Author Archives: C Boyd

Group 1 Monday 27th April

Good Morning Everyone!

Well it’s Monday today. Do you know the date today?

What month will it be on Friday???

How are you today?


Choose an emotion to describe how you are feeling?

I’m happy today. I have had a lovely weekend in the sunshine, doing a little bit of gardening, reading and enjoying a BBQ.

Write, or copy, a few sentences about what you have done at the weekend  to make you feel happy. Remember finger spaces!!!

Household chores

I hope you all have been hoovering and have some very clean rooms!



This week’s task is 

to help with the laundry. That means collecting all the washing , sorting it into light and dark washing, putting it in the washing machine, turning on the machine and emptying it when it is done.

Let me know how you get on.


On a Monday we often go shopping to buy food for your cooking lesson.

Today I would like you to make a shopping list. Use the shopping items sheet below to give you some ideas. You could write or draw what you need.

Remember to help put the shopping away when it’s done,

shopping items


Have you tried the Orange class challenge.

Click the link below and see what you can do!

Sen me a picture of what you and the rest of the family come up with.


Don’t forget to check out sign of the day and what’s posted for your other timetabled subjects today.

Have a good day


Group 1 Friday 24th April

Good Morning Group 1

Well it’s Friday again!

Do you know what day it is tomorrow?

What day was it yesterday?

What month is it?

What will be the next Month?

As it’s Friday it’s time for some fun

Have a listen to the Wonky Donkey Song.

I hope it makes you laugh as much as I did!

Let me know if you would like one for next Friday.

Now it’s choose time. Play a game, read a book, draw or make something.

Have a good weekend


Group 1 Thursday 23rd April

Hello Group 1

How are you all today?

I’m happy at the moment but sometimes I feel worried.

You might be able to tell because I am quiet or my face looks screwed up and ny tummy might not feel very well.

Listen to the story about Ruby and her worry again.

How does worry show on your body? Use the pictures below to help you.

Body sensations

Ruby talked to someone to make her worry get smaller.

You could also try some relaxing to help with worries.

Try these at home and see what helps you.



Don’t forget to do your life skill challenge this week. Its Hoovering!

Enjoy your day


Group 1,2,3 Maths Thursday 23rd April

Hello Everyone.

What day is it today?

What’s the date?

What month will it be next?

Today’s maths is in 3 groups below. As usual choose the activity which best suits your math’s learning.

Activity A

Today your task is to play skittles. Click the link below to find out what to do.

play skittles

Activity B

Today your task is to play skittles. Click the link below to find out what to do.

play skittles

Activity C

Today’s activity is skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

Copy what is on the worksheet and fill in the missing answers. If you need to you can use your 100 square to help.


Have fun
