Interview with an Aquarist

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for the great questions for my Aquarist friend, Andrew. He was so pleased with them that he filmed a video for us to give us lots of information!

The video is in three parts and can be found at the link below:

Go to this Sway

You should just be able to click the link and press play on each video! Once you have watched the video, there is a worksheet below that you can try!

Our Ocean, Plastic and Me

Don’t forget to take part in our virtual trip to the aquarium which was in our blog post on Monday!


We can’t believe this is your last week in Primary 1. Be proud of how much you have achieved this year, we are all very proud of each and every one of you.

This week, we’ve added a grid  with lots of activities related to bears! We hope you can try lots of these activities and have fun.  At the end of the week, we would like you to celebrate the end of term by having your own Teddy Bear’s Picnic. Post your pictures, we would love to see them.

Primary 1 – Themed activities

I hope you now enjoy this story about a family of bears. More stories will follow throughout the week.

A Message for P3A

Hi P3A,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say that I have enjoyed getting to know you all this year and I am so proud of your hard work in Primary 3! I know that you are going to love Primary 4! Here is a poem from me to you:

And here is our final Virtual Classroom – I hope you have enjoyed exploring them as much as I have enjoyed making them for you 🙂 As always download the PDF link below and click on the different pictures. Click Miss McGregor for a direct link to the final P3 Blog post!

P3A Virtual Classroom Ver4

Enjoy your final week of P3! 🙂

P.S Remember to keep a look out for a special Summer Holiday edition of the blog 🙂



Final Week of P3!

Hello P3!

We can’t believe that we have reached the final week of Primary 3! Miss McGregor, Miss Blyth and Mrs Dunsmore would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your hard work and determination this year and we wish you all the best for Primary 4!

Here is the Final Home Learning Grid of P3 linked below along with the resources 🙂

I have organised a virtual trip for everyone in P3. There is a Powerpoint and a matching booklet that you can work through at your leisure. Have fun!! 🙂


P.S Look out for a post later in the week giving you some ideas of things you could do during the Summer Holidays.

P3 Week 10 Home Learning Grid Final Week

P3 Week 10 Literacy Activties wc 22 6 20

P3-Week-10-RME-Science-Social-Science-and-French 22_06_2020

Primary 3 Virtual School Trip FINAL

Virtual Trip Support Booklet

P3 Drama – A (virtual) trip to the zoo

This week’s drama is based around the animals at Edinburgh Zoo. Have a look at the videos of some of the animals on the zoo’s website here

The page looks like this and each section contains a video you can watch.

After watching each video, pretend to be that animal. When pretending to be the animals think about

  • How they move. Do they move on 2 or 4 feet? Or fly? Or swim? Or climb?
  • What their faces look like.
  • What noises they make?
  • Anything else interesting they do.

Other activities

  • watch the live webcams to see what the animals are up to!
  • Study the map of the zoo. Can you find the toilets? Where would you go if you were hurt? What animals would you visit? Where  would you park the car?

Zoo Map

  • Can you make your own map of your local area? You could include places like your home, school, Granny/Grandad’s house or tesco.

As always I would love to see picture of your drama. Tag me on twitter cara_aikman (remember not to include your child’s name).

Primary 3C Reports

Good morning P3C. I hope that you are all well. I cannot believe this is the final week of term. You have worked so hard and I have really enjoyed seeing your Tweets.  Remember the Sumdog competition is still going! Reports will be available tomorrow from 1:00-1:30pm. It will be fantastic to see you if you are able to come along.


P1 Drama – A (virtual) trip to Edinburgh Zoo

This week’s drama is based around the animals at Edinburgh Zoo. Have a look at the videos of some of the animals on the zoo’s website here

The page looks like this and each section contains a video you can watch.

After watching each video, pretend to be that animal. When pretending to be the animals think about

  • How they move. Do they move on 2 or 4 feet? Or fly? Or swim? Or climb?
  • What their faces look like.
  • What noises they make?
  • Anything else interesting they do.

Other activities

  • watch the live webcams to see what the animals are up to!
  • Study the map of the zoo. Can you find the toilets? Where would you go if you were hurt? What animals would you visit? Where  would you park the car?

Zoo Map

  • Can you make your own map of your local area? You could include places like your home, school, Granny/Grandad’s house or tesco.

As always I would love to see picture of your drama. Tag me on twitter cara_aikman (remember not to include your child’s name).

Final week in P2A

I can’t believe that it is our final week together in P2A! I am so proud of all your hard work this year. I have uploaded a video to my Twitter page of some of our amazing P2A memories together. I have tried to upload it to the blog, however the file size is too big. I will be there tomorrow for report hand-outs at 1.30-2pm to say a goodbye. Pupils attending this is up to parent/carer discretion, however I would love to see you all there before the end of term.  I have also collected pupils work together in individual folders, and any P.E bags or things left in trays which will be there to be collected tomorrow too.

Here is your home learning grid for your final week.
P2 Home Learning Grid 2020 Week 11

p2c final week

Good Morning p2c,

Wow, I can’t believe it is the final week of term. I am so sorry we didn’t get to spend this past term together but your work from home has been amazing! Thank you all for your hard work. You truly are a bunch of superstars!

Here is your grid for the week ahead but please have as much fun as possible! week-11

I will in in school for the report distribution tomorrow (Tuesday) at 1:30, I would love to see as many of you as possible – if you are able to come please bring a carrier bag as the children’s jotters and work from p2 will be available for collection tomorrow as well.

Have a great week,

Miss Butler

Our last week as P2/1

Good Morning P2/1,

I can’t believe we have reached the final week of our P2/1 journey. It’s been a great year with lots of fun moments even although latterly we faced a few challenges.

P2 – you have some last week fun activities to try on your grid week 11

P1 – Your activities will be a little different this week but will still be uploaded by the P1 teachers.

I am hoping to see as many of you collecting your end of year reports from school tomorrow (Tuesday 23rd June). Remember you have an allocated time to collect.

P2: 1.30-2.00pm

P1: 2.00-2.30pm

Enjoy your last week as a P2/1.

Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow

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