Happy Friday Primary 1, 22nd May 2020

Good morning primary one, I hope you had a lovely Thursday. I made the most of the sunshine in the afternoon went for a walk. We gathered lots of things to make a bug garden this weekend.

We saw some beautiful flowers too.


We are huge fans of Disney in my house so my boys and I have been trying to draw different Disney characters. Yesterday we did the Genie from Aladdin. He was very tricky to do but we kept going until the end and think they turned out well.
I know how good you are at drawing so thought you might like to try a character. I think this character is very funny and loved him in the most recent Toy Story film. Here is my Forky. Why don’t you give him a go. Take it step by step and pause the instructions if you need to.

Here is a step by step guide to draw Forky.


Well done again for all your hard work and effort you have been putting in primary one. You are all making us so proud!

Have fun this weekend and stay safe.

Mrs Chisholm

Happy Friday 22.5.2020

At the beginning of lock down we asked you to make rainbow pictures for your house windows. This is to spread hope and make people smile. We are asking this again, but this time to brighten up our school for all to see.

We have set up a collection point outside the main entrance of the school.  Every school day between 8am-4pm there will be a plastic set of drawers outside the door.  Please put your completed rainbow picture in the top drawer.  The other drawers are full of crayons and paper so if you need some resources please take what you need.

We will then put your rainbow pictures up on the windows for everyone to see.  Be as creative as you like and do it as many times as you like, we will find space for them all.

Lets make LPS bright and colourful for all to see.

Here is my picture that Lily made a few weeks ago for our house.

Remember to stay in touch- we just want to know that all our families are safe and well.

It’s the weekend, I hope that you all have a lovely, relaxing time.

Mrs Menmuir   

P2A Friday, 22.5.20

Good morning, everyone!

Today is Friday

I hope you have all had a wonderful week and enjoyed all our learning activities.   Here is a short video on how to draw a bee if you would like to have a go.

I just can’t resist this story all about someone with extraordinarily long arms – Mr Tickle!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Herbison

Good morning P1! Friday 22nd May 2020

Good morning everyone,

Is it windy in Linlithgow? In Edinburgh, it is very windy this morning. It’s actually quite noisy if you listen carefully. It made me think of a poem about the wind that I quite like.

Who Has Seen the Wind?

Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you:
But when the leaves hang trembling,
The wind is passing through.
Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I:
But when the trees bow down their heads,
The wind is passing by.
Do you like this poem?
I like that they have changed the second sentence around so that the poem rhymes. Can you hear the rhyming words?
I know I have said it before, but I really cannot tell you all how impressed I am with all of you all for all the lovely things that I hear you are doing at home; learning to ride your bike with no stabilisers, helping out making dinner, hanging up with washing to dry in the garden, practising your writing, going on to some number games online, reading to your brothers and sisters…
You are doing an amazing job keeping yourselves safe and helping to create lovely family memories. I really miss you all, and I am so looking forward to when I can see you again, but I am very proud of you all for what you are doing right now. Well done!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Jamieson

3a Fri 22.5.20

Good morning 3a.

Huge congratulations to all who took part in the Sumdog Challenge. There were some great scores from P3a and Mrs Bell and I are really proud of you.

Today’s poem is “Heard It In The Playground” by Allan Ahlberg. You’ll remember this one. It’s HUGE!

Click to access heard-it-in-the-playground-poem-lyrics.pdf

Poor Katie Morag hurt her leg yesterday jumping a fence. She ‘s absolutely fine and zooming around as usual, but I’ll keep an eye on her. Maybe she would like a get well soon card…Please note – today’s photo isn’t upside down. I didn’t do anything differently, so it’s too early to claim I’ve mastered uploading pictures.

Ms Occardi

Good Morning Primary 2B Friday 22nd May 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B

I hope you are all well today. I know you have all been busy this week with Robots and 3D shapes as I have seen all your lovely work.

 I know you have all made rainbows before  and so many houses have lovely pictures of rainbows in their windows, to help ‘spread hope’.  We thought it might be an idea to cover the windows of Linlithgow Primary with bright colourful rainbows.  But we need your help, we need your rainbow pictures.

We have set up a collection point outside the main entrance of the school.  Every school day between 8am-4pm there will be a plastic set of drawers outside the door.  Please put your completed rainbow picture in the top drawer.  The other drawers are full of crayons and paper so if you need some resources please take what you need. 

