All posts by Mrs MacLean


We can’t believe this is your last week in Primary 1. Be proud of how much you have achieved this year, we are all very proud of each and every one of you.

This week, we’ve added a grid  with lots of activities related to bears! We hope you can try lots of these activities and have fun.  At the end of the week, we would like you to celebrate the end of term by having your own Teddy Bear’s Picnic. Post your pictures, we would love to see them.

Primary 1 – Themed activities

I hope you now enjoy this story about a family of bears. More stories will follow throughout the week.


I hope all the boys and girls in Primary One are keeping safe and well.  We are all really missing you.  We also really enjoy when you share your learning with us.

Well done to all the boys and girls in Primary One who have shared their memories with us. There is still time for more memories to be shared.

We haven’t had a new sound for a few weeks. I hope you’ve all managed to keep practicing your letter sounds and have tried some activities on Education City. Many of you were so good at the individual sounds but it is easy to forget them. The sounds we learned just before you finished at school were- j, y and qu.

We had also learned a lot of single sounds made up of more than 1 letter, these are quite tricky.

Sounds we learned were – oo, ee, ai, sh, th, ch, oa, ing and igh.

Today I thought we would look at a new sound.

This sound is made from 2 letters.

Our new sound is oi (as in join.)

Can you read these words with this sound.

Here are some sentences you can read which practise some of your sounds. After you have read the sentences you can cut up each strip and see if you can put them back in the correct order. You could stick them in your jotter and add a picture.

oi and igh sentences

This reading book on Oxford Owl also practises the “oi” sound.


Rhyming Words

How many rhymes do you know? Can you draw a picture of your favourite nursery rhyme or poem? You may even write some of the words underneath the picture.

Can you create a different ending to a rhyme, remember it still has to rhyme.

Eg. Humpty Dumpty sat on a chair

Humpty Dumpty was eating a pear


Twinkle, Twinkle little star

Up we go on an enormous car.

Draw a picture of your rhyme and share it with your teacher.


I’ve added some rhyming worksheets and some rhyming activities are on Education City.


Colour the Rhyme -am Word Family

Colour the Rhyme -ock Word Family

Colour the Rhyme -ug Word Family

Color the Rhyme -og Word Family

Rhyming String Cards

Lots of my favourite stories have rhyming words. eg. There’s A Bear On My Chair. Do you have a book that you like that contains rhyming words, share it on Twitter @ReadSps

Reading books for this week are. 

Look on Education City for more activities.

Have fun.


We hope you all enjoyed Fitness Fortnight. Your teachers certainly enjoyed trying lots of different activities,

This week, I wonder if you can create your own puppet show.

Choose a book and then make puppets for each of the characters in your story. You may also create the setting for the story too. I wonder where it takes place, is it the farm, the zoo, the woods or in Fairyland?

What can you use to create puppets? In class we often draw the characters, colour them, cut them out and add to a stick.  You can also make puppets from paper bags, wooden spoons or even socks! We can’t wait to see what story you decide to re-tell.

Here are some ideas for making puppets.

Some parents have also asked for more keywords. I’ve added 3 sheets with more keywords, these are quite tricky so only use them if you already know all your words. They really are a challenge.

How many of these words can you find in your books at home?

common words 1

common words 2

keywords 3

Many of you are already really good at blending your sounds to read words. There are lots of sheets added here to help you practise blending. Cut out a strip at a time, muddle the words and then see if you can put them together to create a sentence.  Remember the clues to look for- a capital letter will be at the beginning and a full-stop will be at the end.  You can draw a picture of your sentence.

muddled sentences.

I’ve also added some sheets where you need to cut out the letters and then see if you can make the 3 letter words.

worksheet u

I hope you’ve still been managing to look at books on Oxford Owl. Here are this week’s books. Choose the best book for your level.

Remember, these are some ideas to help you with your reading, choose your favourite activities and share your learning on Twitter or on Online Learner’s Journals.

Mr. McPherson, Mrs. MacCallum, Mrs. Lurinsky, Mrs. MacLean and Mrs. Davies


Thank you  for posting all of your wonderful photographs of the activities you have been trying during Fitness Fortnight. We are so impressed.

We hope you manage to join in with Sport’s Day today.

If you are still looking for other activities, remember to look at the grids which are in your red bags and activities which have been posted over the last few weeks on here.  Activities are also provided on Education City, Sumdog and IDL.

We hope you have also managed to have a look at the school assembly which was posted on Friday. There is a surprise at the end.

Mrs. MacCallum, Mr. McPherson, Mrs. Lurinsky, Mrs. MacLean, Mrs. Davies

Reading for Primary One

It’s the beginning of a new week and you should all congratulate yourselves at how well you are coping with this major change to life and your routine.

We would like you to continue reading for enjoyment this week and remember to post on Twitter , you reading:  parts of your favourite books or a reading corner you may have set up outdoors or in your house. @ReadSPS.

The children in P1D really enjoyed the story, One Button Benny by Alan Windram. You can hear Alan reading this book below, using  the link.


Here is the link to learn how to dance like a robot too:

This week you could all make your own robots like Benny. He needs to have a button which can only be used in an emergency. You could create your own stories about your robot and tell them to your parents. I’d love to see pictures of your robots.

