Good Morning, everyone.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Did you know that today is World Oceans Day? If you are interested in learning more about this you can watch this short clip  which reminds us about our connection with the ocean.


If you would like to find out more go to the resources section of this website where you will find lots of lovely activities for all ages.


I thought we could start the week with a French  song to help you practise some of the  greetings you have been learning in French.

Here is the learning grid for this week.

Learning Grid week 10

Our sound this week is ar. This video with Geraldine the Giraffe will help you.

Have a look at our Minibeasts Blog post to find some resources to help you learn about slugs and snails.

In Maths this week and next week we are learning about Time. The pack below provides lots of ideas and activities to help you. There is no expectation that you should complete all the activities. If you can, just choose a couple of activities  that would work best for you.

TIme Ideas

Please remember just do what fits in with you and your family. We would ask that you contact us weekly if you can, either to share your learning or just to say hello.

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Mills



P2/1 – Monday 8th June

Hello P2/1

I hope that you had a nice weekend.

Here is the result from the Story Time From Home vote. There were 48 replies and as you can see it was very close.

I am delighted to say that the winning theme was cats and as you know I have lots of super cat books and I will enjoy sharing some of these with you this week.  Today’s story includes dogs and cats and is from a series of books that you might already know.

Here is the link.


Have a good day.

Miss McDermott


Story Time From Home – Monday 8th June

Hello everyone,

I hope that you had a nice weekend.

Here is the result from the Story Time From Home vote. There were 48 replies and as you can see it was very close.

I am delighted to say that the winning theme was cats and as many of you know I have lots of super cat books (and 2 very naughty real cats!)  I am really looking forward to sharing some of these with you this week.  Today’s story does includes dogs and cats and is from a series of books that you might already know.


Have a nice day!

Miss McDermott

Good Morning, Friday 5th June

Friday again! I can’t believe how fast the time is going. I hope you have all had a lovely week. It’s a shame about the weather but i’m keeping my fingers crossed it will improved over the weekend.

Here are the answers to the Fairy tale houses. Did you guess them correctly?

Have you made one of your own?

This weekend my boys and I are going to watch a Disney movie on Disney plus. There is so much choice though, so it might take us a while to decide. Do any of you have Disney plus?

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Take care and stay safe. Missing you and so proud of you all!


Mrs Chisholm

Happy Friday- 5.6.2020

It is Friday again.

I was in school yesterday and all the bright rainbows made me smile. They are all so different and so colourful. It was strange being there when it is so quiet. It made me realise how long it has been since I have seen you all and how much I miss everything about school life, mainly all your smiles, stories and cuddles.

I hope that you have a lovely weekend, fingers crossed the sun shines on us. I thought that I would leave you with an update on my kitten that joined our family just before all this happened. He keeps us all busy and makes us laugh everyday. He doesn’t like sleeping but he does like adventures in the garden. This week he has learned to copy our big cat Flynn and can jump up the fence. Flynn wasn’t very happy as this was his peaceful place. Ace is a bit of a monkey and is keeping us all on our toes.

Happy weekend everyone,

From Mrs Menmuir and Crazy Ace.

P2A Friday, 5th June

Good morning, everyone.

Today is Friday.   I hope you have all had a lovely week and are looking forward to the weekend.

Mr Tickle was the first Mr Men character created by Roger Hargreaves, inspired by his son, Adam, who had asked him what a tickle looked like.

This is what a tickle looks like!

Watch out, you never know where Mr Tickle may be!

Have a lovely day and a super weekend.

Mrs Herbison

3a Friday 5.6.20

Good morning, 3a.

I’m back after my week offline. I caught up on lots of jobs and set up a seating area outside, so that I was able to invite family and friends over to visit. The dogs have loved spending so much time outdoors – until the rain came…

Please remember to email myself or Mrs Bell. We love hearing from you all.

Our poem to share and enjoy is – “How to Turn Your Teacher Purple” by James Carter.


Just for fun – At the end of a walk the dogs are told “Step”. Who do you think gets there first?

Ms Occardi

Good morning P1! Friday 6th June 2020

Good morning everyone,

I hope you have had a nice week and are looking forward to the weekend. Are you going to do anything nice?

I was talking to my godson the other day (he is nine years old and goes to school in Edinburgh) and he told me about a few science experiments he has done at home lately, so I asked him how to do his favourite one and here it is, for you to do at home if you want to, just for fun!

 Make your own lava lamp

You will need:

a glass


veg oil (or similar!)


optional: food dye


  1. Half fill your glass with water.
  2. Add a few drops of food dye if you like and swirl it in.
  3. Now add oil to the glass until it is about 3/4 full (ask an adult to show you what that looks like.)
  4. Take a tablespoon of salt and drop it in all at once. Can you see anything happening?

What happens is that the salt is heavier than the water, so when you pour salt on the oil, it sinks to the bottom of the mixture, carrying a blob of oil with it. In the water, the salt starts to dissolve. As it dissolves, the salt releases the oil, which floats back up to the top of the water. This creates an effect a bit like a lava lamp!

I hope you enjoy exploring this science activity if you choose to try it.

