Category Archives: Yellow Class 2023 / 2024

Yellow class Maths and Literacy

Yellow class have been working hard completing their maths and literacy tasks. We are doing well working independently and you can see it on our concentrating faces and big smiles!

Yellow Class – Learning about growing

Yellow class are enjoying their topic about Growing this term. We observed our caterpillars as they became chrysalises and then butterflies. We chose a spot in the outdoor learning garden among the flowers to set them free. We learned about the life cycle of a butterfly and have created writing and art showing this.

We also learned about the life cycle of sunflowers and planted seeds. We each took a plant home to look after and left some in school. We are measuring them each week and are wondering how big they might grow?!

Yellow Class Literacy Fortnight

Yellow Class have enjoyed lots of literacy themed activities to celebrate literacy fortnight. We walked to Blackburn library and looked for books that interested us. We learned that some books in the library are in alphabetical order by author and some use a numbering system. These helped us to find the books we wanted quicker!

Back in school we loved the World Book Day character hunt where we had to find the hidden characters all around the school.

Chinese New Year in Yellow Class

We have been learning about Chinese New Year in Yellow class. We enjoyed exploring Chinese writing, made Chinese lanterns and made some yummy spring rolls!

We also learned lots of facts that we are sharing with our friends at assembly this week.

Yellow Class enjoying construction

On Wednesdays we enjoy construction for our “fiddly fingers” fine motor skills session. We can choose to build with magnets, train sets, Jenga, Lego and Octons.

Yellow Class Nativity Preparations

In Yellow Class we worked hard on our nativity performances. We have enjoyed learning all of the songs, making some scenery and creating our costumes. We were all superstars on the day and had great fun performing in front of an audience!

Yellow Class winter art

We followed step by step instructions very carefully to create winter scenes of snow and robins. They are proudly displayed outside our classroom.