P2a P2b & P2/1 Health & Wellbeing – Wednesday 10th June

Here is the Health and Wellbeing Challenge for this week.

This activity is designed to help your child develop his/her knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online.

Learning Outcomes

  • I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them.
  • I can show ways of getting help in unsafe situations and emergencies.

Activity 1: Quiz time!
 Rewatch Jessie & Friends Episode 2: Sharing Pictures at


 If you have access to a printer, print the Sharing Pictures quiz and ask your child to fill it in with your support.
No printer?    Read the questions and answer choices out loud and ask your child to tell you the answers.

 After finishing the quiz, talk to your child about how sometimes things that happen online can make us feel worried, scared or sad – just like Jessie, Tia and Mo in this episode. Tell them that if anything ever worries or upsets them, they can always come to you or another trusted adult for help, no matter what.

Activity 2:  Draw what makes you feel happy!

 Jessie, Tia and Mo love playing superheroes – it makes them feel happy.
 Take a sheet of blank paper and help your child fold it into quarters. Open the paper up again. There are now four spaces on the paper.
 In each space, ask your child to draw themselves doing something that makes them feel happy – a total of four different activities. These could be things they like to do on their own, or activities they enjoy with friends or family.
 They can write what they are doing under each picture if they’d like.
Remember –  we’d love to see your work!

P2 teachers & Miss McDermott

P2/1 – Wednesday 10th June

Hello boys and girls

I hope you are all well and mangaing to do some home learning for your grown ups this week. I know it isn’t easy as it is such a long time now since you have been at school and had to sit quietly at a table in the classroom.  Hopefully you are all still trying to do your best and do something every day, at least for a little while. Remember to keep in touch with me even if you just want to say hello and have a little chat!

Here is the link to today’s Story Time from Home. You can see from the front cover it is another robber story but this time it isn’t the cats that do the stealing!


You still have time to take part in the competition for The Marches bunting.  Here is the information poster again in case you didn’t see it on Friday.

Please remember as it is Wednesday that there is also Health and Wellbeing blog page today.  You will need a grown up to help you with this task .

Hope you have a good day!

Miss McDermott


Good Afternoon!

I hope everyone is keeping well and still smiling.

My children were set a fun challenge yesterday and I wondered if you would manage it. They had to see how many bits of clothing (including hats and scarves) they could get on in 30 seconds. Harry managed 8 and Lily managed 7. They found it easier with big clothes, so they used lots of mine! We had lots of laughs doing it.

Maybe you could challenge your family to do the same?

Good luck!

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning P 1 and P 2/1 , today I want you to do some

Super Listening!                                 

In this clip you will hear different kinds of musical moods and different


That’s just the musical word for loud and quiet!

Click here

Then I want you to look around your house and decide which thing is the very quietest………

and which the very LOUDEST!!

Click here to find out what I heard in my house!    


Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning  Primary 3! Are you good at tidying? I have been tidying up all my  kitchen cupboards and sorting out my wardrobe while I’m at home.

Now I would  like to sort out the instruments in the Music Room! Maybe you could help me get started? I want to sort them by how they are played, some are blown, some are hit, some are plucked and some are shaken! See if you can sort the instruments in the picture . Then maybe you can add some of your own?

Which group do you like best?

Click here

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning  Primary 2! Are you good at tidying? I have been tidying up all my  kitchen cupboards and sorting out my wardrobe while I’m at home.

Now I would  like to sort out the instruments in the Music Room! Maybe you could help me get started? I want to sort them by how they are played, some are blown, some are hit, some are plucked and some are shaken! See if you can sort the instruments in the picture . Then maybe you can add some of your own?

Which group do you like best?

Click here


Morning Nursery!

Now that the seasons are changing from Spring to Summer, the trees are covered with green leaves and lots of flowers are beginning to blossom with lovely colourful flowers, here are some I have in my garden or have seen while out for a walk. The pictures are of purple and white petunias; red roses; yellow marigolds and orange chrysanthemums.

Why don’t you have a look in your garden or when out on your travels for different colours of flowers in your area. Ask a grown up to tell you the name or if they don’t know you can take a photo and research the name at home. Count how many different colours and species you can find. You can use the ‘PlantSnap: Identify Plants’ app to identify the flowers.

Maybe you could draw some lovely colourful flowers to show us, Mrs Hawthorn. Colours of flowers


P2A Tuesday, 9th June

Good morning, everyone.

I hope you all had a lovely Monday.

Can you remember being a pirate at the beginning of P2?  Here is a video to help you learn the    ar    sound.

I thought about all of the Mr Men and Little Miss stories.  I could only think of one story that had the   ar   sound.  Can you think of the story?

I can’t find a video of it but I did find this story.  I hope you enjoy listening to it.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Herbison

P3A Tuesday 9th June

Good Morning 3A!

Thanks to those that emailed yesterday.  If you are able to keep in touch once a week that’s great.

Today’s extra activity is a fun one! Mr Brice has made a spelling hunt challenge again for P3 this week.  Look at his blog post from today to find the map.  If you are out walking you could try to spot your words.  Fingers crossed the rain stays away and you can find them all!

Send a photo if you try it 🙂

Mrs Bell

P3b Tuesday 9th June

Hi, after lots of positive feedback from last weeks hunt, I loved the photos of you with them, I’ve made a new spelling hunt for the day.  There are 18 words to find ‘ow’ words and ‘wa’ words, all written with chalk. Use the map below to help, or print out the attached sheet. Each black cross indicates where a word was written. It’s due to rain this evening which will probably wash the words away.

P3 Spelling Hunt

Yesterday I caught up with a couple of the programmes from World Ocean Day. I loved the short video about hammerhead sharks, the photography was stunning and I learnt lots. And I made a shark out of a toilet roll. Meet Pete the Hammerhead Shark:

Here is the video and the instructions:

Shark Craft


Good Morning, everyone!

How are you today? I hope you are all well and enjoying your activities this week.

Here is another French song to start the day. It is a bit trickier than yesterday’s song but we have sung it in class before so you might remember it.

Here is a story that I know some of you will recognise. It has two ar words in the title.

I found this fun song to help you practise your sound for this week.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Mills