Tag Archives: Cooking

Healthy food exploration in Red Class

Throughout our growing topic, Red class have had lots of opportunities to explore different fruit and vegetables that are grown. Over the last two weeks we have tried lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, grapes, kiwi and orange. This week we were even using our fine motor skills to thread some fruit on skewers to make some edible caterpillars! Most of us thought they were delicious!

Chinese New Year in Yellow Class

We have been learning about Chinese New Year in Yellow class. We enjoyed exploring Chinese writing, made Chinese lanterns and made some yummy spring rolls!

We also learned lots of facts that we are sharing with our friends at assembly this week.

Cooking in Yellow Class

In Yellow class we have been practicing lots of different food preparation, measurement and cooking skills over the term. This week we made some delicious pizzas. Some of us tasted a little bit in class but we all wanted to take them home to show our adults!

Cooking in Silver Class!

Silver Class have been very busy in the Silver Class kitchen making pumpkin bread and soup. Also making Firework biscuits today!

Orange Class – Thursday 18th June

Hello everyone!  Welcome to Thursday on the Orange Class Blog.

Hello zidler dribbble

Ready for circle time?


Let’s do Lorna’s Sign of the day!   Click the link below.


On Thursdays we have P.E. with Pedro first thing in the morning.  Today it’s Yoga.

Please find below.

Hi everyone,

Hope you had a good weekend and are ready for one more yoga adventure.

Today we’re going to travel to the ancient world of the Egyptians, we are going to follow the adventures of our friend Alan the Camel. Have fun and enjoy it.

Remember to take in consideration your surroundings keep safe and have fun, also remember that with family is always more fun.

Just follow the link below and enjoy.  Pedro.


Now, how about a story?  The Tiger who came to Tea.   

This story is especially for Victor who loves this book so much, and for the boys in the Purple Class who performed the story so beautifully to us in the Orange Class.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Now it’s Cooking time.  Today something a bit more adventurous – Chicken Fajitas! 

Did you try it?  Take some photos for the Blog.  🙂

On Thursdays we also have art with David.

For Foliage faces, a fun sensory art activity click on the link below.  Send in photos if you try it!


Now what about some movement?

Time to relax

Have a terrific Thursday.



Orange Class – Monday 15th June

Good morning everyone!  How are you today?

Good Morning GIF - Good Morning Goodmorning GIFs

Will we start with out morning circle?

Don’t forget Lorna’s Sign of the Day


Do you fancy doing some cooking today?  Here is a FAB recipe for Top Hats!

Thanks to Hazel.

Now, how about some maths.


Time for some reading.

Time for movement.

Now it’s time to do your jobs for the day.


Do you fancy a cheap easy sensory activity?


It’s Yoga time.

Time for relaxation

Have a marvellous Monday.
