Tag Archives: movement

Group 4 – Friday 1st May

Happy Friday!

Here are some activities for you to try today.

Morning routine

Movement – This week we have been active with ACTIVE AMIGO. It’s good to keep yourself active at home. Have a go at this Zumba dance to waken you up this morning!


Have a look at the language section to find out what Laura has planned for you today.


Today’s story is “The bravest fish” by Matt Buckingham.

Follow Stanley on a surprising adventure as he searches for his glittery, glowing friends.

You can use the communication board below to help you say what you liked or didn’t like about the story.

Did you like the story?

Social studies

Have a look at the SOCIAL STUDIES section to find out what is your challenge for today.

Signs of the day

Check out Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Food Technology

Check for some ideas post by Hazel in Food technology today.

ICT & Technology

Have a look in the ICT section to see what Steve has put up for you.

Reflection and choosing time

How has your week been?

  1. Have you listened to your mum/dad/gran?
  2. Have you been kind to all?
  3. Have you been polite?
  4. Did you have fun?

For good listening, being kind and polite, and being helpful you will get 5 min for each day.

How many minutes is your choosing time?

You can choose a favourite game on the device or game console of your choice.

Make a good choice!


Have a sing with Connie and Gordon.

Have a nice weekend.


Friday 1st of May – Pink Class

Good morning Pink Class – it’s a brand new day, what day is it?

Calendar/Movement –

It’s a brand new month – May

Let’s learn about May while getting fit and moving!

Assembly –

I can’t wait to see what today’s assembly is about. I know Tracey has been working hard on it for you. Pop over to see.

Life Skills –

Can you fold your clothes then put them away neatly in your wardrobe and drawers? It’s very tricky!


Literacy –

Read this story about Kipper, then answer the questions.



Social Studies –

Have a look in your garden.

Making memories in our family garden | Child friendly garden ...

We have been looking at seeds and plants this week. Where would the best place be to grow some plants? Think about what seeds need to grow.

Can an adult help you make a plan of the garden?

Story –

I’ve been thinking about some more of my favourite stories from when I was a little girl. ‘The Ugly Duckling’ is a story both me and my little brother enjoyed.

What did you think? Did you like it?


Signs of the Day –

What signs will Lorna be teaching you today? Go and have a look.

Food Technology –

Shall we make some more flapjacks? They are soooo yummy!

ICT/Technology –

Music – 

What does Connie have planned today for us?

Challenge of the Day –

Have a tweet!

Can you imitate bird calls and get them to call back to you? Challenge your family. Honestly it can be done!

Have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend!





Hello Everyone,

  1. Morning Activities:
  2. Maths:  Today is all about prepositions – can you say, choose or cut and stick where they are all hiding – in front or behind?<


  3. Fiddly Fingers:
  4. SNACK
  5. Story:   Sign along to Rumble in the Jungle here: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/storybooks-and-games/rumble-in-the-jungle/
  6. Sign of the Day
  7. Music Click on MUSIC to find out what Connie has planned for you today
  8. LUNCH
  9. Sensory: 
  10. DanceFind out what Rachel has planned for you by clicking on the DANCE section

Wednesday 29th of April – Pink Class

Good morning Pink Class!

Please follow the sway below to find today’s activities.

Have fun!

Please find below a little follow-up task for science.

Can you make a flower?


Also, can you create the life cycle of a flower?




Music with Gordon 27 April: Primary

What to do today

Today, we’re going to try playing our home made instruments along to Cho-co-la-te

If you haven’t seen the previous post and videos on making instruments at home, you can find it here.

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Do the activities as many times as you like.

Activities (links below)

  1. Hello
  2. Bounce and catch
  3. Play Cho-co-la-te with homemade instruments. You could try having an instrument in each hand or if somebody is with you maybe you would like to share and take turns with the parts of the rhythms.
  4. Play the instruments along to the video or get up and move. If you like, get a scarf to play with.
  5. Time to chill This week we are listening to Yann Tiersen – La valse d’Amélie
  6. Goodbye

Hello Song

Click and scroll down to see the video

Bounce and Catch

Play Cho-co-la-te using home made instruments




Time to move around or play your instrument

Chill and relax

Goodbye Song