Tag Archives: movement

Wednesday 22nd of April – Pink Class

Hi, what day is it today? It’s my favourite day of the week…..

Calendar –

Have a look at April on the calendar again.

April 2020 printable Calendars

How many Mondays are there in April?

How many days are left in April?

What is the last day in April?

What month comes after April?

Movement –

Check out the movement section or put on some of your favourite Go Noodle dances and teach them to someone in your family. Can you get your whole family moving?

Life Skills – 

Choose one of these jobs to do today:

Literacy –

Make some letters or words using a variety of materials e.g. paint, playdough or pipecleaners.

P.E. –

What does Pedro and Gerry suggest we do today to be active? Have a look!

Story –

David from Orange class found a story he thought we would enjoy as we are looking at birds just now. Let’s join Kipper the dog as he finds a nest.

Signs of the Day –

Pop over to see what signs Lorna is teaching us today.

Art –

Let’s try to use our hand and foot prints to make some birds. How colourful can your birds be?

Science – 

We have looked at the life cycle of a butterfly in class. Let’s now look at the life cycle of a bird.

Can you remember the cycle? Click on the link below to try.

life cycle of bird

HWB – 

Make your mental health a priority today – things are only getting harder the longer we spend at home.

Today I am going to have a looong bath, do some reading  (my favourite hobby!), sit in my garden and maybe cosy up and watch some Disney movies. Do something today that puts a smile on your face! 🙂

Challenge of the Day –

What could you do today to help our earth?

Have a fantastic, fun-filled day and stay safe Pink Class!



PE Lesson – Wednesday 29th April

Good morning everyone,

Last week we worked on choosing picture cards for our activities. This week we are going with the same idea to let you get used to the activity. Ideally choose at least one new activity card to work to and learn.

I have added a couple of picture cards for the pupils to choose from today for PE.

1st we will start with a Warm-Up – Please Choose any 2 activities (1 new activity must be selected and you can use one youve used before) from the Warm Up Games below. Feel free to add your own choice of music too. Lets get going!!

Warm Up Games – Click here

Excellent. I hope you put in lots of effort and are properly warmed up?

Now this week we have added some Ball Games to chose from. However some of you may prefer to use Balloons, which is great. So feel free to choose what’s more suitable for you.
Now pick two activities from the below. One of the activities can be same the as last week but one must be new.

Ball Games – 7 Challenges – click here

Excellent work today, now that you are all sweaty having worked hard and had some exercise you can now relax and give your body and mind some rest for a few minutes.

To do so your next challenge is to listen to your favourite relaxing song in a comfortable position and close your eyes until the song is finished.

Not to worry if you can think of any there are a whole list of warm up activities and links to children’s music on the “Alternative to Movement” post.

Thanks for your hard work and stay safe.


Tuesday 21st of April – Pink Class

Good morning Pink Class! Let’s wake-up!

Calendar –

What month is it? How many days have we had in April? How many are left? Have a look at a calendar, use your counting skills.

Calendar April 2020 (UK) with Excel, Word and PDF templates

Movement –

Check out the movement section, let’s get active!

Life Skills –

Have a go at one of these today. See how helpful you can be.

ICT/Technology – 

How clever are birds? I’ve been watching two little magpies working together to build a nest. It’s taken them two weeks. Great workers.

Can you build a nest?

Nest Building

Dance –

What does Rachel have planned for dance today?

Story –

Enjoy learning about birds nests today

Look how many nests I spotted in this one tree yesterday. How many can you see?

Now enjoy this little story ‘Hooray For Birds’.

Signs of the Day –

Check out this section – I love it! What will Lorna be teaching us the signs for today?

Fiddly Fingers –

Build a tower with your teddies. How many teddies can you use before your tower falls over? Which member of your family can build the biggest teddy tower?


Gardening/CDT –

Let’s help out our birds by making an easy bird feeder.

For all of those toilet rolls that have been bought……re-use them to make bird feeders.

Use peanut butter or lard and roll them in bird seed, hang them up and watch which birds visit your garden.


Today’s focus is about personal hygiene. Find the link below to help on what you should do to keep yourself clean.

Personal hygiene

Challenge of the Day –

Natural Act Of Kindness:

Caring for other living things makes us feel good! Have a think and a chat with a family member  on ways you can care for nature in your day to day life. Here are a few ideas to get you started

  • water the plants
  • feed the birds

Have a great day Pink Class and keep smiling!





Music with Gordon 20th April: Secondary

What to do today

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Do the activities as many times as you like.

