Tag Archives: listening

Music with Gordon 23 April: Exploring Sounds – Secondary

What to do today

Today, we’re going to do some careful listening and find explore what sounds we can find from things that we might have around the house. We can turn them into instruments. Afterwards, keep the things you like together so that you can reuse them.

If you haven’t seen the previous post and videos on making instruments at home, you can find it here.

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Do the activities as many times as you like.

Activities (links below)

  1. Hello
  2. Bounce and catch
  3. Watch the video
  4. What things can you find that make a sound that you like?
  5. Play them along along to the video or get up and move. If you like get a scarf to play with.
  6. Time to chill
  7. Goodbye

Hello Song

Click and scroll down to see the video

Bounce and Catch

Watch the video

Time to move around or play your instrument

Chill and relax

Goodbye Song

Music with Gordon 23 April: Exploring sounds – Primary

What to do today

Today, we’re going to do some careful listening and find explore what sounds we can find from things that we might have around the house. We can turn them into instruments. Afterwards, keep the things you like together so that you can reuse them.

If you haven’t seen the previous post and videos on making instruments at home, you can find it here.

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Do the activities as many times as you like.

Activities (links below)

  1. Hello
  2. Bounce and catch
  3. Watch the video
  4. What things can you find that make a sound that you like?
  5. Play them along along to the video or get up and move. If you like get a scarf to play with.
  6. Time to chill
  7. Goodbye

Hello Song

Click and scroll down to see the video

Bounce and Catch

Watch the video

Time to move around or play your instrument

Chill and relax

Goodbye Song

no Pinewood radio station but you can still be listening

At the beginning of the radio project some of the children looked for different radio stations – this was a particular favourite – Fun Kids

One of the choices when you go onto Fun Kids is this podcast – can you have a listen?

any good ideas?

Download the brand new Stuck at Home podcast!


or try a new radio station BBC school radio – some of your parents may remember listening to radio programmes in school – I did!


This is an activity called Near and Far





Wednesday 25th of March

Good morning Pink Class!

Let’s see what we could do today.

First of all let’s get singing with our families! Wakey, wakey!


Let’s think about days of the week today. Can you teach someone in your family our days of the week song? Can you teach them our signs?

Movement –

Check out the movement section. There are some great activities posted here.

Lifeskills –

Use the Tablespoon Biscuit recipe from your home learning pack to make some yummy biscuits. After all of this movement you deserve a yummy treat!

Literacy –

Try one of the sound/literacy tasks from your pack.

Practise writing the letters of the alphabet (use different colours for each letter).


Check out the P.E. section for some ideas or play a game in your garden.

Story –

Today why don’t you develop your listening skills and tune in to David Walliams reading one of his stories. He reads a new story every day at 11am. Each story is around 15 to 20 minutes long.

Art – 

Children are being asked to paint or draw a rainbow and put it in a window at the front of the house. During this time of social distancing, families can go for a walk and children can look for rainbows!

Science –

We have been looking at water in the Pink Class.

Let’s do a floating and sinking experiment.

Find 10 things around your house. Do you think they will float or sink when you put them into water? Guess then experiment. Were you right? Why/why not?

s0f Floating and sinking investigation.


Look for healthy food choices in your fridge or cupboard.

Can you eat 4 healthy foods today? I’m going to try this too!

Today’s challenge –

Indoor scavenger hunt, Get someone to time you. Challenge someone in your family to do it faster!

Have fun today Pink Class!