Tag Archives: movement

Monday 27th of April – Pink Class

Good morning Pink Class! I wonder what fun we will have this week!

What day is it?

Calendar –

So it’s Monday 27th of April! What day will it be tomorrow? What day was it yesterday?

How many days are left in April now? Let’s look and see.

April 2020 Calendar Printable Template in PDF, Word, Excel – Free ...

Movement –

Let’s get moving. What does Pedro or Gerry suggest we do today?

Life Skills –

Choose 3 jobs you could do today to help around the house.

Maths –

Go on an environmental number hunt.

Numbers are everywhere! On your walk today, how many numbers can you spot?

Have a look at traffic signs, lampposts, doors, bus numbers, number plates. Where else do numbers appear in your local area?

P.E. –

I wonder what Pedro and Gerry have planned today. Have a look at the P.E. section to find out.

Story – 

We are looking at plants this week. I love this story about a little seed and how far it travels.

Signs of the Day –

What signs will be learning from Lorna today? Have a look at this section to find out.

Art –

On your walk today take some paper and some crayons or pencils.

Look for some trees with different barks.

Use your crayon to make some rubbings.

Can you see the different textures of tree bark?


Outdoor Learning –

Go on a seed scavenger hunt.

Look closely at the trees and plants in your garden or when you are out on your walk.

Can you find any seeds? What colours are the seeds? How big are the seeds?

Take your seeds home for further activities this week.


Seeds we eat – cut open some fruit or vegetables, can you find the seeds?

Some fruits and vegetables have the seeds on the inside e.g. apples, pears and some have the seeds on the outside e.g. strawberries. Where are the seeds that you find?

  strawberry seeds

Challenge of the Day –

Give someone in your family a big hug – hugging someone close has very positive effects on our body and makes us feel good. Do it every day this week to get maximum effect.


Friday 24th of April – Pink Class

It’s Friday!!!!!

Calendar –

Is this the last Friday in April? Check the April section of the calendar? How many days are there left in April?

April 2020 Printable Calendar Free PDF with Notes - Learnworksheet ...

Assembly –

Tracey has this weeks assembly ready for us – have a look and join in with the songs.

Movement –

Check out the movement section and get moving!

Life Skills –

Can you help make lunch for your family today?

Literacy –

Click on the link below. Can you read these words? Make up a sentence using some of the words.

Initial sight words

Enjoy this story then see if you can answer the questions.


Social Studies –

Can you make a map of your walk today or your garden?

Story –

Let’s listen to some more stories about the earth.

Signs of the Day –

What signs will we learn today. Pop over to this section to sign with Lorna.

Food Technology –

Have a look through Pinewoods recipe book (using tab on right hand side). What could you make? Or make these yummy flapjacks again.

ICT/Technology –

Music – 

What does Connie have planned for you today? Did you join in with singalong yesterday?

Challenge of the Day –

Use some of that sunshine to draw some shadow animals. What else would create a shadow for you to draw? Be creative!

Another challenge for you –

We have been working on birds this week and I’ve just found a great spotter sheet. Use this on your daily walks, see how many birds you spot over the weekend.

Have a great day and a restful weekend Pink Class!



Music with Gordon 23 April: Exploring Sounds – Secondary

What to do today

Today, we’re going to do some careful listening and find explore what sounds we can find from things that we might have around the house. We can turn them into instruments. Afterwards, keep the things you like together so that you can reuse them.

If you haven’t seen the previous post and videos on making instruments at home, you can find it here.

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Do the activities as many times as you like.

Activities (links below)

  1. Hello
  2. Bounce and catch
  3. Watch the video
  4. What things can you find that make a sound that you like?
  5. Play them along along to the video or get up and move. If you like get a scarf to play with.
  6. Time to chill
  7. Goodbye

Hello Song

Click and scroll down to see the video

Bounce and Catch

Watch the video

Time to move around or play your instrument

Chill and relax

Goodbye Song

Music with Gordon 23 April: Exploring sounds – Primary

What to do today

Today, we’re going to do some careful listening and find explore what sounds we can find from things that we might have around the house. We can turn them into instruments. Afterwards, keep the things you like together so that you can reuse them.

If you haven’t seen the previous post and videos on making instruments at home, you can find it here.

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Do the activities as many times as you like.

Activities (links below)

  1. Hello
  2. Bounce and catch
  3. Watch the video
  4. What things can you find that make a sound that you like?
  5. Play them along along to the video or get up and move. If you like get a scarf to play with.
  6. Time to chill
  7. Goodbye

Hello Song

Click and scroll down to see the video

Bounce and Catch

Watch the video

Time to move around or play your instrument

Chill and relax

Goodbye Song

Thursday 23rd of April – Pink Class

Good morning Pink Class! It’s going to be another beautiful day!

Calendar – 

What month are we on again? What was last month? What is next month?

Let’s practise our months of the year:

Movement –

What is in the movement section for you to try today?

Life skills –

Mmmmmm, I have a lot of these jobs to do today, how many can you help out with?

Maths – 

We have been looking at birds this week. How many have you spotted?

Click on the sheets below to help you keep a record over the next few days.



Fiddly Fingers –

Another use for those toilet tubes –

Story –

Yesterday was Earth Day and we were all thinking about ways to help save our planet. Here are a few stories about Earth Day.

Signs of the Day –

Pop over to this section to learn some signs from Lorna.

Music –

Pop over to this section Connie and Gordon have some great ideas to try out,

Sensory –

Have you ever painted with feathers? Try to find some feathers when you are out on a walk and have a go. Can you imagine what the sky would be like if birds did make marks with their tails when they flew?

Gordon has also popped on some great art ideas to do with Earth Day for you to try. Have a go, Be arty!

Dance –

Has Rachel got a new part of the dance sorted? Have a look!

Challenge of the Day –

Can you make a face using a plate and some things around the house? Challenge your family to do the same. Give your family of plates names.

Have a fantastic Thursday Pink Class!
