Category Archives: Primary 2/1

P2(P2/1) Learning Grid Week Beginning 22nd June 2020

Good Morning. Here starts our last week of term. How time flies! Please find below the link to the grid and resources for this week.

P2 Learning Grid 22.06.20



The following maths sheets go with the videos. It is not necessary for them to be completed.







Here are some additional fun science experiments that you may wish to do.NOTE TO PARENTS: For the Science experiments Please save your ink and do not to print off these sheets, as it will use a lot of ink. Use a laptop or device to read the instructions.

Shark Flickbook

Fish Bowl Spinner

Soap Powered Fish

Making Butter

Floating ball Game

Chiming Fork

This week is also week 2 of Fitness Fortnight. Feel free to complete activities from the health pack posted last week.

Have a lovely week.

Miss Maclachlan x


P1 Learning Grid Week Beginning 22nd June 2020

Good Morning Primary 1. Here starts our last week of term. How time flies! Please find below the link to the grid and resources for this week. NOTE TO PARENTS: For the Science experiments Please save your ink and do not to print off these sheets, as it will use a lot of ink. Use a laptop or device to read the instructions.

P1 Learning-Grid-week-beg.-22nd June (1)

addition to 10 and 20 mosaics

Chiming Fork

Floating ball Game

Making Butter

Roll, add and Colour

Soap Powered Fish

Here are two additional fun activities that you might like to do.

Fish Bowl Spinner

Shark Flickbook

This week is also week 2 of Fitness Fortnight. Feel free to complete activities from the health pack posted last week.

Have a lovely week.

Miss Maclachlan, Mrs Clyne and Mrs Smith x

P2/1 Home Learning Reflection Week Ending 19th June 2020

Good afternoon Primary 2/1. I hope you have had fun this week with your virtual sports day and some of the other fitness activities. I have seen lots of photos and videos of sports day, obstacle courses and wee exercise routines.

This week for literacy P1 have been revising spelling patterns. They have been using chalk or coloured pencils to rainbow write words, looking for picture clues and writing words, making a word search and playing toss the word with a partner.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus for this week was on information handling and in particular tally marks, tally charts and bar graphs. We had to count the number of animals using tally marks, read the story Treasure in the Garden, collect our own treasures, make a tally chart to show our findings and create a bar graph using smarties.

P2’s focus in Literacy this week has been on the ‘ai or ay’ spelling pattern, up levelling sentences, designing a new front cover for a book and building sentences using our spelling words outside.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus this week was on making arrays, making doubles, making equal groups through sharing and grouping. We completed an array worksheet, played hit the button, played recognising equal groups game and completed White Rose’s Friday maths challenge.

This week we have read the story Olive the Sea Turtle, re-told the story to a family member, completed the life cycle of turtle and found out the differences between a turtle and a tortoise. For science this week Miss Whigham must have read our minds as she provided us with a PowerPoint about the life cycle of sea turtle and a worksheet to make our own turtle that tells us about each stage of the life cycle.

Here is a snap shot of Sports Day photos

There are more photos from sports day on Twitter.

Miss Maclachlan x