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Maths Week 2023

Pupils enjoyed lots of activities during our Maths Week Focus to take part in ‘Maths Week Scotland’. There was a number hunt around the daily k route, lots of sorting of autumn leaves and an activity day in the hall where classes spent time exploring measuring, pattern making, weighing, matching and sorting.

Pinewood Leavers’ Prom 2023

The Leavers’ Prom on 22nd June 2023 was a huge success. The Hilcroft Hotel in Whitburn treated us all like royalty and the leavers’ and guests ate, danced and sang the night away.

Photographer, Gordon Stevenson, very kindly donated his time to photograph the event and has made the photographs available free to download (see below). We think you’ll agree that they are stunning. Many thanks to Gordon for being so generous.

Many thanks also to Urban Events who provided the Magic Mirror for the evening. Everyone at Pinewood enjoys dressing up and posing! Thank you also to Darren who kept us dancing with his amazing DJ skills.

We hope you love the photos as much as we do.

Prom Committee


Pinewood Garden Clean-up

What a great day we had on Sunday clearing up some of the garden area so that we can use it over the summer months. The Pinewood Gardening Company, run by our S6 employability group helped organise some of our families to come in and support the clear-up. They all managed to clear alot of the ground, and enjoyed the breakfast rolls and tea after the hard work was over. Well done every-one, what a team effort!!


YPI Charity Roadshow

What a great day we had on Wednesday at our YPI Charity Roadshow. All the secondary pupils took part in the event. We welcomed some local charities to come and tell us about the good things that they do to help others. Now we have the hard job of deciding which charity to support as part of our YPI initiative in school.