Category Archives: Green Class 2023 / 2024

Gold class Almond Valley visit

Gold class had a blast at our outing to Almond Valley this Thursday. IMG_1051

Archery and Canoeing in Green Class

Green class had so much fun last week when we had the chance to try out archery and canoeing. The pupils were amazing at archery and all hit the targets at least once. In the afternoon we went canoeing on the canal and it was super. We were paddling and then had water fights with sponges. We were all very wet but very excited! We can’t wait to do it again.

Eco-Committee minutes 17th November

Please find below the minutes of our Eco-Committee meeting held on 17th November.



Our 4th Eco-Schools Green Flag Award

We are delighted to have successfully achieved our 4th Eco-Schools Scotland Green Flag Award. A special thank you to our Eco-Committee for their commitment to this project. Well done to everyone who worked hard to help us make Pinewood more sustainable and protect the environment.