P2a P2b P2/1 Health & Wellbeing – Wednesday 27th May

Here is the Health and Wellbeing Challenge for this week.

This activity is designed to help your child develop his/her knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online.

Learning Outcomes

  • I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them.
  • I can show ways of getting help in unsafe situations and emergencies.

Activity 1:  Watch Jessie & Friends- Episode 2

 Find the Jessie & Friends cartoons at  https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/jessie-and-friends-videos/
 Watch Episode 2: Sharing Pictures with your child.
 Use questions to chat about the cartoon.

For example:
o How did lots of people end up seeing the pictures?
o What made Mo feel sad?
o How did the friends get help when they needed it?
o What did Miss Humphrey say she would do to help?

 Finish by watching the song again and having a sing-along!
Note: If your child wants to watch Episode 1 too, do watch it with them! It’s aimed at younger children, but it’s still fun to watch.

Activity 2Draw a character
 Ask your child to draw a picture of their favourite character singing the funny tummy song.
 Ask them to include their favourite lyrics from the song on their drawing.
 Remember – we’d love to see your work!

P2 Teachers and Miss McDermott

P2/1 – Wednesday 27th May

Hello everyone

I do hope that you are enjoying the nice weather this week and getting outside in the fresh air – maybe you are even spotting some minibeasts too!  I thought you might like to see this super photo that was sent to me yesterday.  You’ll need to use your good looking skills when you are out and about in Linlithgow to see if you can spot this creepy crawly too!

Here is the Story Time from Home Link for today.


I hope that you enjoy it and remember, please just do what you can with your home learning activities.

Miss McDermott

Good afternoon P1! Tuesday 26th May 2020


I wonder if you have got some energy this afternoon? I hope so, because I have attached a French workout video that we sometimes do in class – and I know that we always end up pretty tired after this one!

Can you hear any of the special instruction words in French?

I love listening to songs in other languages, it is such a good way to learn new words and to get better at saying words in a French accent.

Here is a nice song with some actions that you can try to copy. The lyrics are below the video.

We hope you enjoy practising a little more French today! Have a lovely evening.

Take care,

Your P1 Teachers


Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning P3, I hope you are not scared of spiders! 

I see your story today is all about a spider! I know a song about a very special spider from Africa called Anansi .

He is very clever and always tricking other animals and people with his cunning. Listen to his song and try to join in.

What instrument or sound do you think would suit Anansi? Perhaps you can find something at home to play when you sing the song for Anansi or something to play like a drum for the lovely rhythm of the song?

I would love to see some of your pictures of Anansi with his instrument or maybe you could even make up a new verse for his song? Happy singing!

Click here

Good Morning – 26.5.2020

Good Morning Primary 1,

We all have different feelings and emotions and sometimes we show this through our facial expressions. We can tell people are happy if they are smiling or sad if they are crying. This week we are thinking about facial expressions. During this lock down everyone feels differently, maybe a bit more worried than we usually are as times are so different but that is okay.

I have found a little video that explains about different facial expressions and feelings.


Have a think about all the facial expressions that you can make.

These expressions usually match your feelings. Here is a clip that helps you to think about all the different feelings that you can have, it is one we often use in class.


See how many different expressions you can make.

Take care and stay safe Primary One.

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning Primary 2/1 and P1 ,

Have you ever wished you had a Robot?


Or   that you were a Robot?            

What would you look like?

What would you sound like?

How would you move?

Here is a song called I am a Robot for you to listen to and enjoy. There are lots of actions and there  is a bit in the song for you to make up your own robot moves!

The robot in the song says,      beep beep beep beep bop!

When this bit plays clap the rhythm of the words. What would your robot say? Try singing the song with your own robot words and rhythm and your robot moves! Let me know how you get on!

Click here

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter



Good morning Primary 2,

Have you ever wished you had a Robot?


Or   that you were a Robot?            

What would you look like?

What would you sound like?

How would you move?

Here is a song called I am a Robot for you to listen to and enjoy. There are lots of actions and there  is a bit in the song for you to make up your own robot moves!

The robot in the song says,      beep beep beep beep bop!

When this bit plays clap the rhythm of the words. What would your robot say? Try singing the song with your own robot words and rhythm and your robot moves! Let me know how you get on!

Click here

P2A Tuesday, 26.5.20

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are well and enjoyed our lovely weather yesterday.

I thought I would share this photograph with you.  I took it as I was walking along the river.  Can you see the line of symmetry?

Here is a story about someone who lives in Sleepyland.  Can you guess who it is?

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Herbison

P3A Tuesday 26th May

Good Morning 3A,

Hello everyone.  Thanks to those who emailed photographs of their work yesterday.  It’s so nice to see what you have been working on at home.  Someone tried out the origami fish activity from last week.  Aren’t these great!


Here’s another ocean themed activity you could try. Make an ocean in a bottle…https://www.leapfrog.com/en-us/learning-path/activities/activity-create-an-ocean

Mrs Bell

P2B TUESDAY, 26.5.20

Good Morning, everyone.

I hope you all had a good day yesterday.

Here is a very short story which helps you to practise the ue sound. You can always mute the sound and try and read it by yourself.

You might also like to listen to this story. I know lots of you might have heard it before.  In the title there are 3 different spelling patterns that make the same sound.


I know that you are all working hard and doing what you can.  I hope you enjoy whatever activities you choose to do today.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Mills