Tag Archives: morning activities

HBW – Washing hands Group 4

Good morning everyone.

After you have completed your Circle time activities today, you might like to continue learning about good hygiene and how we keep our hands clean. We have been talking about this at school and done some activities. Today, I would like you to have a look at the video below about the importance of washing our hands.

Click here (require sign up to access the video, it’s free)

Check out the link below to a PowerPoint which teaches us how best to wash our hands. You could do this together.

washing your hands ppt

If you have a printer, you can print out  and complete this activity  “when do you wash your hands” (click when do you wash hands).

Have a good day!

Movement Tuesday

Good morning all,

To help our children remain as active as possible i have added a short 5 minute movement video activity below. You can also use these cards should you wish.

5 min Move Workout Day 2

The intention here is to simply do what you can. I will upload a different one for each day of the week to help mix it up a little.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Good Luck on Movement Tuesday.

Circle Time

Good morning!

Here is our circle time routine if you would like to do your own circle time in the mornings! 🙂

  • We sing our Good morning song (see yesterday’s blog post!)
  • We then say Good morning to each other
  • We sing the Days of the week song (see Amy’s silly video!) and choose our symbol for the day

  • After that we will sing our Months of the Year song (see video) and share which month it is!


  • Then it’s time for our weather song and choosing the symbol!

  • We sometimes also discuss our feelings and emotions and choose how we feel that day

  • And finally, time for a movement song! Here are some favourites of the Silver class:



Have a lovely morning everyone!


Morning routine

Hi Everyone.

Hope you’re all well and looking forward to the day.

I have posted images to support a morning routine similar to our class circle time.

Please ask your son what emotion they are feeling and if the y say tired they also need to give another emotion! Ask them how they feel the emotion and what could be done to make them feel better if appropriate.


Group 11

Good morning Group 11


We are dancing to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWgTqLCLE8k to wake us up.

Life skills are sorting the washing out.

Then we are moving onto some maths.  Bruce will be sorting the cutlery and Cammy is doing some maths games here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zjxhfg8

In PE we are going to kick the football in the garden. We will take some pictures to show you.

For snack we are having watermelon and breadsticks.  See you after snack.

(Sorry for the late entry but the ICT teacher was struggling to upload. 🙂 )