We will then put your rainbow pictures up on the windows for everyone to see.  Be as creative as you like and do it as many times as you like, we will find space for them all. 

Have fun making your rainbow pictures!

Mrs Boyle

P3B Friday 22nd May

It’s Friday,

Earlier in the week I told you about a rock I painted. I hid it near the school and I am now aware of at least two people who have spotted it. Here it is again to remind you. Have you seen it?

Apparently, there are painted rocks popping up all around Linlithgow. So, I think a good challenge for the weekend would be to go on a treasure hunt to see if you can find any.

Also I want you to challenge me. Earlier in the week one of you told me about a very long walk they went on to Muiravonside. I took that as a challenge and followed a very similar route for one of my evening jogs. Here is the proof that I made it.

It was a tough run, especially when running up the wooden aqueduct steps and then going over the cobbles on it. The countryside park is a great place to visit.


If you want to challenge me, let me know about somewhere you have visited. I might just need to prove I made it.

Finally, here’s a Maths challenge for you. Can you work out how old the teacher is?


P2/1 – Friday 22nd May

Hello everyone

Thank you for all of the messages and photographs this week. As it’s Friday I am working in the hub school today so I won’t be replying to any messages until Monday.

Here is the link for the last of this week’s Story Time from Home videos.


If you haven’t tried any of the Kahoot quizzes yet, here are the links again.

Come and Visit Scotland – this one  I created especially for our class as it is related to our last class topic.


Bears – questions about real and not so real bears!


Have a nice weekend and remember to check Twitter later on for this week’s Awesome Achievers!

Miss McDermott    

Good afternoon P1! Thursday 21st May 2020


I’m sorry this post is a bit later in the day than normal – I have been having a bit of trouble with my wifi today so I have been trying to sneak online whenever it is running!

I hope that you are all having a lovely week, we’ve been hearing about lots of the amazing things you have been doing at home and we are all really impressed by all your efforts and enthusiasm. Well done!

This afternoon, or whenever you have time, you could practise the words for the colours in French. Here is a nice video to teach you to sing the Rainbow song in French:

Remember that you can use www.linguascope.com with the log in details that were emailed out to practise French colours. They are in the Beginners section.

Challenge: Can you make a board game to practise your French colours?

Making a Board Game

You will need:

  • plain paper
  • pen or pencil
  • colouring pencils/crayons/pens
  • a dice
  • 2-4 counters


1. Draw the outline of a board game with a start and finish.



2. Colour each square. You may end up with more than one square of each colour!

3. Take turns to throw the dice and move your counter that number of spaces. In order to stay on the square you land on, you have to say the colour in French!

4. The first player to reach the FINISH square wins.

You can make your game more exciting by adding in snakes and ladders, or by adding ‘miss a turn’ squares, etc.

We hope you have fun practising your French colours, good luck!

Your P1 Teachers

P2A Thursday, 21.5.20

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday and managed to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.   When we were having our lunch in the garden a little beetle landed on Mr Herbison’s arm.  I took a picture of it to show you.  I’m not sure of the proper name for this minibeast – do you know?






Did you enjoy watching Little Miss Sunshine yesterday?  Here is a  Mr Men story for you to enjoy.  If you were to meet this person you would think he was the silliest person ever!  I hope you enjoy Mr Silly!

Take care and have a lovely day!

Mrs Herbison

3a Thur 21.5.20

Good morning .

The weather yesterday was glorious. I hope you managed to get out and enjoy it. I tried taking my laptop outside to work, but my wifi signal wasn’t good enough and I had to come back indoors. I was not a happy bunny.

Our poem to share and enjoy today is “I Don’t Want to go in To School” by Colin McNaughton.


Addition task – email and tell me why my photos are upside down!!!

Just for fun – Where’s Katie Morag?


Ms Occardi

Good Morning Primary 2B Thursday 21st May 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B ,

What a lovely day yesterday. I really enjoyed getting outside in my garden.  I hope you managed to get outside in the sun too.

Today we are still learning about 3D shapes. Did you find yesterdays challenge tricky?

I know Miss McDermott has been reading lots of Robot stories. Have you managed to make a 3D robot Mrs Mills and myself would love to see them.


If  you want to learn how to draw a realistic bee for your fact file. I have sent a link from Art Hub to help you.


Have a fun day!

Mrs Boyle