Miss Blyth’s Daily Challenge
Today, I would like you to create a quiz for someone in your family. The questions can be about anything you like – maybe you could have a mix of literacy, numeracy and general knowledge questions! Your checklist for success is:
1. It must have 10 questions.
2. You must have an answer sheet that you keep secret.
I’d love to see your finished quizzes to see if I know all the answers!
P3 Home Learning Week 9
It’s our second last week of home learning before the summer holidays! Hasn’t the time flown in?
Starting on Friday (19th), there will be another West Lothian Sumdog contest that ends on Thursday 25th – all you need to do to be a part of it is play the games on Sumdog! Simpson Primary did an amazing job last time so we’d love to see that happen again!
Below are the home learning grid and supporting documents. As always, do what you can and choose the routine that works for you!
P3 Other Curricular Areas wb 15 6 20
P3-Week-9-RME-Science-Social-Science-and-French 15_06_2020
P3 Week 9 Literacy Activties wc 15 6 20
Miss Blyth’s Daily Challenge
Today’s challenge is to research something you’re interested in – I chose to find out more about the Kelpies in Falkirk. Did you know that the Kelpie statues are 30 metres tall, and their names are Duke and Baron?
Miss Blyth’s Daily Challenge!
Today’s challenge is to draw a picture of something but you can only use straight lines! No circles, curves or ovals allowed!
Miss Blyth’s Daily Challenge!
Miss Blyth’s Daily Challenge!
Today I would like you to match up the start of the sentence with the correct end – make sure to read it over to check it makes sense!
I went to the park but it’s all been eaten!
My favourite film is Monsters Inc and saw lots of dogs
Last week I baked bread because I love Sulley and Boo!
P3 Week 8 Home Learning Activities
Good morning P3. We hope that you are well, and that you enjoy your Monday holiday. This week’s grid and activities can be found below. As in past weeks, the timetable is only a guide, so dip in and out when you can. There are still online activities for you too. We always enjoy seeing your work, so please share it if you can by commenting on this blog post or by tagging @missblyth1 and @MrsLDee on Twitter.
P3 Week 8 Home Learning Grid 09_06_2020
P3 Week 8 Literacy Activties wc 8 6 20
P3 Week 8 Numeracy Activities Document wc 8 6 20
P3-Week-8-RME-Science-Social-Science-and-French 09_06_2020
P3 Other Curricular Areas wb 8 6 20 2
Miss Blyth’s Daily Challenge
Today, we’re going to be thinking about distance and direction. I’d like you to create a set of instructions for someone to find a hidden treasure. Don’t tell the person what the secret object they are looking for is – if they don’t find it, redo your instructions and try again!
For example, if I hid a teddy at the bottom of the stairs, my instructions might read:
Start in front of the couch and face the TV.
Walk forwards 6 steps.
Turn to the right.
Walk forwards 3 steps.
Turn to the left.
Walk forwards 2 steps.
Look to the right and reach down.
Miss Blyth’s Daily Challenge
Today I have another Art challenge. On Tuesday, I asked you to come up with a character who lived in the picture I posted here: Today, I would like you to try and illustrate your character – it can be just their face, their whole body or even a scene that they are in!