Activities (links below)

    1. Hello song
    2. Bounce and catch. You’ll need a ball for this.
    3. Tap and clap along to Cho-co-la-te. Do you remember how to do this?
    4. Now try playing Cho-co-la-te using homemade instruments. Try this 2-3 times. If you don’t have any instruments, what can you find to make a good sound?
    5. Time to get up and dance to Blame it on the Boogie by the Jackson 5. You can also play your instruments if you like, or get a scarf to play with.
    6. And now, time to chill. This week we have a piano version of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah.
    7. Goodbye Song. Time to say goodbye! Thank you for your music. Hope you had some fun, see you all next time!

Hello Song

Click and scroll down to see the video

Bounce and Catch

Tap and clap along to Cho-co-la-te

Now play Cho-co-la-te using a homemade instrument.

Time to move around or play your instrument

Chill and relax

Goodbye Song

Music with Gordon 20 April: Primary

What to do today

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Do the activities as many times as you like.

Activities (links below)

    1. Hello song
    2. Bounce and catch. You’ll need a ball for this.
    3. Tap and clap along to Cho-co-la-te. Do you remember how to do this?
    4. Now try playing Cho-co-la-te using homemade instruments. Try this 2-3 times. If you don’t have any instruments, what can you find to make a good sound?
    5. Time to get up and dance to Blame it on the Boogie by the Jackson 5. You can also play your instruments if you like, or get a scarf to play with.
    6. And now, time to chill. This week we have a piano version of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah.
    7. Goodbye Song. Time to say goodbye! Thank you for your music. Hope you had some fun, see you all next time!

Hello Song

Click and scroll down to see the video

Bounce and Catch

Tap and clap along to Cho-co-la-te

Now play Cho-co-la-te using a homemade instrument.

Time to move around or play your instrument

Chill and relax

Goodbye Song

Monday 20th of April – Pink Class

Welcome back Pink Class! What shall we do today?


Calendar –

What day is it today? What day will it be tomorrow?

Let’s sing our favourite:


Have a look at the movement section, let’s get moving!

Life Skills – 

What jobs can you do to help around the house today?

Maths –

Can you make different amounts of money using some coins from your piggy bank. Get someone from home to make up some different amounts like below:

P.E. –

Check out the P.E section, Gerry and Pedro have posted some ideas to keep you and your family active.

Story –

I have been enjoying watching a huge variety of birds from my garden and on my walks in the woods. Let’s learn about birds.

Now let’s enjoy an action bird story.

Sign of the Day –

Check out the Signs of the Day section, what signs will we learn today?

Art –

As the weather is still lovely, what about some outdoor art?

Outdoor Learning –

What birds will you spot today? What are the birds doing?   

HWB – 

healthy eating sorting activitiy

Challenge of the Day –

Can you see a tiny creature camouflaged in the leaves? It’s a little caterpillar I spotted on my walk yesterday. Can you spot any clever little camouflaged creatures today?

Have a great day Pink Class!



Group 8 – Friday 3rd April

Good morning Group 8

Here are a few activities for today.

Why not make some jigsaws out of cereal boxes or any other box you can find

If you have some playing cards in the house, try putting the cards in number order, or sort them into the different colours or shapes.

Next is some yoga. Click on the link below to access an episode from Cosmic Kids Yoga

Cosmic Kids – Sleeping Dragom

If you have some paint in the house why not try some hand painting or paint a rainbow,

Lets get some exercise and have another treasure hunt round the house


Friday 3rd of April – Pink Class

Good morning,

What day is it today………

Calendar –

Yesterday we looked at the four seasons. Can you name the four seasons? What season is it just now? What signs are there outside that help us to know that it is Spring?

Here is a little Spring scavenger hunt. You can use it in your garden or if you go for a little walk.

Movement –

Check out the movement section…….let’s get moving!

Life Skills –

How many of these things can you help with today?

Literacy –

Can you use lego or blocks to make your name? Can you make someone from your family’s name too? Can you make your full name? How many letters are in your name?


Social Studies – 

Go for a walk in your local area. Take some photos of some interesting things you find.      

Story – 

Here are some Spring stories:

Signs of the Day –

Check out today’s sign with Lorna. Can’t wait!

Food Technology –

Check out our new resources section, Lorna has posted Pinewood’s recipe book. There are lots of yummy recipes there to try. Get cooking or baking!

ICT/Technology –

Check out the ICT section – Kirsty has posted a fun selfie challenge

Music – 

Check out the music section, Connie and Gordon have put some fun ideas here for you to try.

Challenge of the day –

Here are a few challenges to keep you busy!


I’ll be back in touch on Monday 20th April with more activities, have a lovely relaxing Easter break.

Here are some ideas for things to do over the break:

I’ve also posted some links in today’s email.

Have fun!