Scottish Book Trust are also showing a great author, Kes Gray this week. Use the link below;

Keep practising your keywords. Some parents have asked for more to be issued and I will issue more next week. Remember there are activities set on Education City to help you practise these words. Have a go!

I’ve added also some more books from Oxford Owl which are suitable for P1. These books use the words and sounds you have already been taught in class.

To help practise your blending, you may want to use Doorway Online. You can use this link.

Have fun Primary One and share your learning with your teacher.


Primary One Reading

This week I want you again to think about some of your favourite stories and add them to Twitter. Maybe you could even add a video of you reading some of your book ( parents remember no names of children if photograph or video is added.) Use @ReadSPS when you add your favourite book or any activities you do related to these stories. You may inspire other children to read your favourite book too.

I am going to read to you one of my favourite stories, I hope you enjoy it.

Maybe you could retell the story in your own words. I’ve started to draw some pictures of the characters in the book and I’m going to put these onto sticks. I’ll then use these puppets to retell the story, can you do this too?

Can you think about our Emotion Works, orange cog too. How do you think the platypus was feeling , when each animal said, this zoo is not for you, how many different emotion words can you think of? How were the animals feeling too when they realised they hadn’t been very nice to platypus?

Remember to keep practising keywords and letter sounds. Use these sounds to make lots of words, remember the vowel sounds- ai, oa and igh in some of your words too, not just- a,e,i,o,u. More activities for phonics and common word recognition have been added to Education City.

I have also added some suggestions for reading books for next week, remember you will find these on Oxford Owl ebooks.


I hope you are all managing to do some learning activities suggested to you on the blog and are managing to have some fun at the same time.

Remember there were lots of reading activities and books in your packs, which I’m sure will keep you busy for a long time.

Reading should be for pleasure so remember to ask an adult to read books to you and have a go at reading the words you know too.  Post on Twitter @ReadSPS, your favourite stories. All your teachers love to see what you are reading. It’s great to see the interesting places where you read too, maybe in a den, under the table or in a tent!

Below are some ideas to help you continue to learn to read.

Keep practicing your keywords, you should have lots now in your reading bags. Some activities were added to Education City to help you learn these words. I can see that some of you have tried these activities and have shown great results. How many more children can try these, this coming week?

If you want to look at more reading books, you can also download Oxford Owl and look for their ebooks.  Choose the book best suited to your level of reading.

Suggested books for this week are :









Draw or write about your favourite part of the story.


I have also added a new sound this week. This is quite a tricky sound as it is made up of 3 letters. It lives in the vowel house and it is called a moving sound as it consists of 2 sounds-  igh (a+ee)

Here it is below.

This is how we write this sound.


Can you practise writing it, maybe in rainbow writing or you could use a bucket of water and practise writing it on the pavement outside with a brush. What about using chalk?

Can you read these words with this sound in them.


I’ve also added some reading cards and some worksheets with this sound. These are a real challenge and will keep you busy for weeks.

igh sentences for reading and writing.

3 igh a code breaker

Primary One Reading

Thank you for posting on Twitter your favourite books. Many of these are new to me so once we’re back at school I need to order some of these titles for our class library. Keep posting your favourite books please.

To help continue our reading skills, we need to keep practising our common words. To help with this I’ve added some activities on Education City for all P1s. I wonder how many of you will complete these. We’ve been so impressed at how many of you have been attempting online activities,

Lots of you have also been inventing your own games to practise these words. I’ve seen using a Nerf gun and reading the word when you hit it, playing pairs and writing the words on big paper and rolling a ball, when the ball lands on a word, you have to read it. I’ve also seen 2 children pick up a piece of Lego every time these see one of their common words in a book, you can then use the Lego to build a tower, I wonder how high these towers can be. Can you think of any other game to help learn these words. You should have lots of common words in your red reading bags. All of your P1 teachers are looking forward to seeing new ways to help learn your words.

If your want to continue with our class Reading books, you can join Oxford Owl.     On Oxford Owl there is a section on ebooks. Today you could look at these books, they will practise the words you have been learning.

Reading for Primary One

Reading activities

We can’t believe how much work you are all doing at home. All your P1 teachers are so impressed. We are really enjoying seeing messages on the blog or Twitter as this lets us see what fun you’ve been having.

Last week we created a grid of reading activities. These have been added here to help if your child was absent or if you have misplaced the pack.

It’s been great also to see that you have been using lots of different ways to learn, some of you have used Sumdog, others Education City and others have been trying the activities on IDL.

Next week, please look at your favourite books at home. Post on Twitter your favourite book. You can post this on Twitter at #SPSLovestoRead. When my children were little their favourites were Owl Babies and Dear Zoo.

After you’ve finished looking at your favourite books you could look for some of your keywords in these books.

Next week focus on- they, that, could, come, do,to- how many times can you find these words. Can you make them too- you could use paint, pens, crayons or maybe you can think of another way to create these words.

The last few sounds we had been learning in class had been th, y and qu. There are some activities on Education City which practise these sounds. Look at literacy and there is a section on jolly phonics. How many words can you find in your books which start or end with these sounds.