Have a great weekend when it comes,

Take care,

Mrs Jamieson

Good Morning Primary 2B Friday 5th June 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B,

I hope you are all well and enjoying the activities on the blog.

This week we are learning about fairytales. I have found this funny story I thought you might like to listen to.


When the princess goes missing, the king asks the greatest hero in the land to save her. But what help is a hero who’s afraid of butterflies? Follow this tale of a tooth-brushing dragon, a cookie-baking villain, and a misfit princess, who stumble their way to a most atrocious ending you have to read to believe

Can you find out what the work atrocious means? If you have time you could write a better ending to this story? Mrs Boyle and Mrs Mills would love to read them or if you want  just enjoy listening to the story.

I also want to share some of the fantastic work you have been sending.






Take Care and have a lovely weekend

Mrs Boyle

P3B Friday 5th June

Morning, the weekend is just about upon us and I have a competition for you which you can enter. The Linlithgow Marches and Deacons Court have a bunting competition for you. All the details are in the picture below, you could get your whole family involved.

To enter the competition you need to send a photo to the email mentioned but, of course, we would love to see your efforts too. Below is Charlotte’s effort.

The link below should send you to a Facebook video the Deacons Court posted about making bunting.


Monday is World Ocean Day, which fits in very well with some of the topic work you have been doing. I will post more about it on Monday morning but the first online event is at 9am on Monday. Here is the link to the webpage:


Finally, here’s a fun Disney challenge for you. Watch the youtube video and see how many Disney Film you can guess before they reveal the answer. I got 8 out of 20. Don’t worry about the characters or song titles. Post your scores in the comments.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Brice

P2/1 – Friday 5th June

Hello everyone

I can hardly believe that it is the end of the first week in June already. Thank you all for continuing to do your best and for sending me all the super pictures and messages with your grown ups help of course!  This week I have loved reading your fairy tale stories – you are doing a great job at home and although I am working in the hub school, I am really missing seeing you all and I know you must be missing each other too.

This is the link for today’s Story Time from Home.  It is about a very cheeky princess and I am so glad that she isn’t in our class! I hope that you enjoy it.


You might have already have heard about this competition for Marches Day but I thought I would include the information for you in case you haven’t. It might  be a good thing to do on a rainy day!

To enter the competition you need to send a photo to the email mentioned but you could send me a picture too.

The link below is to a Facebook video the Deacons Court have posted about making bunting which might help you.


Tomorrow should have been Newlands Day in Bathgate so I have got bunting outside my house and last weekend Jim and I made a rainbow wishing well for the garden. Tufty and Cleo have liked playing with the bunting as it is flapping in the wind – here are a few photos

Have a nice weekend even if the weather isn’t so good and remember to check Twitter later today for this week’s Awesome Achievers.

Miss McDermott 

Good afternoon P1! Thursday 4th June 2020

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your week. What have been the highlights for you?

As you all know, things are a bit different just now and you have all been doing such a great job of managing to stay safe and positive.

You might still find that there are times when you feel anxious or sad though, and this is totally normal. Everybody feels these feelings sometimes, and it is a good idea to explore ways to help you to feel a bit better when you feel like this.

My mum and dad used to say that a problem shared is a problem halved, which means that it is a good idea to share your worries with a grown up you trust because they might be able to help you feel better.

Some people like a cuddle when they feel sad. Other people like to get outdoors and go for a walk. Maybe you could talk to an adult about what kind of things they do to make themselves feel better when they are worried or upset?

When I feel worried or upset or cross, I find it very helpful to take a little bit of time to practise something called mindfulness. Mindfulness is about paying full attention to something and slowing down to really notice what you’re doing. Being mindful is the opposite of rushing. When you’re mindful, you’re taking your time to focus in a relaxed way.

Sometimes in class, we follow the instructions in this Melting video and we focus on our bodies and going from being tense to being relaxed. Perhaps you could try it at home:

I hope you have a wee conversation at home about different things you can do to help if you ever feel worried or upset. Remember that it is okay and normal to feel these things sometimes, and nothing to be embarrassed about. Tell someone you trust how you are feeling and let them help you.

We miss you all so much and can’t wait to see you again!

Take care,

Your P1 Teachers

Good morning

Good morning everyone we hope you are well. The ladies are all missing you lots and have been so grateful for all the lovely pictures  you have been sending us to look at.  We thought maybe you could go on a scavenger hunt having a look for these lovely things on  the picture below.  The ladies are also grateful for lots of other things during these strange times:

Mrs Cringean – Spend time with family in the sunshine

Mrs Shaw – Getting outside to enjoy the local wildlife

Mrs Cairns – Family and playing games

Miss Wallace – Family and friends

Miss Moore – Beautiful scenery where she lives

Miss Matthews – The extra time with her little girl and the baby growing in her tummy!!

Mrs Hawthorn – Lovely park near by and walking her new dog Pixie

Miss Baillie – Her dog Guinness

Mrs Fyfe – Family and friends

Mrs Dunlop – Family and friends and a garden to sit in

Mrs Calvert – Family, friends, cycling and sunny dog walks

Mrs Menmuir – Family, friends and sunshine