Outdoor Learning – 1st June 2020

Good Morning all,

I hope you have had a nice weekend and enjoying some time outdoors in the sun.

For Outdoor Learning today we are going to play Rainbows. You may have managed to see a few Rainbows lately and maybe later in the week you will see some again. For Rainbows though we usually need a little rain first.

I can sing a rainbow - BBC Teach

Activity 1

Can you name the colours of the rainbow and sing the rainbow song? If not don’t worry try singing along to the rainbow song. Rainbow Song

Activity 2

In this activity we are going to head outdoors with an adult and get some fresh air. You can use your garden or go for a nice walk. When outdoors your task is to try and find something that matches each colour of the rainbow. If you want to challenge yourself you can ask an adult to time how long it takes or set a 10 minute limit and see how many things you can find in that time.

Activity 3

We have a supercool Science experiment for you to create your own rainbow in your house. To find out how just watch the short video clip and tray it for yourself. Remember you may need an adult to help. Rainbow Science Experiment

Activity 4

Can you create your own Rainbow of colours? You can be as creative as you want.
Maybe you will use flowers, clothes, pictures or even colour your own rainbow with pens and paper. This part is up to you. Use your imagination.

Note: Please remember when going outdoors that today will be really warm. It would be a good idea to have some water and sun screen on. 

Orange Class – Monday 1st June

Good morning Orange Class. Welcome to Monday and welcome to June! Can you believe it is June already? I hope you all had a lovely weekend in the beautiful sunshine.  It’s going to be sunny again today – so don’t forget the sun cream!

Let’s get started with Circle Time


Next on a Monday we have P.E. with PedroToday it’s Yoga.

Hi everyone,

Hope you had a good weekend are enjoyed the Scottish sun.

Today we’re going to have a magic adventure; we are going to have a chance to go in to Harry Potter’s world, a world full of magic and adventure. Hope you enjoy it.

Remember to take in consideration your surroundings keep safe and have fun, also remember that with family is always more fun.

Just follow the link below and enjoy.



Phew!  After all that magic how about some maths?  


Next, Story Time!


Sensory Craft

Today you are going to make a face from things you can find outside.

If you can’t go outside you can find things indoors to make a face.

Have fun!

Thanks to Clare.

Finally, time to relax.

Have a wonderful Monday.


Group 11 – Monday 1 June

Good morning Group 11

You could be working on your transition passport today


You could try some of the following today:

Movement: put your favourite song on and dance like no one is watching.  Choose a party song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94MTVSZ1nTc

Life Skills:  You could sort the washing today.  Try pegging it outside to dry.

Maths:  See the math’s blogs or use https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/counting

PE:   See Gerry or Pedro’s blog or try some of these https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pe+with+joe

Story: Read your favourite book or one from here http://www.magickeys.com/books/

Signing: check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Art:  See Steve’s blog or draw your favourite place to be.

Outdoor Learning: See Scott’s blog or go for a nature walk.

HWB: do some yoga https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cosmic+kids+yoga


Have a lovely day, Kirsty