Tag Archives: life skills

Tuesday 12th of May

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How are you today?  Did you have a good day yesterday?  It was chilly wasn’t it?

Are you ready for another good day?  But first, have a look at some photos,

You are now very familiar with our good morning routine, are you ready?

what is the weather like today?  choose a photo.

Image preview


and now some jobs for you to do!

technology – what about building a tower with blocks,

Multiracial children build tower with blocks kids Vector Image

dance – check what Rachel has in her posts

wash your hands then tidy up

This is a special little boy and special little girl’s story read by their granddad, I think you will like it too!

check the signs of the day with Lorna

fiddly fingers

gardening – outdoor learning: why not try to make a small garden in a bottle


HWB – relaxation

Have a good day!


Group 4 – Friday 8th May

It’s Friday!

Here are some activities for you to try today.

Morning routine

Life Skills

Once you have completed your morning circle it’s time to get the day started choosing your job to help around the house today.

Movement – Get moving with Gonoodle to waken you up this morning!


Have a look at the language section to find out what Laura has planned for you today.


Today’s story is “The kindness quilt” by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace.

How has your week been?

  1. Have you listened to your mum/dad/gran?
  2. Have you been kind to all?
  3. Have you been polite?
  4. Did you have fun?

For good listening, being kind and polite, and being helpful you will get 5 min for each day.

How many minutes is your choosing time?

You can choose a favourite game on the device or game console of your choice.

Make a good choice!

Social studies

Have a look at the SOCIAL STUDIES section to find out what is your challenge for today.

Signs of the day

Check out Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Food Technology

Check for some ideas post by Hazel in Food technology or you can use our Pinewood Recipe Book and try your favourite recipe.

ICT & Technology

Send an email to a friend or a member of your family who you haven’t seen for a while.

Send someone you know a picture of a cute animal.

Send me photos of your activities today.


Have a sing with Connie and Gordon from one of their posts.

Have a great weekend.
